
发布时间:2021年7月20日 分类:工业产品大赛建筑环境大赛服装服饰大赛视觉传达大赛 浏览量:2075




The competition warmly welcomes innovative young practitioners of fashion design from China and Italy (under 45 yearsold) as well as global artists, designers, students and faculty members majoring in design from universities, design lovers, studios, and companies.



Fashion Design


It is oriented at original fashion design proposals or product designs, including but not limited to dyed and woven fabric design, apparel design, jewelry design, household product design,cultural and innovative design, etc.


Fashion Technology


It is oriented at conceptual design, product design, or technological innovation in the fashion industry which combines arts and technology, including but not limited to the development and application of new materials, intellectual manufacturing, wearable technology, intellectual design tools or platforms, display tools or platforms for extended reality (XR), etc.


Fashion Lifestyle


It is oriented at designs in pursuit of abetter life, which suggest new scenarios where fashion trends and desirable lifestyles are closely combined, including but not limited to household and furniture design, smart home, experience gallery, interpretive gallery, etc.

Entry Requirements参赛要求

  1. 参赛作品应围绕大赛主题进行设计。

The entry shall be designed in accordance with the theme.

  1. 参赛作品可系列化设计,以组稿形式参赛,组稿限在4款作品以内。

The entry can be designed and submitted as a series, with up to four pieces of works.

  1. 提交的设计作品务必是设计者原创作品,如出现抄袭、模仿等涉及著作权纠纷作品,取消设计者参赛资格,由此引起的法律后果由参赛者自负。

The entry submitted must be original. In the event of any copyright disputes including plagiarism, imitation, etc., the participant will be disqualified from the competition and subject to legal liabilities.

  1. 参赛作品需提交1至3页的设计图纸(A3尺寸,高420mm×宽297mm,分辨率300dpi,JPG格式)以及作品说明视频(60秒至120秒,MP4格式)。其中,第一页为主图纸(应包含作品名称、设计构思、效果图、设计说明),其他页面可从设计主题、设计构思、结构图、效果图、实物照片、工艺说明等角度详细阐述;页面中所有文字为中文或英文,不得出现作者姓名及任何标记,不得出现参赛企业名称,否则视为无效作品。

The entry shall be submitted with one to three pages of design drawings (A3 size, 420mm*297mm, 300dpi of resolution, JPG format) and a video for description (60 to 120 seconds, MP4 format). The first page shall be the primary drawing (including the title of work, design concept, rendering and description), and the remaining pages shall provide a detailed description of work including design theme, design concept, structural drawing, rendering, photos, technical specification, etc. All text shall be in Chinese or English without any indications of the author’s name or marks or any participating enterprises’ name, otherwise the entry will be considered invalid.

  1. 入围决赛选手需要提交实物或模型,或者更为详尽的其他资料,以供最终评审和展示。

Material objects or models (or other detailed information) will be requested from the finalists for the final review and display.

  1. 国际团队参赛语言为中文或英文。

International teams shall take Chinese or English as their working language during the competition.

  1. 参赛稿件、照片、视频等一律不退,请自留底稿。参赛选手拥有参赛作品的完全知识产权,组委会对参赛作品(含设计稿和成品)拥有公开发表权,包括宣传、展示、演出、出版发行等。

All submitted copies, photos, videos, etc. will not be returned. Participants shall keep their own manuscripts. Participants enjoy full ownership of their intellectual property rights. The organizing committee has the right to publish the entries (including design drafts and finished products), including publicity, exhibition, performance, publication and distribution, etc.

Method of Participation参赛方式


Participants shall sign up and submit the entry through the official website of the competition. Official website: http://ciyff.cidih.tsinghua.edu.cn/home/



Special Award of the Zhejiang China Light & Textile Industrial City Group (3 items)Fashion Design x 1 (RMB 120,000 [pre-tax] with packaged innovation and entrepreneurship resources)Fashion Technology x 1 (RMB 120,000 [pre-tax] with packaged innovation and entrepreneurship resources)Fashion Lifestyle x 1 (RMB 120,000 [pre-tax] with packaged innovation and entrepreneurship resources)
专项奖 (27项) 






Special Award  (27 items)Award of the Most Popular Design x 5 (RMB10,000 [pre-tax] with packaged innovation and entrepreneurship resources), Award of the Most Potential Design x 5 (RMB 10,000 [pre-tax] with packaged innovation and entrepreneurship resources), Award of the Most Commercially Valuable Design x 5 (RMB 10,000 [pre-tax] with packaged innovation and entrepreneurship resources), Award of Innovative Designer x 5 (RMB 10,000 [pre-tax] with packaged innovation and entrepreneurship resources), Award of Excellence x 7 (RMB 10,000 [pre-tax] with packaged innovation and entrepreneurship resources).




Q: Is the competition only open to designers from China and Italy?

A: No, the competition is open to fashion innovators under 45 years old, mainly from China and Italy, but also to artists, designers, university students and teachers engaged in designstudies, design enthusiasts, studios and companies from all over the world.



Q: Specifically, what are the package dinnovation and entrepreneurship resources that come with the awards of the competition?

A: Basically, it means that we will provide resources for the awardees to deliver their projects. Agovernment-industry-designer matchmaking event will be held following the competition to align resources and facilitate the launch of the projects.



Q: What other activities will be held by the China-Italy Design Innovation Hub for the participants in thefuture?

A: The organizing committee is planning to diversify the activities during the competition to provide more opportunities for the participants to exchange ideas and showcase their innovative works, including supporting events such as get-togethers, workshops and exhibitions themed around future-oriented design.



Q: Will the competition beheld again in the future?

A: Yes, it will be held annuallyas scheduled.



Q: What will the China-Italy Design Innovation Hub offer the awardees in terms of access to other platforms?

A: The awarded works will be qualified for free presentation at the special exhibition held by the China-Italy Design Innovation Hub during Milan Design Week 2022, and the prize winners will be qualified for free enrollment to Tsinghua Global Summer School 2022.



Q: Are material objects ormodels a must for the entries?

A: No material object or model is required for the preliminary round, in which only one to three pages of design drawings and a video for description shall be submitted online. However, material objects or models will be requested from the finalists. See Entry Requirements for more details.



Q: How is the originality of the selected works ensured?

A: The competition conducts acritical review of all selected works. All prize winners and awarded works will be announced on our official website for one week following the competition. In the event of any plagiarism cases, the award will be withdrawn and the participant will be subject to legal liabilities.


邮箱: cidih@tsinghua.edu.cn

Q: What is the scrutiny mechanism of the competition?

A: The organization of the competition is open to public scrutiny throughout the entire process: The implementation plan has been published ahead of the competition; the wholeprocess of the competition will be videotaped; and relevant evaluationmaterials will be archived after each stage of the competition for future reference. To strengthen the supervision of the competition and ensure fairness, impartiality and openness, the organizing committee and the expert committee will supervise the evaluation process, while the secretariat will assistin handling complaints from participants and the public. Contacts:Tel: 010-62780563E-mail: cidih@tsinghua.edu.cn


