“时代新象”——2019 中国·景德镇“陶溪川”公共雕塑国际大展方案征集

发布时间:2019年7月21日 分类:工业产品大赛 浏览量:1621

“时代新象”——2019 中国·景德镇“陶溪川”公共雕塑国际大展方案征集开始啦!


景德镇历史悠久,文化底蕴深厚,是中外著名的瓷都,拥有两千年的冶陶史、一千年的官窑史、六百年的御窑史,留下了大量丰厚而独特的陶瓷文化遗存。是国务院首批公布的历史文化名城, “全球创意城市网络成员”,并荣获“世界手工艺与民间艺术之都”称号,是一座有历史、有文化、有故事的城市。

近年来,景德镇城市建设在保持传统文化基因和近代工业记忆的基础上,无论是城市面貌还是基础设施建设都有了较大变化。“时代新象”——2019 中国·景德镇“陶溪川”公共雕塑国际大展,希望借助“公共雕塑”这一媒介从艺术角度来营造既有现代活力又有人文底蕴的和谐都市环境。















高 洪(中央美术学院党委书记)

刘 锋(中共景德镇市委副书记、市人民政府市长)




熊 皓(景德镇市人民政府副市长)

成 员 :



朱 锫(中央美术学院建筑学院院长)

王   中(中央美术学院城市设计学院院长)

胡泉纯 (中央美术学院副教授、执行策展人)

宁 钢(景德镇陶瓷大学校长)










主 任 :







成 员 :

孙婷婷/黄 山/王 川/谭 斌/孙 洁/李志杰/骆彬/田 野/汪同茂/彭国红/祝松星/董 宇/徐桃生/岳 峻 /许志华/熊洪华/汪鹏飞/刘国磊/程晓媛/宋 阳/胡启明








副主任:曹春生 吕品晶 宁钢


曹春生 (中国雕塑学会名誉会长)

理查.迪肯 (Richard Deacon 英国)

比昂.诺格 (Bjorn Norgaart 丹麦)

托比恩.卡瓦斯伯(Torbjon Kvasbo 挪威)

吕品昌 (中央美术学院教授、中国城市雕塑家协会副主席)

王  中 (中央美术学院城市设计学院院长)

朱  锫(中央美术学院建筑学院院长)

孙振华 (著名批评家、中国美术学院教授)

殷双喜 (著名批评家、中央美术学院教授)

约翰.依斯伍德 (Jon Isherwood美国)

隋建国 (著名雕塑家、中央美术学院教授)

托尼.布朗 (Tony Brown 法国)

胡泉纯 (中央美术学院副教授、执行策展 人)


黄 胜(景德镇陶瓷大学美术学院副院长)


高 峰(景德镇市雕塑协会常务副会长)


·     展览时间:2019年 12月 20日--2020年 2月 20日。

·     展览地点:景德镇陶溪川美术馆


·    本次大展在景德镇城区范围类选取 25 个空间节点,艺术家必须针对规定的空间点位开展艺术创作。

·      2019年 7月 20日发布大展作品征集信息。

·     本次大展分为初选评审、复选评审、入选作品展览、作品落地实施、落地实施作品评奖共5个环节。

·      征集对象:面向全国及国际社会征稿。

·      展览组织及作品征集以景德镇市市区最新城市规划为上位条件。组委会提供:报名表格、具体空间节点文件、现场照片、空间环境视频文件等。参展艺术家可以从提供的城市空间节点中任意选点,创作必须针对具体的空间条件展开,作品应能体现出景德镇独特的文化传统和当下特点。(注意:每份报名表对应一件作品)

·      应征者无需缴纳任何报名或参与费。


“时代新象”——2019 中国·景德镇“陶溪川”公共雕塑国际大展参展作品应需符合以下几个特性:







2019年 7 月 20 日——2019 年 9 月 30 日晚上 12 点(北京时间)报名及投稿截止。


①点击征稿函提供的链接地址,下载“时代新象”——2019 中国·景德镇“陶溪川”公共雕塑国际大展相关资料及报名表格。(下载地址见第十项)


③将电子版《初选报名登记表》及参展作品在截稿时间之前通过电子邮件形式发送到大展指定的接受邮箱。在2019年 9月 30 日晚上 12 点(北京时间)前完成文件发送。





·    2019年 10月 10日前,评审委员会在所有应征作品中评审出 60件入围作品奖。评选揭晓后,将在景德镇市人民政府官网、中央美术学院官网上公布入围者名单。

·    初选入围名单公布后,组委会向 60位获入围资格的艺术家提供参加复选的方案深化材料制作费,费用分两次支付给艺术家。该经费主要用于资助艺术家进行方案深化、小稿制作、复选作品运输等。(详情见经费和奖项设置)

·    60位获选艺术家在接到入围通知后需对入选方案做进一步深化后再参加大展复选。

·    方案未经深化且不按复选要求提供作品资料的视为自动放弃参加复选的资格。

·    初选未入围作者不另行通知。


2019 年 10 月 15 日——2019 年12 月 5 日晚上 12 点(北京时间)。




·    深化后的小稿模型一件(实物模型),小稿模型尺寸:1.2米*1.2米*1.2米范围内。

·    效果图3—5幅(电子文件)。图版版幅:118.9厘米*84.1厘米(JPG格式),像素300dpi。图版中需提供作品所对应的空间点位标号及地名、作品基本尺寸、材料、创意说明文字。设计说明应有助于评选时评委对作品的理解,其内容旨在阐述作品设计思路、理念。递交的作品画面中不应出现任何与创作者有关的信息,所有此类信息只能按要求填写在《复选作品登记表》中。

·    复选入围作品的3D数字源文件(此项特指采用 3D数字技术建模生成的艺术作品)。

·    填写电子版《复选作品登记表》

③参加复选的作品小稿必须在 2019 年 12 月 5 日晚上 12 点(北京时间)之前运送到大展指定地点。



2019 年12 月19 日,评审委员会在60 件参加复选的作品中评选出30 件复选入围作品。评选揭晓后,将在景德镇市人民政府官网、中央美术学院官网上公布入围者名单。


·    展览时间:2019年 12月 20日--2020年 2月 20日。

·    展览地点:景德镇陶溪川美术馆



·    评审委员会在 30件优秀作品中再优选出适合景德镇城市空间特点和实际需要的作品进行落地实施。

·    组委会经过与最终获选落地实施作品的艺术家签订相关协议后组织落地实施工作。

·    2020年 6月 20日举办最终落地实施作品展(展览地点:景德镇市市内各作品落成地点)。

·    2020年 6月 20日评审委员会按章程规定的方式评选出6项全场大奖。




·    初选入围材料制作费颁发名额:60名。

·    初选入围材料制作费额度(税前)100000元/人(人民币:壹拾万元整)。


·    第一笔初选入围材料制作费在评审委员会完成初选评审后并公布入围名单后发放,发放额度(税前)50000元/人(人民币:伍万元整)。

·    第二笔初选入围材料制作费在组委会接受到参加复选艺术家的作品小稿后发放,发放额度(税前)50000元/人(人民币:伍万元整)。

(备注:初选入围材料制作费的设置主要用于每位艺术家进行方案进一步深化、作品小稿制作、作品运输等开销。冠名方拥有60 件初选入围作品的电子文件及与之相关的文宣出版和展览使用权。)


·    复选入围版权转让费颁发名额:30名。

·    复选入围版权转让费额度(税前):150000元/人(人民币:壹拾伍万元整)。

·    复选入围版权转让费及证书在展览开幕当天发放。

备注:复选入围版权转让费的设置一方面旨在表彰复选入围的每位艺术家在“时代新象”——2019 中国·景德镇“陶溪川”公共雕塑国际大展创作上的杰出表现。也同时规定30 名获复选入围资格的艺术家向冠名方转让自己参加复选入围的作品的版权、复选入围作品的实物小稿、复选入围作品的 3D 数字源文件(此项特指采用3D 数字技术建模生成的艺术作品)、复选入围作品图片的电子文件。另外,如果作品获得最终落地实施资格,获选艺术家有义务指导和配合景德镇相关部门进行作品最终的落地实施工作。过程中涉及到与工作相关的差旅费用由组委会承担。涉及到额外的泥稿放大制作费用,另行协商。


·    评奖范围:最终落地实施的作品

·    评审时间:2020年 6月 20日

·    奖项名称及获奖名额:最佳作品奖,1名;最佳创意奖,2名;最佳材料工艺奖,2名;全场人气大奖,1名。

·    奖金:




★全场人气大奖:1  名,奖金(税前):300000  元/名(人民币:叁拾万元整)。该奖项的评定方式:网络票选占 70%,专家票选占 30%。

·    奖金及证书在落地实施作品展展览开幕当天发放。

备注:上述奖项金额指税前金额。获奖者应按照相关国家及地区(包括但不限于中华人民共和国)的法律规定纳税。奖金和获奖证书应由创作者本人领取或其书面指定代表领取。创作者不止一人的,奖金和获奖证书按《报名登记表》中“作者” 一栏中排名最前者领取或其书面指定代表领取。














②OneDrive 网盘下载地址:


(请复制粘贴网址到浏览器进行下载,以上两个链接中信息内容一样,百度网盘中提供中文信息,OneDrive 网盘中提供英文信息。)

资料内容:001《征稿函》;002《初选报名登记表》;003《作品原创声明书》;004《复选作品登记表》;005具体空间点位介绍文件夹(《城区艺术作品规划布置概述》;整体作品分布图;整体作品分布 GPS 卫星图;25 个空间节点现场照片、空间节点文字介绍、空间节点环境视频)。




电话受理时间:上午 9:00——下午 5:00(北京时间)


· 收件地址:江西省景德镇市珠山区新厂西路 150号陶溪川文创街区

·  邮编:333000

·  收件人:胡启明

·  电话:136 0798 0282



“时代新象”——2019 中国·景德镇“陶溪川”公共雕塑国际大展方案征集开始啦!


“New Image of the Era” — The 2019 China Jingdezhen “Taoxichuan” Public Sculpture International Exhibition

Call for Designs


 1. Background     


With its long history and profound cultural heritage, Jingdezhen is a well-known porcelain capital both at home and abroad. It has a history of two thousand years of pottery making, a thousand years of official ware making and six hundred years of imperial ware making, leaving a great amount of unique ceramic cultural remains. It is one of the first historical and cultural cities announced by the State Council, “a member of the Global Creative City Network”and awarded a title of “the World’s Crafts and Folk Art Capital”. It is a city full of history, culture and stories.


In recent years, urban construction in Jingdezhen has been undergoing great changes in terms of both urban appearance and infrastructure construction,on the basis of maintaining traditional cultural genes and modern industrial memories. “New Image of the Era” — the 2019 China Jingdezhen “Taoxichuan”Public Sculpture International Exhibition hopes to utilize the medium of public sculpture to create a harmonious metropolitan environment with both modern vitality and cultural heritage from the artistic point of view.


The exhibition is jointly organized by the People’s Government of Jingdezhen Municipality and the Central Academy of Fine Arts. Call for excellent public sculptures, public art installations, and landscape installations is open to artists, architects, designers, art schools and related art and design institutions worldwide so as to discuss the proposition of “integrating art into metropolitan space”.




The exhibition is themed on “New Image of the Era”. It is committed to further promoting and spreading the traditional culture of the millennium porcelain capital in combination with the new pattern of current urban and cultural development of Jingdezhen, demonstrating its unique charm — a city of art, a city of culture, a city of innovation and a livable city through novel art form and content,accelerating its development of urban public space art, further enhancing its urban cultural taste, striving to create a collection of fine public sculptures that express the spirit of innovation, highlight history and culture and represent the characteristics of the era, and making them a distinctive symbol for Jingdezhen in the new era.


3.Organization framework



The Central Academy of Fine Arts, the People’s Government of Jingdezhen Municipality


Jingdezhen Municipal Bureau of Culture, Broadcasting, Television, Press and Publication,Jingdezhen Ceramic Culture Tourism Group, the Sculpture Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts

Title sponsor:

Jingdezhen Ceramic Culture Tourism Group

Organizing Committee:


Fan Di’an(President of the China Artists Association, President of the Central Academy of Fine Arts)

Zhong Zhisheng(Secretary of the CPC Jingdezhen Municipal Committee)

Gao Hong (Party Secretary of the Central Academy of Fine Arts)

Liu Feng (Deputy Secretary of the CPC Jingdezhen Municipal Committee, Mayor of JingdezhenMunicipal Government)

Deputy directors:

Lv Pinjing (Deputy President of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Director of the Architectural Art Committee of the China Artists Association)

Huang Jinlong(Executive Vice Mayor of Jingdezhen Municipal Government)

Xiong Hao (Vice Mayor of Jingdezhen Municipal Government)

Committee members:

Wang Shaojun(Deputy Party Secretary of the Central Academy of Fine Arts)

Lv Pinchang (Head of the Sculpture Department, Central Academy of Fine Arts)

Zhu Pei (Dean ofthe School of Architecture, Central Academy of Fine Arts)

Wang Zhong (Dean of the School of City Design, Central Academy of Fine Arts)

Hu Quanchun(Associate Professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Executive curator)

Ning Gang(President of the Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute)

Sun Gengjiu (Vice Chairman of Jingdezhen Municipal PCC, Director of Jingdezhen Municipal Bureauof Natural Resources and Planning)

Sun Yanfeng(Director of Jingdezhen Municipal Bureau of Finance)

Yu Zhihua(Director of Jingdezhen Municipal Bureau of Culture, Broadcasting, Television,Press and Publication)

Chen Fengjin(Director of Jingdezhen Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-rural Development)

Liu Zili (Chairman of the Jingdezhen Ceramic Culture Tourism Group)

Zhou Guozhen(Professor of the Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute)

Cao Chunsheng(Professor of the Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute)

Lv Jinquan (Dean of the School of Ceramic Art, Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute)

Organizing committee office


Huang Jinlong(Executive Vice Mayor of Jingdezhen Municipal Government)

Lv Pinjing (Deputy President of the Central Academy of Fine Arts)

Deputy directors:

Yu Zhihua(Director of Jingdezhen Municipal Bureau of Culture, Broadcasting, Television,Press and Publication)

Liu Zili (Chairman of the Jingdezhen Ceramic Culture Tourism Group)

Lv Pinchang(Deputy President of the Chinese City Sculptors Association, Head of the Sculpture Department, Central Academy of Fine Arts)

Office members:

Sun Tingting,Huang Shan, Wang Chuan, Tan Bin, Sun Jie, Li Zhijie, Luo Bin, Tian Ye, WangTongmao, Peng Guohong, Zhu Songxing, Dong Yu, Xu Taosheng, Yue Jun, Xu Zhihua,Xiong Honghua, Wang Pengfei, Liu Guolei, Cheng Xiaoyuan, Song Yang, Hu Qiming


Chief curator:

Fan Di’an(President of the China Artists Association, President of the Central Academyof Fine Arts)


Executive curators:

Lv Pinchang (Head of the Sculpture Department, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Deputy President of the Chinese City Sculptors Association)

Hu Quanchun(Director of Public Arts Studio, Sculpture Department, Central Academy of Fine Arts)


Art Council

Director: Fan Di’an

Deputy directors: Cao Chunsheng, Lv Pinjing, Ning Gang

Council members:

Cao Chunsheng(Honorary President of the China Sculpture Institute)

Richard Deacon(UK)

Bjorn Norgaart(Denmark)

Torbjon Kvasbo(Norway)

Lv Pinchang(Professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Deputy President of the Chinese City Sculptors Association)

Wang Zhong (Dean of the School of City Design, Central Academy of Fine Arts)

Zhu Pei (Dean of the School of Architecture, Central Academy of Fine Arts)

Sun Zhenhua(Renowned critic, Professor of the China Academy of Art)

Yin Shuangxi(Renowned critic, Professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts)

Jon Isherwood(U.S.)

Sui Jianguo(Renowned sculptor, Professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts)

Tony Brown(France)

Hu Quanchun(Associate Professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Executive curator)

Liu Yuanchang(China Arts and Crafts Master)

Huang Sheng(Deputy Dean of the School of Ceramic Art, Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute)

Chen Liping (Dean of the Graduate School, Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute)

Gao Feng (Vice President of Jingdezhen Sculpture Association)


4.Exhibition time and venue


·     Time: December 20, 2019-February 20, 2020

·     Venue: Jingdezhen Taoxichuan Art Gallery


5.Organization and collection of works


·    25 spatial nodes are selected out in the urban area of Jingdezhen for this exhibition and artists shall create their works based on specified spatial nodes.

·    Call for designs is announced on July 20, 2019.

·    The exhibition is divided into 5 sections, which are primary selection, secondary selection,exhibition of shortlisted designs, onsite completion and awarding for onsite completed works.

·    Call for designs is open to China nationwide and other international communities.

·    The organization and collection of works takes the latest urban planning of Jingdezhen as top premise. The organizing committee provides registration forms, specific urban spatial nodes files, on-site photos, environment videos of spatial nodes, etc. Artists may choose any sites from those urban spatial nodes provided by the committee. All creations must be carried out based on specific spatial circumstances so as to reflect the unique cultural traditions and current characteristics of Jingdezhen. (Notes: Each registration form is only for one piece of work.)

·    Applicants are not required to pay any registration or participation fees.


6.Creation guidelines


All exhibited works for “New Image of the Era” — the 2019 China Jingdezhen “Taoxichuan” Public Sculpture International Exhibition should conform with the following characteristics:

·     Artistry: The design shall be up to a high artistic standard, which fully demonstrates the remarkable aesthetic value of art;

·     Culture & regionality: The design shall carry rich cultural meaning, which embodies the inheritance and transformation of the traditional culture in Jingdezhen;

·     Internationality:The design shall express a broad international vision, which shows the exchange and integration of international cultures;

·     Innovation: The design shall focus on innovation — the language of this era, and new ideas, forms and materials are encouraged to promote the organic combination of art and technology.


7.Program agenda


(1) Time for registration and submission for primary selection:

July 20, 2019 — September 30, 2019 (registration and submission is due at 12 pm, Beijing time).


Registration and submission procedure:

① Click on the URLs in this Call for Designs to download relevant documents and registration forms for “New Image of the Era” — the 2019 China Jingdezhen “Taoxichuan” Public Sculpture International Exhibition. (See the tenth item for download URLs)

② Fill in the Registration Form for Primary Selection.

③ The Registration Form for Primary Selection (electronic) and designs for the exhibition shall be sent via email to the designated email address before deadline. Documents delivery must be completed by 12pm (Beijing time) on September 30, 2019.

④ Design submission requirements: 3 effect pictures (electronic), image size: 42 cm x 29 cm (pixel 300 dpi).

The effect pictures shall demonstrate the relationship between different angles of the design and the actual space settings. The corresponding spatial node number, location, basic dimensional drawings, materials and creation description must be indicated in the pictures.The description shall be concise, clear and complete. No information relating to the author should be included in the images submitted. All such information can only be filled in the Registration Form for Primary Selection as required.

Notes: All submitted works must be original and must not be plagiarized. If there is any copyright dispute, the organizing committee will cancel the applicant’s qualification, put him into the blacklist of discredit and notify the whole industry. Therefore, any legal liability shall be undertaken by the applicant himself. Once the application is delivered, the applicant shall be considered to fully understand and accept the rules in this Call for Designs. If any submitted document does not meet the requirements, the applicant may make corrections before deadline.


(2) Primary selection review:

·    Before October 10,2019, the review board will select out 60 shortlisted awards from all submitted applications. After the selection process is finished, shortlisted candidates will be announced on the official websites of the People’s Government of Jingdezhen Municipality and the Central Academy of Fine Arts.

·    After the announcement of shortlisted candidates, the organizing committee will provide material and production fees for design revision to the 60 shortlisted artists to participate in secondary selection, which will be paid in twice. The funds are mainly used to support artists to revise their designs, make small maquettes and transport their works. (See the fund distribution and awardsetting for details)·     The 60 shortlisted artists will need to revise their primary designs after receiving the shortlisted notice in order to participate into the second round.

·    Anyone who does not revise his design or provide documents according to the submission requirements shall be considered to automatically waive his qualification for secondary selection.

·    Those who are not shortlisted will not be notified.


(3) Time for design revision and submission for secondary selection:

October 15, 2019 — December 5, 2019 (12 pm, Beijing time)


Registration and submission procedure:

① Fill in the Registration Form for Secondary Selection after receiving the notice for the next round and documents shall be sent via email to the designated email address.

② Submitted documents include:

·    A small maquette of the revised design (physical model), size: within the scope of 1.2 m×1.2 m×1.2 m

·    3 to 5 effect pictures (electronic), layout size:118.9 cm×84.1 cm (JPG format), pixel 300dpi. The corresponding spatial node number, location, basic dimensional drawings, materials and creation description shall be indicated in the pictures. The description may help reviewers to understand the work, which aims to explain the ideas and concepts of the design. No information relating to the author should be included in the images submitted. All such information can only be filled in the Registration Form for Secondary Selection as required.

· 3D digital source files of the shortlisted designs (referring in particular to the artwork produced by 3D digital technology modeling)

·    Electronic version of the Registration Form for Secondary Selection

③The small maquettes for secondary selection shall be transported to the designated location before December 5, 2019 (12 pm, Beijing time).

Notes: All submitted works must be original and must not be plagiarized. If there is any copyright dispute, the organizing committee will cancel the applicant’s qualification, put him into the blacklist of discredit and notify the whole industry. Therefore, any legal liability shall be undertaken by the contributor himself. All submitted works shall not be returned by the organizing committee.


(4) Secondary selection review:

On December 19, 2019, the review board will select out 30 finalist works from the 60 ones in the second round. After the selection process is finished, finalist candidates will be announced on the official websites of the People’s Government of Jingdezhen Municipality and the Central Academy of Fine Arts.


(5) Exhibition and awarding:

·     Exhibition time:December 20, 2019-February 20, 2020.

·     Venue: JingdezhenTaoxichuan Art Gallery

(All works qualified for primary and secondary selections will be exhibited)


(6) Review, exhibition and awarding of the onsite completed works:

·    The review board will select a certain number of works to be completed onsite that are in accordance with the urban spatial characteristics and actual demands of Jingdezhen.

·    The organizing committee will organize onsite completion after signing relevant agreements with the artists whose works are finally selected to be completed onsite.

·    Exhibition of the onsite completed works will be held on June 20, 2020 (venues: locations where the works are completed in the urban area of Jingdezhen)

·   On June 20, 2020,the review board will select 6 grand awards according to the prescribed methods in the exhibition regulations.


8.Fund distribution and award setting


(1) Material and production fees for shortlisted candidates in primary selection:

·    Distribution quota: 60

·    Amount (before tax): 100,000 yuan per person (RMB100,000). Material and production fees will be paid in twice to shortlisted candidates.

·    The first pay will be allocated after the review board finishes the primary selection and announces the shortlisted result with an amount of 50,000 yuan per person (RMB50,000 before tax)

·    The second pay will be allocated after the review board receives the applicant’s small maquette with an amount of 50,000 yuan per person (RMB 50,000 before tax)

(Notes:Material and production fees for shortlisted candidates in primary selection are mainly used to cover the expenses on design revision, small maquette making and transportation, etc. The title sponsor reserves the electronic documents of the 60 shortlisted works in primary selection and the right to use such relevant documents for propagation, publication and exhibition.)


(2) Copyright transfer fees for finalist candidates in secondary selection:

·    Distribution quota: 30

·    Amount (before tax): 150,000 yuan per person (RMB 150,000).

· Copyright transfer fees and certificates will be allocated on the opening day of the exhibition.

Notes: Copyright transfer fees are set on the one hand in recognition of the outstanding performance of all artists who are qualified for the secondary selection on “New Image of the Era” — the 2019 China Jingdezhen“Taoxichuan” Public Sculpture International Exhibition, on the other hand to stipulate that they shall transfer the copyrights, small maquettes, 3D digital sourcefiles (referring in particular to the artwork produced by 3D digital technology modeling) and electronic pictures of their works to the title sponsor.Meanwhile, if their works are finally selected to be completed onsite, the artists will be obliged to offer instructions and cooperation with the relevant authorities to carry out onsite completion. Travel expenses involved in this process will be undertaken by the organizing committee. Additional cost on clay model enlargement and production will be negotiated separately.


(3) Award setting and bonuses for onsite completed works:

·    Review coverage: all onsite completed works

·    Review time: June20, 2020

·  Award names and quotas: 1 best work award, 2 best creative awards, 2 best material craftwork awards and 1 most popular award.

·    Bonuses:

★ 1 best work award, with a bonus (before tax) of 600,000 yuan per person(RMB 600,000)

★ 2 best creative awards, with a bonus  (before tax) of 500,000 yuan per person (RMB500,000)

★ 2 best material craftwork awards, with a bonus (before tax) of 500,000yuan per person (RMB 500,000)

★ 1 most popular award with a bonus (before tax) of 300,000 yuan perperson (RMB 300,000). This award is selected by 70% of online votes and 30% of experts’ votes.

· Bonuses and certificates will be granted on the exhibition opening day for the onsite completed works.

Notes:  Bonuses for the awards above refer to the amount before tax. Winners shall be taxed in accordance with the laws of the relevant countries and regions (including but not limited to the People’s Republic of China). Bonuses and certificates shall be delivered to the author himself or his designated representative in written.If there are more than one authors, bonuses and the certificates shall be delivered to the first person among applicants’ names in the Registration Form or the designated representative in written.


9.Exhibition rules


① Once the registration and submission is done, the applicants shall be considered to fully understand and accept the rules in this Call for Designs. All the submitted works will not be returned. The applicants should keep the originals.

② During the application period, the applicants shall not transfer or authorize their entries to any third party, and may not use them to participate inother activities identical or similar to this competition.

③ The applicants must confirm that the submitted works have never been transferred or licensed to any individual or institution.

④ The applicants must keep the source documents of their works (electronic source files of the effect pictures). Those who are granted with shortlisted awards and finalist awards shall submit the source documents of their works and sign the corresponding copyright agreements (only for works in secondary selection and onsite completed works). The unsigned person will be considered to automatically waive his qualification for exhibition.

⑤ Artists who are shortlisted in primary selection,secondary selection and onsite completion and granted with relevant awards shall not use their submitted works to participate in other activities identical or similar to this competition.

⑥ Copyright of the submitted works is protected by Chinese law. For artworks that are shortlisted in primary selection, secondary selection and onsite completion and granted with relevant awards, all intellectual property rights other than the right of authorship shall be jointly owned by the organizing committee and the author.

⑦ The organizing committee reserves the right of final interpretation of all documents of this activity including rules in this Call for Designs. Any unfinished matters related to this activity shall be further formulated or interpreted by the organizing committee.

⑧The law of the People’s Republic of China shall apply to this activity.


10.Download URLs for exhibition documents


① Baidu Netdisk download link:


(Fetch code: dch4)

② OneDrive download link:


(The information on the above two links is the same. Baidu Netdisk is for Chinese documents, and OneDrive for English documents.)

Documents include: 001 Call for Designs; 002 Registration Form for Primary Selection; 003 Originality Statement; 004 Registration Form for Secondary Selection; 005 Specific Spatial Nodes Introduction Documents (Urban Artworks Planning and Layout Overview,Overall Work Distribution Map, GPS Satellite Image of Overall Work Distribution, Onsite Pictures of 25 Spatial Nodes, Text Descriptions of Spatial Nodes, Environment Videos of Spatial Nodes)


11.Email address for registration and submission


Please send your registration forms and designs to: sdxx@vip.126.com

Q&A contact number: +86 798 8511221

Telephone reception time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm(Beijing time)


12.Delivery address for secondary selection


· Address:Taoxichuan Wenchuang Block, No. 150 Xinchang West Road, Zhushan District, Jingdezhen City, Jiangxi Province

·     Postcode: 333000

·     Recipient: Hu Qiming

·     Phone: +86 13607980282




