2017荷兰Graphic Matters海报大赛征集
发布时间:2017年4月25日 分类:视觉传达大赛 浏览量:1216
2017 荷兰Graphic Matters海报大賽征集
2017 Graphic Matters Poster Competition
Shut Up Speak Up!
假的消息,其他事实,举报人和极端政治家。 当代的社会和政治动荡并不是因为左派或右派的对非对错。 当问题复杂和国际化时,你们还能相信媒体吗?
在网络和街上出现的抗议纷争。 作为平面设计师,您可以用视觉图形来展示你的想法。
- A3 (29,7 X 42 cm)
- 最大 5 MB / 200 dpi
- 颜色格式 CMYK
- 简短描述; 20-100字。
- 获胜者需要提交一个高清格式 A0文件。
- 每个人最多可以提交3张海报。
This is your chance to take part in Graphic Matters!
Show us what you stand for. Design a poster and submit it before July 9, 2017.
A professional jury will choose the fifty most creative, innovative, original and authentic posters.
These posters will be shown during Graphic Matters from September 22nd to October 22nd, 2017.
Five winners will receive a VIP experience including overnight stay and travel budget. Of course you're all welcome to visit the exhibit!
Shut Up Speak Up!
Fake news, alternative facts, whistleblowers and polarizing politicians. The contemporary social and political unrest is not about left or right, or right and wrong. Can you still trust the media when issues are complex and international?
Online and on the streets new creative forms of protest arise. As a graphic designer, you play an important role in visualizing outspoken opinions.
Graphic Matters shows critical imagination by activists, pranksters and good guys who honor freedom of expression and challenge their audience to shape their personal opinion. From what attitude you challenge your audience?
Are you an activist warning us for the evil in this world? Do you directly attack a company, party or person?
Are you a prankster opening eyes with visual jokes? Do you create confusion with satire about current situations?
Or are you a good guy? Do you stimulate the good in people from an ever-positive attitude?
Do not hesitate, show us what you stand for!
- A3 (29,7 X 42 cm)
- max 5 MB / 200 dpi
- CMYK color mode
- Keep your description short; 20-100 words.
- Keep in mind winners need to submit a new A0 file.
- You can submit a maximum of 3 posters.