
发布时间:2017年1月13日 分类:工业产品作品 浏览量:1516

我心中的侨乡文化建筑 金奖

 作品名称: 风土对话碉楼村落中的乡村文化中心
 参赛人员: Metaamo Studio(惟一建筑工作室):孙小暖、孙小悦(香港大学) 张羽(美国弗吉尼亚大学) 欧阳愚(美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学) Matthew Bunza(美国麻省理工学院)
 评委点评:   该方案在图解层面,运用垂直的碉楼单元与具有编织性的合院民居群进行组合,通过模块与网格生成乡村文化中心空间构架,使图书馆与博物馆的两个矩形体块错位叠加并巧妙地设计了连结比邻聚落的路径。
优秀的设计不仅应具有有趣的概念,而关键在于运用理性的逻辑推导方式与诗意的空间想象力与构建能力并将其有效地转换。毫无疑问,该方案的作者对此进行了成功的尝试。At the graphic level, this design proposal utilizes a vertical tower unit (Diaolou) and a horizontal, courtyard housing group. Woven together to generate the spatial framework of a rural cultural center, the library and museum’s two rectangular massing blocks superimpose, while cleverly resulting in an interstitial path linking the adjacent villages. Through a simple floor plan, the modulation and combination of spatial cells results in spatial variation, a rational distinction between main and service space, and rainwater collection tanks that are neatly organized into the plan grid. A continuous, pitched roof is constantly cut by courtyards and light wells, creating an interior space rich with light and shadow, while simultaneously reproducing the form and scale of the traditional courtyard houses. The programmatic form of the towers (Diaolou) not only reproduces their historical memory and becomes a sign of the cultural center, but also reflects the flow of energy by using the towers for wind capture. Across historical and present time dimensions – as well as between the cultural and natural character of architecture – the authors have created an organic joint, and an interesting translation. An excellent design should not only have an interesting concept, but the key lies in the usage of rational logic derivation, poetic spatial imagination, as well as the ability to efficiently convert those ideas and actually construct them. There is no doubt that this team conducted a successful attempt.