发布时间:2020年7月4日 分类:毕业设计 浏览量:1407
陈渝 Chen Yu | 陈聿飞 Chen Yufei
程洪凌 Cheng Hongling | 郝琳 Hao Lin
胡添翼 Hu Tianyi | 姜晓璇 Jiang Xiaoxuan
林阳晴 Lin Yangqing | 李文强 Li Wenqiang
刘伊宁 Liu Yining | 彭小真 Peng Xiaozhen
邱陈颖 Qiu Chenying | 戚玥 Qi Yue
申雨晨 Shen Yuchen | 童思佳 Tong Sijia
王朴玉 Wang Puyu | 王若愚 Wang Ruoyu
王婉冰 Wang Wanbing | 汪宇航 Wang Yuhang
王梓伊 Wang Ziyi | 蔚晓霞 Wei Xiaoxia
杨文钰 Yang Wenyu | 游晓敏 You Xiaomin
homebody syndrome
作者 | 陈渝
Artist | Chen Yu
指导老师 | 朱红
Mentor | Zhu Hong
video,color, 16:9, 4m33s
homebody syndrome 1.0 : It's been 34 days of insomnia,It was also the 35thday I stayed up late.
video,color, 16:9, 3m12s
homebody syndrome 2.0:I was probably stilldreaming.
Through the author's own recordings of his actionsat night, the work allows more people to intuitively experience the"homebody" lifestyle, and uses the "homebody syndrome" toexplore the negative effects of being at home on the physiology and psychologyof contemporary youth.
Let's fly!
作者 | 陈聿飞
Artist | Chen Yufei
指导教师 | 唐琼
Mentor | Tang Qiong
15 illustrations, airline cleaning bag, color, coated paper
Visual Communication Design
普通版本&迷你版本,普通版 12.5*23.5cm 迷你版 9.0*16.7cm
Regular Edition & Mini Edition,Regular Edition 12.5*23.5cm Mini Edition 9.0*16.7cm
Created an illustrated airline vomit bag with ajoke theme. Hope it adds some joy to your journey.
Past children
作者 | 程洪凌
Artist | Cheng Hongling
指导老师 | 唐琼
Mentor | Tang Qiong
I help myself to be happy and satisfied by usingand appreciating everyday objects in life,This time I made a series of jewelry. Like a child full of innocence in thecreative process,to embrace the inner curiosity, to pay respect to nature, to love animals,to be happy because of color.This is my way of entertainment games. Presents themeaning of their "play" way of creation and the creation of "play", Themeaning of "play" is to be free from the pressure and return toinnocence.
作者 | 郝琳
Artist | Hao Lin
指导老师 | 马文
Mentor| Ma Wen
video,1920x1080, color, 16:9,13m42s
I was inspired by a news story about an old man in the countryside who was buried by a passing villager after being killed in a traffic accident.20 It was many days before the body was found by the police. In this story, people can be easily lost in everyday life, and death can be without warning, ordinary. After death, there is no language left in the body, and strangers dig up the soil, touch the old man's body and put it in the ground. Such moments they are infinitely close, where life and death, freshness and filth become one. Inspired by this,after wandering around an average northern village for a long time, I became fascinated by the wilderness at night. After photographing a largenumber of natural landscapes at different times and places, I assembled themtogether to describe a cognitive mapless darkness roams. I have also placeddifferent times in the video, presenting a dynamic way of seeing. In thisroaming lost in the fields, I move from dusk into night, forgetting time, spaceand myself, participating in the whole chaotic but light universe.
A day that never happend
作者 | 胡添翼
Artist | Hu Tianyi
指导老师 | 马文
Mentor | Ma Wen
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I made a fragment ofimages of the previous night's dreams, the daytime life, my thoughts on thesituation.Together they built a day that never happened.
The spotted dog cameafter me over and over, and I fled over and over. Stopping in the cloisters of eternity. I choose extinction voluntarily. Gut through the brain.
What never happened:events occurring in the predictable or unpredictable future,not yet happened ontimeline ; covering up facts that have happened; erasing facts from the levelof perception; events that exist only in fiction; absolute disappearance of theobserver, i.e., extinction of all humans, events not cognized.
Babel Library
作者 | 姜晓璇
Artist | Jiang Xiaoxuan
指导老师 | 马文
Mentor | Ma Wen
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Interactive Game Design
这个系列的交互设计主要是从流量对社会事件的影响出发。在阅读了博尔赫斯的《通天塔图书馆》和《关于天赐的诗》之后产生灵感,探究了记忆以及轮回的关系。通过运用Unreal Engine 4和Pixel Game Maker MV制作了一个系列的交互型游戏作品。是作者本人对无尽空间和记忆的理解的产物。
The interaction design for this series focuses onthe impact of flow on social events. Inspired by reading Borges' Library of theTower and Poem on the Divine, it explores memory and the reincarnation ofRelationships. Created by using Unreal Engine 4 and Pixel Game Maker MV tocreate A series of interactive game pieces. A product of the author's ownunderstanding of endless space and memory.
The first part of the series design focuses on thestory during the epidemic and produces an interactive pixel game. The mainstory is about an amnesiac girl who searches for a way out of the forest,records the stories of passersby during her adventures, and finally exploresher own ...of his life...
The second part, a domestic violence library,produced a first-person interactive scenario. This is a much longer termproject. The scene is loaded with books to document the experiences of peoplewho have experienced domestic violence. In the future, this could lead to aproject in which the participants not only read, but also edit the books in thescene.
Mi Yang
作者 | 林阳晴
Artist | Lin Yangqing
指导老师 | 孙超
Mentor | Sun Chao
video,1080P, color, 16:9, 6m30s
The work is produced through a combination ofanimation and real scenes. The theme is based on the school bullying incident,the main purpose of the work is to draw the audience's attention to the schoolbullying, as well as to call the bully can be brave Give voice to yourself. Theanimation is intended to provide the audience with a light-heartedinterpretation of this heavy topic.
The combination of animated facial expressions andsynthesized sounds creates a character image, a virtual image to show thereluctance of the bullies to disclose and reveal their identity. Psychology.The work hints at the indifference of humanity and the flaws of the socialsystem.
Life Planning
作者 | 李文强
Artist | Li Wenqiang
指导老师 | 马文
Mentor | Ma Wen
The design of the application "Life Planning" is aimed at the environment of exam-oriented education in my country, and students are prone to fall into short-term when making choices. Features of utilitarianism. Through more information and relatively objective algorithms for personal information analysis and life planning.
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Interface Design
In the self-cognition phase of the first step, the user enters his information into the program from various angles to obtain a basic data. In the second stage, the user monitors the information of the mobile device, comprehensively analyzes the user's behavior patterns and value orientation, and weights the basic data of the first stage to obtain relatively objective data. In the third stage, the program combines individual value orientation, ability, network information, government policies and other factors to guide users, and plays a role of supervision and assistance in the subsequent learning process.
作者 | 刘伊宁
Artist | Liu Yining
指导老师 | 马文
Mentor | Ma Wen
video, 16:9, 5m9s
The daily images I recorded in the house I lived in during my time at home in isolation were images that were not visually pleasing. Just the normality of the living environment. This normality is something that we are usually in but don't face, but when, out of force majeure, we have to face it, it is It shifted to a different kind of normality. In the video I use the form of browsing and oral journaling to describe the daily life of the period. But not realistically everyday either, there are some correlative influences between language and images, but with the addition of fictionalizing the story. The fiction is partly from personal memory, and in fact memory may already be the result of multiple fictions. The events do not all follow the time of the shooting, our past memories and present memories exist simultaneously in the possibility.
Caged Bird
作者 | 彭小真
Artist | Peng Xiaozhen
指导老师 | 朱红
Mentor | Zhu Hong
I was inspired by Lovecraft's The Call of Ksulu, aseries of novels on the theme of the value of humanity in the universeMeaningless and all quest for the mysterious unknown leads to a catastrophicend.
The author uses a combination of installation andvideo, with a soundtrack to create an atmosphere of oppressive madness, inwhich the camera acts as a high, unified lens. Creatures - The ancient gods ofKsuru mythology came to observe humans in cages - lowly creatures, and since inthe eyes of the camera, humans are Simple and ignorant, so images of dolls areused instead. The overexposed filter is used torecord the physical numbness ofthe doll's life and the way the mind, after being exposed to things beyondone's imagination, ends up going Crazy Hanging. That's the idea behind mypiece, Caged Bird.
Another World
作者 | 邱陈颖
Artist | Qiu Chenying
指导老师 | 林琳
Mentor | Lin Lin
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Visual Communication Design
Space, projection, games, 3Dprojection, books, jewelry
I combine children's painting with real life objects through technicalmeans to create products with surrealistic colors. I used the product as theprotagonist of the story and asked some children to create stories. I madethese stories into picture books with the same cover but completely differentcontent. Make the content of the story into a game for parents to make parentsrealize that they cannot replace the ideas of their children, and that childrenare independent individuals and equal to parents. Parents should understandtheir child's mind and help him, not control it.
I‘ve hidden you well
作者 | 戚玥
Artist | Qi Yue
指导老师 | 孙超
Mentor | Sun Chao
17m23s ,video, 30 textsecrets, 30 photographs (black envelopes)
Life must be properly shelved and hidden from discussion, and perhaps humanmaturity begins with the possession of secrets. Secrets are sometimes sugar andsometimes poison. The long road, like a shadow, carrying forward, the stepsonly get heavier, what we need is to talk and bury, as if to a The tree holetells all sorts of things. If you give it to me, I will hide it from you. Whenwe uncover these secrets, we see the same human suffering; the same humanreality; and the thoughts that arise from it.
作者 | 申雨晨
Artist | Shen Yuchen
指导老师 | 林琳
Mentor| Lin Lin
游戏操作界面 & 现场效果图
Game interface & Site rendering
Game Design, Unity exe 可操作程序, 16:9
Through the combination of narrative and interactive space, I realize thehealing of personal growth trauma in the family.
I created a family-themed illusion world through the script. By using thetriangular prism-like cave space to guide the participants to explore, theaudience can participate in the interaction of the story through the walldisplay while traveling.
In the end, I created the image of a virtual guardian character"brother" to talk and talk with the participants, hoping to bringsolace.
Twenty Two
作者 | 童思佳
Artist | Tong Sijia
指导老师 | 唐琼
Mentor | Tang Qiong
video, color, 16:9, 18m30s & e book,color, total 104 pages
The world as we know it is objective with asubjective analysis. And the world we relay is more subjective, what we wantothers to know. With the help of images and e-book, I have constructed acomprehensive narrative that is independent and interdependent in the context offamily planning. By providing "my" birth and upbringing and relatedevents from the perspective of my grandfather, grandmother and grandmother, itgives the subjective facts. The viewer can interpret these facts from anyperspective.
Online video viewing link:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1af4y1y7ur/
New Canvas
作者 | 王朴玉
Artist | Wang Puyu
指导老师 | 唐琼
Mentor | Tang Qiong
轻粘土, 丙烯, 彩色,5.5*5.5*3cm ,52件
Installtion, Light clay, acrylic, colorful, 5.5*5.5*3cm, 52 pcs.
I made some urinals and painted some contemporary art on them, which is anew kind of canvas for this era.
The memory of someone in borderline personality
作者 | 王若愚
Artist | Wang Ruoyu
指导老师 | 唐琼
Mentor | Tang Qiong
video, color,B&W, 4:3, 16:9, 6m53s
The work is presented as a film 6:14 in length, with a narrator telling mystory of growing up, from birth to the age of 23 , specifically in fivesections: birth, kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, high schooland college, each with one or more photographs, drawings and paintings. madeinto little animations. As someone who wanders the edges of self-awareness andrelationships, I want to be able to objectively and dialectically look at thesepieces of memory and use the Personal recollections, reshaping them into worksthat can be interpreted collectively.
Self dialogue
作者 | 王婉冰
Artist | Wang Wanbing
指导老师 | 孙超
Mentor | Sun Chao
digital photo, color
I'm a sociable person. It's easier for me toperceive all the little details of human interaction and interactions, and inmy opinion, managing my emotions is A very important thing, a lot ofover-emotional influences, I may have been influenced by emotions and not awareof it in the moment, revealing myself The look of disgust affects otherinnocent people as well.
The photos were taken in order to do as much aspossible not to overreact, not to go into a state of vertigo, to delay ordirectly digest the reaction to the overreaction, and to free up that time ofclarity for reason and thought.
Me VS My conversation
作者 | 汪宇航
Artist | Wang Yuhang
指导老师 | 马文
Mentor | Ma Wen
game design, 16:9
One independent time, I had a story to write, when the opposition of thingslike black and white actually left a contradiction, that what we know as I havetried to conceive of a world with the idea that we create our own through thegoodness of our hearts. The reality of goodness often results in the gradualpresence of malice in our hearts, and we spend the evil of our hearts torealize the reality of our Malice, however, leaves the good in our hearts. Whenthere is a contradictory revelation of the origin of things, what is theso-called of our judgment? How else do we retain our minds, how else do weevaluate so-called good and evil? All we make is just another amplification ofthe opposites we have in mind. I thought this was a very interesting way tocreate and madeimprovements in that direction.
Remarking Patients
作者 | 王梓伊
Artist | Wang Ziyi
指导老师 | 朱红
Mentor | Zhu Hong
video, color, B&W, 1920×1080, 7m13s
The work starts from the perspective of mobilephone dependence, and the number of "sleepwalkers" who have losttheir self-awareness and ability to think deeply is on the rise. Mentaldepletion and repetition of single-behaviour processes contribute to a floatingstate of life, with a shift from normative to pathological dependence on mobilephones, associated with Reality is intertwined and eroded. By recording thenormality of one's own behavior, the work looks at the dilemma ofself-consciousness created by mobile phones from the perspective of others.
If Cloud Knew
作者 | 蔚晓霞
Artist | Wei Xiaoxia
指导老师 | 唐琼
Mentor | Tang Qiong
installation, average 60cm-120cm, wool felt
It's a conversation with the clouds.
I've always had a habit of looking up at the clouds in the sky whenever I'mwalking along and thinking about something at the same time. It could besomething trivial that happened recently, or something that struck me. Or maybeit's some wild idea.
When I was a kid, the clouds were listening to me, but now I want to hearthem speak to me, so I started this conversation.
作者 | 杨文钰
Artist | Yang Wenyu
指导老师 | 孙超
Mentor | Sun Chao
video, color, 16:9, 3m26s
The state of fearlessness when gaming is the opposite of the state of dreadwhen it comes to graduation anxiety.
The mind-stream experience mechanism of gaming addiction tells me that by"gaming life" and seeing life as a game, you can be the developer andexperiencer of the game.
The work uses the effects of three childhood games torepresent three aspects of the anxiety state. I placed the three videos in acircular format, with the first half of the video featuring the repeatedfailure of the games, accompanied by a description of when to order your ownanxiety and Self-defeating discourse, and to situate the discourse in theannoying sounds of everyday life - mosquitoes screeching, knives and forksslicing through glass. Alarm bells, crying children, etc. In front of me arerepeated defeats, pessimistic thoughts and irritated voices haunting the mind,creating both visual and auditory feelings of anxiety.
But for the final twistI still use the winning ending, I want to convey the positive side to theviewer. The game can be played all the time, all the time because you want towin and have the confidence to win, which allows us to move forward. Facinggraduation, we don't know what the future holds and all the anxiety that tripsus up and denies us before we even start. Self, denying yourself for overtwenty years of hard work, since there is no turning back, why not play thegame with confidence and courage Fight to the end, and believe in yourself thatyou actually can, if you take that step.
Looking at social phobia in conjuction with art——<common Pistache>
作者 | 游晓敏
Artist | You Xiaomin
指导老师 | 林琳
Mentor | Lin Lin
Act I: Three people are shopping and see a shopthey like. They walk in together and admire it. The colors of the wall began toflow, and the rest of "I" was left in a state of sudden excitement.Not responding after that, not being able to get in between theirconversations, I went over to the other wall myself and looked at them lookingat the wall. The walls gradually change from colorful to dull.
Act II:Three people enter the maze through three entrances and explore the mazelooking for an exit, two of them meet first and the two of them As we happilywalked out of the maze together, "I" was still looking for an exituntil I saw the walls fade from color to color. By the time "I" amleft behind.
Act III: At the end of the previous act, I am left inthe corner of the labyrinth, trapped by the four towering walls, but that isonly me. Misperceptions, because I was the one who had closed myself off. I'mbored, idle and paralyzed in my enclosed space. Maybe it's the reality that myfriends are still out there waiting for me, or maybe my subconscious wants themto be waiting for me. The social-phobic's heart is hungry for socialization.
Thanks to
指导老师 Mentor | 朱红 Zhu Hong, 林琳 Lin Lin, 唐琼 Tang Qiong, 马文 Ma Wen, 孙超 Sun Chao
文字、图片 Text & Image | 2016级数字媒体艺术全体毕业生 2016 Digital Media Art graduates
海报设计 Poster Design |胡添翼 Hu Tianyi
排版 Typographer | 郝琳 Hao Lin
