发布时间:2018年2月18日 分类:工业产品大赛 浏览量:1273
2018 第六届
2018 the 6th Saic Design Challange
Letter of collection of works
一、挑战赛背景 Background
SAIC group is the largest auto group in China whose rank has been rising in the world's top 500 companies for many years. We focus on building core competition and training the future design talents who carry a car design dream. In car design innovation field, SAIC Motor has released several internet cars models like Roewe RX5, RX8, Roewe i6 and MG ZS, MG6 etc. These designs have received the many awards like IF design award, Good design award etc. SAIC has built the design competition platform facing toward the world and made contribution to cultivate the Chinese designers with international vision and help to achieve their design dreams.
自2013年以来,上汽集团乘用车公司已成功举办了五届面向全球设计学子的汽车设计大赛,并于去年全面升级为“SDC上汽设计国际挑战赛”,在业内取得了广泛支持、影响力深远。 2018年,上汽集团将继续举办第六届上汽设计国际挑战赛,赛事将在全球设置中国赛区,欧洲赛区,东南亚赛区三大分赛区,各赛区相关赛制细则与作品征集函也将相继于各大洲设计媒体平台上发布,敬请关注。上汽设计国际挑战赛鼓励有创造力、志愿投身汽车设计界的全球设计院校年轻学子踊跃参赛,共同创造属于自己的汽车梦!
The SDC Saic Design Challange has been hosted for over 5 years since 2013. In 2018, SAIC held the sixth SDC,the competition will have China region, Europe region and Southeast Aisa region this year, the SDC comittee will launch specifics for each region later on design websides. SDC encourage global young design students enthusiastically participating institutions, together to create your own Chinese car dream!
The theme of 2018's competition is defined as 'Born Electrical'. We have two directions for both Roewe and MG. All candidates may choose one of the design tasks to work on. No matter you are a top designer or are a challanger, please join the Saic Design Challange, it is the best stage to show your talent!
二、设计任务书 Design briefs
Born Electric
Direction 1:
荣威 2025纯电“智能-律动”新旗舰
ROEWE 2025Electric‘Intelligence-Rythemic’ Flagship
随着电动时代的到来,全新的电动车平台是否将彻底改变汽车的布置形式与车身比例? 随着汽车智能化的不断提升,是否会彻底放开内饰的设计自由度?在这样一个时代下,怎样的汽车会成为对“豪华”与“旗舰”的最佳诠释?是三厢轿车?SUV? MPV?或者是一种全新的电动车品类?请面向2025年,为荣威品牌设计一款基于纯电动平台打造的豪华旗舰车型,创造知你知行的高品位科技出行新生活!
When the EV era comes,will the new electric platform totally changes the automobile design package and proportion in the future? With the development of car intelligence, will interior design have more degree of freedom? What type of car will be the next best representative of "Luxury" and "Flagship"? Is it a SUV? MPV? Or some brand new type vehicle? Please design a EV platform based elecetric luxury vehicle as the new flagship for Roewe brand in 2025, creating a new high-tech mobility experience.
Direction 2:
名爵 2025“感性-专属”的电动旗舰
MG 2025'Charismatic-Exclusive' Electric Flagship
随着电动时代的到来,汽车设计的自由度将又一次被放开,除了专业赛车以外,还有怎样的汽车能够彰显与延续MG名爵百年的运动基因与感性魅力?是轿跑SUV? 猎装车?还是一种全新的跨界产品?请面向2025年,为MG名爵品牌设计一款除赛车以外的高性能电动车型,让TA自己会“放电”,成为品牌全新的旗舰代言!
When the EV era comes, there will be more freedom for automobile design, rather than professional racing car, what kind of car will be the best representative of the MG brand sporty gene and charming charisma? A coupe SUV? Shootingbrake? Or a brand new crossover product? Please design a high performance electric vehicle(not racing car) for MG brand in 2025, as the new flagship for the brand.
三、奖项设置 Competition Prize
There’s preliminary contest prize and final prize. The preliminary contest prize is selected from all handed work, which includes 25 prizes. The final prize is selected from preliminary contest prize. There are 15 candidates who obtain the first prize, second prize and third prize. Besides, there are some single dimensional prizes. The details are listed below.
1、入围奖项Preliminary Contest Prize
奖项名称:入围奖 25名
Name of theprize: 25 Preliminary contest prize
Prize Detail: Be invited to final award ceremony and design salon held in Shanghai.
2、决赛奖项Final Prizes
- 奖项名称:一等奖1名 奖励方式:一等奖学金;获得由上汽赞助的欧洲设计文化交流之旅的机会,获邀参加于上海举办的上汽荣行校园暑期实习、大赛终评仪式和设计师沙龙;获奖证书及奖杯。
- Name of the prize: 1 First prize, Prize detail: First –class scholarship; Be invited to European design center for UK design cultural communication;Be invited to summer exercitation and final award ceremony and design salonheld in Shanghai; prize certificate and souvenirs.
- 奖项名称:二等奖2名 奖励方式:二等奖学金;获邀参加于上海举办的上汽荣行校园暑期实习、挑战赛终评仪式和设计师沙龙;获奖证书及奖杯。
- Name of the prize: 2 Second prize, Prize detail: Second–class scholarship; Be invited to European design center for 1 week’s UK designcultural communication;Be invited to summer exercitation and final awardceremony and design salon held in Shanghai; prize certificate and souvenirs
- 奖项名称:三等奖3名 奖励方式:三等奖学金;获邀参加于上海举办的上汽荣行校园暑期实习、挑战赛终评仪式和设计师沙龙;获奖证书及奖杯。
- Name of the prize: 3 Third prize, Prize detail: Third–class scholarship; Be invited to summer exercitation and final award ceremony and design salon held in Shanghai; prize certificate and souvenirs.
- 奖项名称:优秀奖6名 奖励方式:优秀奖学金;获邀参加于上海举办的上汽荣行校园暑期实习、挑战赛终评仪式和设计师沙龙;获奖证书及奖杯。
- Name of the prize: 6 excellent prize, Prize detail: scholarship; Be invited to summer exercitation and final award ceremonyand design salon held in Shanghai; prize certificate and souvenirs.
- 奖项名称:单项奖 奖金奖项及数量将视选手发挥特长而度身定制。
- Name of the prize: Individual Awards: Number of awardsand bonus depend on candidate’s strong point specifically.
- 所有入围决赛选手都将有机会赢得SAIC DESIGN设计团队的优先聘用权。
- All candidates in final are prior to get an offer from SAIC DESIGN
- 注:上汽将按国家相关法律与法规要求为获奖者代缴税金。入围选手赴上海实习其间,提供相应住宿、交通和实习津贴。其中欧洲文化交流之旅实施细则受到国家签证政策实施办法及其他人力不可抗拒之因素影响,将以组委会最终告知为准。
- Note: SAIC Motor will pay tax for all prize winners according to the law.SAIC Motor will provide accommodation, transportation and intern bursary for allcandidates who get to the final round.
- 欧洲赛区与东南亚赛区的奖项设置请查看于分赛区发布的实施细则。
- Informations about award setups of Europe region and Southeast Asia region, please check the official paperworks later.
- 2018年3月 赛事正式启动,接受参赛选手网络注册和报名;
- Apr. 2018 Opening ceremony of competition. Candidates register online;
- 2018年6月 初赛作品征集提交截止;
- Jun. 2018 Deadline for work submission;
- 2018年6月 发布入围选手名单及作品;
- Jun. 2018 Announce name list of candidates who survive first round;
- 2018年 7 月-8月 入围选手实习开始,将入围作品深化设计并选择优秀作品完成1:5模型制作;
- Jul-Aug 2018 Start of intern for candidates. Finish 1:5 scale model for selected works;
- 2018年10月 最终评选:终评委员会现场评审并当场公布最终获奖名单;举行颁奖仪式;参加设计沙龙;
- Oct. 2018 Final assessment: judge committee announces final result of prize winners. Hold an award ceremony and invite design professors to attend.
- 本次大赛面向全球的高等院校、相关设计类专业的在校学生开放,凡具备高等院校相关专业学籍的学生均可参加。
- This competition is open to all colleges and universities students aroundthe world, whose major is design related.
- 本次大赛将对参赛者的参赛资格进行审核。如发现参赛者在参赛资格方面存在任何弄虚作假行为,一经查实,组委会将单方面取消其参赛资格。
- The qualification of candidates will be assessed. If there’s any confirmeddishonest, the candidate will lose the chance to take part in.
- 本次大赛仅接受个人形式报名参赛,不允许任何形式的组团参赛。
- The competition only accepts individual application, team application isnot allowed.
六、作品评选标准Assessment Standards
The judge committeewill take consideration of the following points to assess the quality of workand select prize winners:
- 切题性:作品的设计理念需要与大赛命题相符,体现了设计师把握和理解力;
- Relevance: The relevance of designer’s work andconcept to the topic shows designer’s understanding and control of work;
- 创新性:设计方案别具匠心的前瞻性设计理念,如何在想象力的天马行空与未来的可实现性之间找到一个平衡点,体现设计者真正实力;
- Innovation: Design concepts of proposals areinnovative and forward-looking. How to balance imagination and feasibility shows the real ability of designers;
- 美观性: 设计作品在形体美感上的表达,体现设计师最基本的美学创造和形塑能力,这是设计师的基本素质;
- Aesthetic: The aesthetic presentation on designwork shows a designer’s ability of beauty creation and shape control. This is anecessity for designers.
- 完整性: 一款完整的汽车设计作品不只是外型而已,参赛作品的完整度也将是重要标准。
- Completion: A complete car design work does notonly include exterior. We will also take the completion of work into account.
七、参赛作品要求Requirement for work
- 必须为从未发表过的、专为本次赛事所创作之作品,并不得申报其它赛事;
- The work needs to be unpublished and designed specifically for this competition. It cannot be submitted to other competitions.
- 必须为参赛选手原创之作品,不得有抄袭和模仿成份;
- It has to be original work. Plagiarism and imitation is not allowed;
- 每位参赛者不限制其提交作品的数量;
- The number of work each candidate submits is not limited;
- 作品展示文件中不得出现任何透露设计师本人信息和所属院校信息的内容;
- The work submitted cannot reveal any personal or university information;
- 违反以上相关要求者,经组委会察实,将自动取消其参赛资格。获奖作品在公示其间,经举报查实,将剥夺其所获之奖项。
- If anyone violates above rules, the right to participate the competitionwill be automatically removed. If any awarded work is confirmed to violate the rules, the prize will be taken away.
八、提交方式Submission method
Candidates need to register online and fill inpersonal information and promise document. Then the following documents need tobe handed in
- 方案展示板面两张:
- 2 proposal show sheets:
- A3幅面大小[420×297mm]、JPEG格式且分辨率不低于300DPI,排版形式横向排版;
- A3 large (420*297mm), JPEG format and resolution ratio greater than 300 DPI.Layout form is not limited.
- 内容中必须包含:方案前后45度3D渲染效果图各一张,正视图及侧视图的车身布局(Package)一张;
- Contents need to include: front and rear 45 degree 3D play-up effectresults, front view and side view of package.
- 展示板还可以展示(不做强制要求)设计意象图、车身布局、概念草图、人机工程、细节设计、文字说明等内容;
- It can also include (not a must) design concept picture, car package, ergonomics,detailed design and word explanation.
- 设计作品的3D数字模型文件:可接受的软件格式包括但不限于:Alias、Pro_E、UG 、Catia、 Maya、 3D Max、 Rhino;
- Design work and 3D digital model file: Accepted file format includes butnot limited to:Alias、Pro_E、UG 、Catia、 Maya、 3D Max、 Rhino;
- 作者有效身份证件的电子文件以及作者近照各一份(JPG格式、分辨率不低于300dpi);
- Electronic version of an effective ID card and 1 recent photo (JPG format,resolution ratio greater than 300dpi)”
- 以上所有文件打包为RAR格式上传,并以 “学校名称-选手姓名-作品名称”的格式命名(如: xx大学-张三-MG TF2025 Concept.rar),文件单个附件尺寸请控制在10 MB以内,可发送多个附件。
- All the above files needs to be uploaded in RAR format and be named as “nameof university-name of candidate-name of design work.
- 大赛作品请投递上汽设计官方邮箱:saicdesign@saicmotor.com
- Official email address: saicdesign@saicmotor.com
九、注意事项 Notice
- 主办机构获得保留收藏、展出、出版和深化应用设计方案的权利。 知识产权及使用权归上汽所有。
- Sponsor keeps the right to reserve, presentand publish all design proposals.
- 参赛者独立承担参与本次赛事的全部责任。
- Candidates take allthe responsibility of this competition.
- 主办机构保留接受或拒绝任何参赛申请的权利,如有需要,主办机构有权对赛事规则与评审标准进行修正。
- Sponsor keeps theright to accept or decline any application. Sponsor can modify rules or reviewstandards if necessary.
- 如未能选出合适的得奖者,主办机构保留不颁发相应奖项的权利。
- If there’s noreasonable prize winner, sponsor keeps the right not to award any prizes.
- 参赛者同意主办机构不须为任何形式的索偿、索赔负责。
- Candidates accept that sponsor don’t take responsibility of any claim for compensation.
- 若对奖项结果存在争议,将以大赛组委会终审结果为准。
- If there’s any debateabout award result, stick to the competition review committee result.
- 主办机构保留对本次赛事所有规则和内容的最终解释权。
- Sponsor keeps all the explanation right for the rules and contents of this competition.
十、赛事组委会及联系方式Competition Committee and Contact
This competition is held together by SAIC Motor.
- 联系地址:上汽集团乘用车公司设计部 上海市嘉定区安亭镇安研路201号 邮编201804
- Address:Design department, SAIC Motor. No. 201, Anyan Road, Jiading District,Shanghai postcode: 201804
- 张先生021-60596378 邮箱:zhangheng@saicmotor.com
- Mr.Zhang 021-60596378 Email:zhangheng@saicmotor.com
- 官方网站:http://campus.51job.com/saicdesign/
- Official website: http://campus.51job.com/saicdesign/
- 上汽设计官方邮箱:saicdesign@saicmotor.com
- Official email address forSAIC Motor: saicdesign@saicmotor.com
