
发布时间:2017年12月24日 分类:视觉传达大赛 浏览量:1340

大赛 | 第七届波兰奥斯维辛社会政治国际海报双年展全球征集!


2018年秋季第七届波兰奥斯维辛社会政治国际海报双年展作品将在奥斯维辛的国际青年会议中心展出,展览结束后将在波兰和海外进行巡展。之前的双年展的海报作品曾在比利时布鲁塞尔的欧洲议会上展出,在法国斯特拉斯堡展出两次,在德国杜塞尔多夫,爱尔福特,沃尔夫斯堡, 达豪,布加勒斯特也展出过,其中还包括在卡托维兹,什切青,奥波莱,别尔斯克-比亚瓦,凯尔采,切申,亚沃日诺,瓦乌布日赫和克拉科夫的多次展出。


http://www.mdsm.pl/en/culture/poster-biennale-menu下载)必须在截至日期2018年4月10号之前寄送到 Międzynarodowy Dom Spotkań Młodzieży, ul. Legionów 11, 32-600 Oświęcim, Poland,注:请在邮件包裹上需要注明以下信息 VII Biennale Plakatu或是 PRINTED MATTER, NO COMMERCIAL VALUE. 参赛者也可以用波兰语,德语和英语给此邮箱发送邮件grzywa@mdsm.pl.,以获取其他信息。



– Elmar Zorn, art critic, Munich
– Peter Grohmann, AnStifter Foundation, Stuttgart
– Li Xu, Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication
– Prof. Władysław Pluta, Academy of Fine Arts, Kraków
– Krzysztof Dydo, Poster Gallery, Kraków
– Dr. Sebastian Kubica, Silesian University in Katowice, Institute of Art, Cieszyn
– Leszek Szuster, Director of the International Youth Meeting Centre (MDSM), Oświęcim
– Joanna Klęczar, art historian, International Youth Meeting Centre (MDSM), Oświęcim
– Dr. Paweł Warchoł, Biennial Curator, Oświęcim


大赛 | 第七届波兰奥斯维辛社会政治国际海报双年展全球征集!


The International Socio-Political Poster Biennale is an initiative of the International Youth Meeting Centre in order to organise an artistic forum in Oświęcim or the exchange of views on the most topical global contemporary issues that has met with interest by many renowned artists from all over the world. Creative for human rights — the motto of the biennale — reflects both the Youth Meeting Centre's educational work programme, which is based on the history of Auschwitz Concentration Camp, as well as our efforts to build up civic society. During the Oświęcim Academy Symposium at the Youth Meeting Centre in January 2010, Professor Jerzy Buzek, Chairman of the European Parliament, said: A civilisation of human rights needs to stem from a culture created with respect for the dignity of man, his natural freedom, and, in the public space — within a state and internationally — with respect for the principle of solidarity. These words express fully the idea behind the Poster Biennale. The timelessness of the Auschwitz message makes possible a wide public debate about the violation of human rights. The art presented expresses concerns about a wide range of issues; from tolerance, environmental concerns, equality of rights and the influence of the state on the life of its citizens, to racism, violence, and the violation of the rights of children, women, and minorities.


Coming from such a unique place, we hope that the 'voice from Oświęcim' will have a decisive impact and be able to penetrate today's all-pervading information overload to reach the deepest level of social awareness. We believe that the many urgent problems of today's society can only be resolved by civic society itself reacting to danger. Artists are our natural allies. Their talents, their sensitivity, and their sense of perception allow for a truly exceptional diagnosis of the reality in which we live. In such a context, the poster seems the most eloquent form of expression of the artist’s commentary, whilst also reaching the broadest audience possible.



