发布时间:2018年6月13日 分类:毕业设计 浏览量:1484
HSBC credit card launch event design and planning
作者:黄慧敏 Huimin Huang
导师:郝春光 Chunguang Hao
HSBC credit card can meet the users' pursuit of "Life is full, but I always looking for more...", so that freewheeling lifestyle can be reached easily. Therefore, the theme of the launch event is "Follow Your Heart", which means adding a lot of surprises to a boring life; and we will use the design element of Tetris, bringing more possibilities to life with unlimited changes of Tetris...
Therefore, we have 6 experience areas such as Follow Your Heart (Maze), Tastes of the World, Beauty of Changes etc., so the users can experience these and feel the ideal life that can be brought by HSBC credit card to them in the future.
Meet with RIMOWA——Design and planning of the 120th
Anniversary Exhibition of RIMOWA
作者:黄垠颉 Huang Yinjie
指导:陈华 Chen Hua
"Taking a suitcase and embarking on a journey" is more of a thought of taking a plane to another city.This journey may be full of unknown and coincidences, or it may be a surprise.Therefore, the daily flight journey, including the design of the “baggage conveyor belt”inside the interior walls of the exhibition hall, is used as an exhibition thread throughout the exhibition.To simulate the flight journey through the process of “Baggage Checking - Identity Verification - Flight Sailing - Flight Process - Waiting for Baggage - Baggage Claim”, and experience the features of RIMOWA. At the same time, more people will understand RIMOWA through a special way of experiencing.
meet time—time perception series exhibition
作者:金超远 Chaoyuan Jin
导师:张晶 Jing Zhang
Meet the time series exhibition will sort through the daily use and feel of the time, analyze the expression forms of time in various fields (different venues, different individuals), the purpose is to allow visitors to see the value of time, and thus help them fully and profoundly understand the value of time, cherish time, and appreciate the meaning of life.
Imposing plateau——Planning and Design of the theme
Exhibition of "Dialogue of Tibetan Civilization"
作者:林丽芳 Lin Lifang
指导:邹一了 Zou Yiliao
In the 7th century, Songzain Gambo unified tribes of Tibetan Plateau, established Tibet Dynasty, married the princess of Nepal Bhrikuti Devi and the princess of Tang Dynasty Wen Cheng, and introduced Chinese civilization and Indian civilization. Since then, the civilizations of three places, India, China, and Tibet have begun the cultural fusion for thousands of years on Tibetan Plateau. The exhibition divides the cultural fusion of the ancient and present phases through space shaped by two “回”, exploring how Tibet civilization with multicultural elements emerged and increasingly become stunning to the world.
More than Bookstore?——The Theme Planning and Design
of Flash Experience Bookstore of CHINA CITIC PRESS
作者:施逸媛 Yiyuan Shi
导师:郝春光 Chunguang Hao
在中信出版社致力于精心打造智慧生活的战略中,“不止书店 Bookstore?”为现代都市人创造了一个逃离繁忙都市生活轰炸的防空洞,期待着大家钻到知识中去,在其中体验到中信出版社的“专业、价值、品味、创意”。
In the strategy of CHINA CITIC PRESS dedicating to creating a smart life, “More than Bookstore?” has created a bomb shelter for modern urbanites to escape from the bombing of the busy city life. It is expected that everyone will immerse in knowledge and experience the "specialty, value, taste, and creativity" of CHINA CITIC PRESS.
——ICONIQ & W Motors品牌流动体验店
Future for Now - ICONIQ & W Motors Mobile Branding Experience Center
作者:孙亦纯 Sunny
指导:郝春光 Hao Chunguang
本次设计是以“ICONIQ和W Motors合作生产的汽车行业首款纯电动MPV车型SEVEN,即将于2020年在中国量产上市”为背景,而策划的品牌流动体验店设计。意在提高ICONIQ品牌知名度和为SEVEN预售及量产做准备。整体设计强调“科技情感相融,让未来更美好”品牌理念。
Backgrounded by the “First electric MPV ICONIQ SEVEN, cooperated with W Motors, is about to have its Chinese mass production and launch within 2020”, we designed and planned this proposal for the mobile branding experience center. It’s proposed to improve the brand recognition of ICONIC and prepare for the mass production and pre-sale of ICONIQ SEVEN. The spirit through the event will be “Integrated Emotion and Tech Makes a Better Tomorrow”.
Ancient city guard, who makes Homesickness stay
- Personal planning and design of Mr. Ruan Yisan
作者:徐安娜 Xu Anna
指导:范希嘉 Fan Xijia
Homesickness, it is people's memory and affection of their hometown. It can remind people of the root causes of a series of things, and it is also a manifestation of people's concern about the existence of the memory of the hometown.The exhibition leads the audience to follow the footsteps of Mr. Ruan Yisan, an ancient city guardian who seeks to retain his homesickness, concentrate on listening to the stories of those who are trying to protect the city’s complex and difficult situations, to feel the “maintaining nature" in your hearts.
nike air force brand culture exhibition plan and design
作者:张星瑜xingyu zhang
指导:郝春光 Hao Chunguang
Nike air force brand culture exhibition designed the re-interpretation of air force series through this season's theme. The overall tone and color gives visitors an intuitive feel for the season's theme, allowing them to integrate into the Nike family.
Title: The Blind Man and the Elephant
—Wild Elephant Conservation Charity Show
作者:周行婳伊 Zhou HangHuaYi
导师:邹一了 Zou Yiliao
科学家预测,如果天使不能降临,在2020年,野生大象将会灭绝……而罪魁祸首,却是一群“盲人”。 盲人摸象是用来讽刺以点概面以偏概全的人的,可是在这里我想用他来讽刺人们内心的“盲”。通过四种典型人物代表,深挖他们背后和大象的故事,或残酷,或温馨,或冷血,或难忘。用不同的形式呈现出来,让人们从中了解真相,认清事实,引起共鸣,或许还能找到自己的影子。 希望大象的未来是一片灿烂,愿好。
Scientists predict that if angels don’t fall, the wild elephants will be extinct by 2020…The culprit, however, is a group of "blind people”. The story of The Blind Man and the Elephant criticizes people who make an overall judgement of something on the basis of one-sided viewpoint. But here I’d like to satirize some people’s inner “blindness”, explore the story between them and the elephant, cruel, warm, cold or memorable by showing four typical figures in order to find the truth and resonate the public. May the elephant a bright future !