发布时间:2018年1月1日 分类:视觉传达大赛 浏览量:1412
• 平等获得食物和水
• AI和机器人
• 社会关系与人
•70 x100 cm - 300 dpi
• 最大不超过20MB;
• 竖版排版;
• 格式JPG 或者PDF;
• 设计作品必须可以印刷
• 如果图形包含文字,必须使用英文书写。
Alexander Tochilovsky (美国)
Ruedi Baur(法国)
Mads Berg(丹麦)
Sean Kelvin Khoo(新加坡)
Jillian York(美国)
Camila Rosa(巴西)
Bruno Sellés (西班牙)
Régine Debatty(比利时)
Les Graphiquants (法国)
Zupagrafika (波兰) Beetroot (希腊)
Contact information:
Email: info@posterheroes.org
Posterheroes: Shaping the Future is an international communication and social graphic art contest organized by PLUG – non profit Cultural Association, Favini S.r.l. and IED Firenze (denoted as ‘organizers’). PARTICIPATION TERMS The Posterheroes contest is open to individuals or groups (in this case a single representative will be required) with the submission of up to three (3) entries each. Works can only be submitted online by following the uploading procedure on www.posterheroes.org. Each candidate will include the following details in the electronic form: candidate name and surname (representative in the case of a group); sex; age; profession; nationality; e-mail address; title of the artwork; Italian or English description in 800 words max (spaces included); one (optional) choice of Favini paper for the printing in particular among Crush and Remake type: www.favini.com/gs/carte-grafiche/crush/cos-e-crush/ and www.favini.com/gs/carte-grafiche/remake/caratteristiche/ (for any particular request or sample please contact us here: www.favini.com/richiestacampioni specifying: “sample requested for the contest Posterheroes: Shaping the Future”)The only admitted languages to use in the electronic form are English and Italians. If the graphic work contain text, this must necessarily be written in English. If one or more mandatory fields are not filled up, the participation to the contest will be invalidated. Artworks must not include any symbols or signatures that could trace back to the authors. The participation to the contest is free.
REQUIREMENTS There are no age, nationality or profession limits, the contest is open to all, except for the organizers of Posterheroes, PLUG associates, the jury or any of their family members, Favini S.r.l. employees, IED Firenze employees and all the people work-wise related to them.TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS Files must comply the following technical features (upon pain of exclusion): size: 70×100 cm – 300 dpi; max 20MB; vertical layout; JPG or PDF format; Artworks must be designed to be printed; Artworks must not include any symbols or signatures that could trace back to the authors; If the graphic work contain text, this must necessarily be written in English.JURY After the participation deadline, artworks will be evaluated by a qualified jury composed of international experts in graphic arts and communications. The names of the jury will be published here: www.posterheroes.org. The jury will select the forty (40) best proposals. Evaluation criteria for selection will be: originality, quality in relation to the efficacy of the message and emotional aspects expressed by the posters. Files will be automatically renamed to guarantee anonymity, during the process of evaluation by the jurors. The file name will be automatically renamed to grant the anonymity of the artwork for the jurors. Selected works will be printed 70 x 100 cm, will be published on the catalogue of the initiative and will become part of the shows and future exhibition events and on the organizers websites. Associazione Culturale Plug, Favini S.r.l. and IED Firenze, as the organizers of the contest, will be responsible for facilitating in an independent manner the works of the jury. Favini S.r.l. in collaboration with PLUG – non profit Cultural Association and IED Firenze will chose 12 images, independently from the jury, to be use for the calendar of the year 2019. AWARD AND CREDITSAmong the forty (40) selected proposals, the jury will chose the winning one. A 2.500 euros prize will be assigned to the winner (or winners in case of a group participating), that will be also invited to the exhibition opening (travel and accommodation expenses covered). To the authors of the selected artworks will be sent a free copy of the catalogue of the contest. To the authors of the 12 selected images for the calendar will be sent a free copy of the calendar. The selected posters will be published here: www.posterheroes.org. The selected posters will become part of the shows and future exhibition events of the organizers.DEADLINE Works can be submitted starting from October 17th, 2017 (11:59 p.m. GMT+1) until midnight (11:59 p.m. GMT+1) of February 17th, 2018. Posters received after the established deadline will not be considered for the contest. In case of submission problems due to a technical failure on the website, the independent facilitator will decide whether to accept or not the posters at its own discretion after the deadline. Plug reserves the right to extend the deadlines by announcing any changes on the website and on their social media channels. The selected images will be announced by 19th March 2018 on the website www.posterheroes.org and through the communications channels of the organizers. An e-mail also will be sent to the authors selected, at the address indicated on the upload form. The name of the winner will be publicly told at the exhibition opening that will be organized in May 2018. INFORMATIONS For any information about the regulation, please contact the organizers at: info@posterheroes.org PRIVACY Each participant or group authorizes the cultural association Plug (as data controller) to process and to use personal data According to Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 (Code regarding the protection of personal data – Italian Law), for all the purpose related to Posterheroes contest (including any exhibition events after the competition). For any disputes concerning the contest, the Italian law will be applied. By sending the entries, participants explicitly accept, without possibility of appeal, that the competent tribunal will be the one in Turin. The data will be used, within the limits of the privacy regulations, for the following purposes: evaluation of the projects, project selection, communication to the authors and for all the purposes related to the execution of the competition and in order to comply the obligations required by law. The data processing will take place at the Organizers headquarters and will be carried out on paper and/or through computerized ways in observance of all cautionary security measures and confidentiality of the information. Data will be kept for the time required by civil and fiscal regulations. The data might be made available to third parties that are part of the jury. Data might also be communicated to third parties selected by the Organizers to perform administrative, tax and legal activities. At any time, the participants have the right to ask for clarification or to exercise their rights about data processing by sending an e-mail to info@posterheroes.org. COPYRIGHTS The works must be original and unpublished, otherwise they will be excluded from the competition. They can be submitted only by their author (or authors in case of group). By submitting the file the authors guarantee that they own all the rights on the artwork and that they are not infringing any third party rights or any applicable laws. They also declare to be the holder of any moral and creativity rights. In the event of a dispute, the author indemnifies the Organizers from any kind of responsibilities, costs and expenses which should arise due to the content of the work. Participants grant to the Organizers an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free, international license to use and publicly display their artworks in exhibitions, catalogues and printed or digital medias by mentioning the authors and the contest Posterheroes. The license also grants to Plug the right to use the artworks for fundraising activities (within the limits defined by the Statute and by the non profit status). Any other use of the artworks will be agreed with the authors. This may include, but it is not limited to: artistic and cultural promotion activities; social activism campaigns; educational materials. ACCEPTANCE The participation to the contest (through the artwork submission) implies the total acceptance of the present regulation and specifically of the following points: requirements, terms and conditions, technical requirements, admitted languages, jury, evaluation criteria, independent facilitator, deadline, awards, privacy, copyright.