2020 中国高校生肖设计大赛 特邀作品(6)
发布时间:2020年2月2日 分类:视觉传达作品 浏览量:1306

本届大赛共收到全国301所高校的参赛作品6753件,国内外著名设计师、漫画家的特邀作品330件。参赛院校包括清华大学美术学院、西安美术学院、广州美术学院、湖北美术学院、鲁迅美术学院、四川美术学院、天津美术学院、吉林艺术学院、云南艺术学院 、广西艺术学院、南京艺术学院等全国知名设计院校 , 也包括同济大学、南开大学、山东大学、四川大学、广州大学、东北大学、湖北大学等高水平综合类大学;国际特邀作品来自于美国、法国、英国、意大利、俄罗斯、加拿大等30个国家和地区。
经过初审和终审专家认真严谨的评审,共评出获奖作品348件。其中: 生肖创意大奖空缺,金奖2件,银奖6件,铜奖10件,优秀奖30件, 入选奖300件。这些优秀作品以极其丰富的设计语言展示出“鼠”这一生肖形象的千姿百态:它们或勾勒神韵,或刻画入微;或传递吉愿,或针砭时弊;或朴质淡雅,或浓墨重彩;或诙谐幽默,或发人深省...... 但无论那种形式,都有传承、有创新、有发展,让生肖鼠这一传统文化形象彰显出现代品格,为我们呈现出一场场视觉盛宴。这些作品背后凝结着每一位设计师的智慧与汗水。在此,感谢大家的热情参与和倾力支持,一幅幅经典之作让我们有欣喜、有触动、有感悟,让我们有力量为当今设计事业的发展共囊盛举。

He is graphic designer and has a master's degree in education.
Since July 2016, along with Lila Skanavi, He is the founder of Worldwide Graphic Designers, a group that was created aiming to connect designers from all around the world who share the passion of graphic design and poster design.





The main focus of his work is the Concept, the same one that determines the aesthetics of each proposal, where the technique empowers this concept based on capture looks and detonate consciences.

- Received a doctoral degree in Visual Communication Design at Hongik University in Korea (Ph.,D).
2019 Graphis Poster Annual. Gold.
- 15 International Poster Biennial in Mexico.
- 2018. lee mi jung solo exhibition_ Korean Cultural Center, Turkey.


1971,Graduated from Magyar Iparmuvészeti Foiskola / Hungarian University of Craft and Design.
1971–1989 Freelance graphic designer /1989-2013 Teaching and professor in his Alma mater/From 2014 Teacher and Freelance graphic designer. Twenty-one home and international prizes and awards (Lifeworks prizes)./
19 Thirteen home and international individual exhibitions./More than eighty international and home group exhibitions.

An Indonesian graphic designer with a MA in Visual Communication Design who graduated from Art Program at Indonesia Institute of the Arts of Yogyakarta.
He works as a independence graphic designer and graphic consultant who focus on visual communication design, especially in the field of graphic design: poster, visual branding,typography, illustration, etc.

I graduated from the Bachelor's degree studies in artistic education at the Jan Grodek State Vocational Academy in Sanok in 2010.In 2012, I was awarded a Master of Arts at the Faculty of Art of the University of Rzeszów.In 2013 I graduated from the second faculty of graphics,at the Faculty of Art of the University of Rzeszów.I also created a design diploma in the Design Studio II.The diploma in graphic design was nominated for the Jerzy Panek Award for the best artistic diploma of the Faculty of Art at the University of Rzeszów in 2013.

Called the TSUBAKI Studio, their not-so-little-anymore design company of 5 people has been
Taiwan Golden Pin Design Award 2014, Germany Red Dot Design Award 2015, Hong Kong DFA 15,
17 and 2018, HKDA Global Design Award 2016, and several others from Netherland, China and the USA.

We studied with our teachers Livio Bernasconi, Sergio Libiszewsky and Bruno Monguzzi at the CSIA in Lugano. In 1983 Sabina founded the Studio di Progettazione Gra ca with her partner。Renato Tagli in Cevio, in the Italian-speaking region of Switzerland. Oberholzer and Tagli are alive to the relationship between natureand creativity, and sensitive to their responsibilities within the small community in whichthey live and work. Driven not by economics but rather by a belief in quality and clarityof the message.



张培源、张 瑞、宋晓军
徐 伟、李 强、沙 峰