发布时间:2021年10月18日 分类:课程设计 浏览量:1608
课程由朱意灏老师主持,特邀德国斯图加特国立造型艺术学院Peter Litzlbauer教授与邹攀助教作为设计指导,以及国内木艺培训行业头部机构——木艺实验室的袁枚老师作为制作指导。
The course was hosted by Zhu Yihao, with Professor Peter Litzlbauer and Assistant Professor Zou Pan from the State Academy of Art Stuttgart as the design guidance, and Yuan Mei from the woodcraft laboratory, the leading organization in the domestic woodcraft training industry, as the production guidance.
Peter Litzlbauer教授是德国斯图加特国立造型艺术学院建筑系教授与副校长、中国美术学院与浙江工业大学客座教授,擅长建筑、家具与木制品设计,并在德国开办过10余次个人设计作品展。此后,陆续在中国美院、中央美院、清华大学、浙江工业大学等院校开展国际创新设计工作坊,并荣获浙江省省政府西湖友人奖。
Professor Peter litzlbauer is a professor and vice president of the State Academy of Art Stuttgart, and a visiting professor of China Academy of Art and Zhejiang University of technology. He is good at architecture, furniture and wood products design, and has held more than 10 personal design exhibitions in Germany. Since then, he has carried out more than 20 international innovative design workshops in China Academy of Art, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University and other schools, and won the West Lake Friends Award of Zhejiang Provincial Government.
Since professor litzlbauer also launched online courses for the first time, in order to improve the course efficiency, Professor litzlbauer, Assistant Professor Zou pan, teacher Zhu Yihao and some studio students carried out online course simulation for many times before the class to summarize various adverse and inconvenient factors .Taking advantage of the time difference between China and Germany, they specially designed standardized steps and specifications including carriers such as scheme text, scheme report and video, as well as communication methods such as questions and comments, so that professors can read all kinds of scheme reports in advance, communicate directly with carriers and put forward suggestions in class.After class, students can modify the suggestions and form a new plan report and submit them to the professor for pre-class reading.Based on this set of procedures and specifications, thanks to the serious attitude of both Chinese and German teachers and students, they overcome the inconvenience of transoceanic communication. Based on sketches and molds, they flexibly use cameras to display sketches, molds and project reports. They cooperated with each other, interacted efficiently, and promoted effectively, and finally harvested a batch of high-quality course results and created creative wooden play works.At the same time, the results of the course will also be exhibited in different places, institutions and other places, and the news will be pushed and displayed.