
发布时间:2017年7月21日 分类:设计视角 浏览量:1650













今天的色彩分享不做任何评论,也不加任何图片,仅仅将和国际色彩大师Leonhard Oberascher的三段精彩采访对话原汁原味的干货呈现给大家,并附上中文翻译,希望大家能真正沉下心思考:CMF中,色彩究竟怎么设计。


Dr.leonhard Oberascher(Austria)





“Which tools will you use to analyze date and summarized your idea in color research?”



Let me give you an example about Colour Trend Research: Also here I combine different methods. 

When I work for a client first of all I analyse the internal and competitors data. It is important to understand the history and the present situation to be able to make assumptions of the future.


Then I look if these developments fit into my models about the recurrence of trends (or to be more precise: The recurrence of collective colour preferences). At the same time we do a survey about the actual colours and trends in the market using different methods (from desk top research to observation and documentation in the field). Of course another very important source of information are my colleagues. It is essential to have a good network of experts whom one can consult and exchange ideas with.


Then I also look at different colour forecasts for fashion, accessories, automotive, interior design …etc. Here it is important to evaluate the information and to select what is useful and what not.


And finally I just observe life. Where ever I go I keep my eyes open. I am curious and I always like to know what and why people prefer certain products, lifestyle, colours etc. So I just talk to people to find out. And I enjoy to exchange and discuss with my young design students. They can learn from me and I can learn from them.


At the end of course it is essential to bring all these information together, assess and evaluate them and finally summarize and give clear practical recommendations.


But I am used to it and have many years of professional experience to decide which information is relevant for my client and which one not.”  


In your eyes, what is the status and function of color in CMF design?


I would say colour is the most important dimension in CMF design. The term CMF also starts with “C” for Colour and I guess there is a reason for it.  Colour is a fundamental dimension of our vision. In fact the perception of form comes after the perception of colour. First we see colours, than we extract the visual form. We are not aware of this process but studies about the development of human vision confirm the priority of colour. In fact everything around us has a colour. There are no colourless things. If something has absolutely no colour we simply cannot see it. Even glass has a colour. But if a glass panel is freshly cleaned we do not see the colour of it and therefor sometimes bang our head on glass doors or shopping windows.

CMF是来自于汽车行业的术语,我们科学家很喜欢用“色彩外观总成(Total Colour Appearance)”来称呼它。色彩外观总成包括色彩外观展现的所有维度:光泽度,镜面效果,透明度,半透明度,云母效果,其他效果,质地和表面结构。我们不会把这些维度和颜色分开,而是尝试找到表述所有因素组合的总体效果的方法。

CMF is a term that comes from the automotive industry. We scientist prefer the term “Total Colour Appearance”. Total Colour Appearance includes all dimensions that contribute to the appearance of colour: gloss, mirror, transparency, translucency, mica, effects, texture and surface structure. We do not separate these dimensions from colour but try to find methods to measure the total effect of the combinations of all factors.


At the end what counts is what we see. It is the totality of the image – The total Colour Appearance - that affects us, triggers our emotions and rise expectations in us.”


How the popular color affect the consumer electronic product?



Popular colours or trend colours of course do affect consumer electronic products but there is no general rule how they do. One point is that products which are close to our body – like mobile phones, headphones etc. – are more likely to be chosen in trendy or fashion colours. Stationary products like TV, music set etc. follow other rules. They belong to the interior space and are likely to be integrated in the interior design concept.


Popular colours or trend colours of course do affect consumer electronic products but there is no general rule how they do. One point is that products which are close to our body – like mobile phones, headphones etc. – are more likely to be chosen in trendy or fashion colours. Stationary products like TV, music set etc. follow other rules. They belong to the interior space and are likely to be integrated in the interior design concept. However there is a lot of space for colour innovation and I always wonder why the CCC industry in some aspects is still so conservative when it comes to colour. For example when TV screens are turned off they are black, just black wholes in the environment.


With a clever new colour strategy one could really hit the market and make a difference in this field.


