发布时间:2021年11月9日 分类:课程设计
同济-广汽创新设计策源营是由同济大学设计创意学院和广汽研究院联合发起并设立,同济大学设计创意学院载运工具与系统创新设计实验室(Next Mobility Lab)组织筹划,集商业、科技和设计等多学科交叉的研究、创新与人才培养综合性平台。致力于连接院校与产业、研究与商业、学术与社会,共同培育人才、合作对话,并探索有关未来出行的新兴场景与创新空间。首届活动以“流动的舞台”为主题,面向未来出行场景的无限可能。在这一背景与主题下,同济大学2019级工业设计的同学们通过8周的高强度研究学习与设计创造,以物基修辞的姿势,给出了他们关于未来的或然式证明。这些作品所组成的展览,为学院暑期翻新后的三期大厅注入了新的能量与活力,在现场所举行的结题汇报路演更是迎来了来自广汽研究院设计中心和上海前瞻设计工作室、BASF亚太共创中心、TX品牌与媒体中心、安永创新中心等的多位咖级点评嘉宾。娄永琪副校长和徐江教学副院长也应邀来到同学们的展览和汇报现场,并对同学们半个学期来的学习成果给予了高度肯定与祝贺。
在“流动的舞台”这一主题下,同学们组成的11个小组分别从作为科技的流动性(Mobility as technology)、作为经验的流动性(Mobility as experience)、作为可持续的流动性(Mobility as sustainability)三个方向展开了各自的探究与创造。让我们快来看看各组的项目简介与现场实况吧~
#1. Mobility As Technology
打破时间与空间的屏障,当下的我们拥有前所未有的移动范围、速度与频率。载运工具的不断革新牵动着出行范式的更迭,在这个过程中,是科学发现和工程技术的突破性革命。随着 5G 时代的到来,泛在网络、万物互联、大数据与人工智能等技术浪潮,正在以前所未有的速度刷新着下一轮创新机遇......从制造业到服务业,从载运工具到配套系统,新一轮技术革命究竟会将我们“带向何方”?
This is Data Utopia, a data world built by all. DATAPIA serves as a public agency supporting the well operation of data system. It is devoted to assembling data uploaded by the users and making the most out of it. Everyone can collect and store all accessible data through personalized mobile collector in different situations -- from the magnitude of traffic flow to the passion of lovebirds, all of which are potentially valuable for social welfare by the help of DATAPIA. With emerging technology, DATAPIA ensures the confidentiality of user status and the traceability of data. We firmly believe that the civic participation in data contribution will lead the data world closer to perfection.
Gravity, electromagnetism, strong and weak forces... the four forces that make up the most fundamental laws of our universe are unified in the field, which describes the invisible presence of energy and information in space. Future technology is likely to be focused on “Invisible Journey ”of exploration.Playing the role of Prometheus and catalyst for the development of technology, we pictured the traffic in the future, and whether complex transportation systems can be simplified. The exhibits show the shell and skin of the future vehicle receiving field force and the processer, while visualize the image of the field.
#2. Mobility As Experience
人是出行的主体,是出行体验的属有者和建构者。我们身在何处? 为何出发? 要去向哪里? 这一系列问题都是构成人们出行体验的重要组成。我们的“目的地”究竟是办公室还是事业? 是景点还是春天? 是饭店还是相逢? 通勤、娱乐、消费、教育、医疗,急救......各种不同出行目的和场景的背后,连接着的是人间的悲欢离合与五光十色。
出行究竟在我们的生活中扮演怎样的角色? 不同个体·不同场景下的体验究竟是怎样的质感、色彩、气味、韵律、画面、影像、场景和故事呢?
We live in an empiricist's nightmare: a real world that exists just outside of our perception. When we go into nature, we become entangled in networks of communication and relationships, and whether we realize it or not, we change those networks. We're supposed to be part of this. We sent to "artificial synapses" to the natural system, blend in nature, in the form of natural to link, to dialogue, to present, sense and transmit information. All living and inanimate beings share the world, and we encounter the perception of all things. Natural talking about? Trees, rocks, earth... Do they see, as we do, the image of a checkered card in their tubular mind? Do they, too, have internal experiences of light and dark, which are imbued with intricate neural processing into will, preference, and meaning? We tried to find out.
The real world of our existence appears in our mind through perception and reconstruction, and the computer records the world through numbers. The efficiency of energy and resources in the real world is low, while the digital world is efficient but fragile. Can we find a point between virtual and reality to balance the consumption and generation of resources?
In the future, efficiency-centered urban systems will be generally established. The importance of time will increase for perception of distance. The acceleration from mobility to society entails the disconnection of people's rhythms: individual and society, body and soul, or physics and physiology? The development of speed will interfere with natural rhythm endowed by the sun, which we conceive of using artificial light to adjust. Through analysis of differences between personal light rhythm history and the environment, various parameters of light can be changed with future technology to create a suitable individual light environment. We are in and out the world.
Highly developed digitization and self-driving technology allow us to imagine a near future transportation thatliberates human from the role of driver.But what are we going to experience along with our liberated body? Do we really want to be transported from one place to another in a small box? Do we really want to get lost in the digital illusion brought about by the virtual world all day long?
Mobility is ought to be colorful. Let the changeable
postures give unlimited excitement to the travel stage. Open your arms and embrace a vivid, authentic mobility experience and a diverse, energetic future.
We are immersing in the bit world at supersonic speed. However, how can this unknown world be perceived? Information entropy constitutes the element of the bit world , just like Yao in the eight trigrams, "0" and "1", Yin and Yang, build up the calculation law of the complex world. Everything in the atomic world is compiled into code, so can it be interpreted in the bit world? Hearing, an important way of perception that has been neglected under the visual paradigm, has great potential. The unique symbolicity and volatility of sound is expected to achieve strong compression of information.In the future travel system, we will provide humans with the possibility of hearing VIRTUAL BREATH and expand the boundaries of omniscience and omnipotence.
#3. Mobility As Sustainability作为可持续的流动性
工业文明时代,在人们获得前所未有的优越生活条件的同时,伴随的是对能源资源的极大消耗,和对自然环境的负面透支。数据显示,载运交通行业占全国终端碳排放的 15%,是能源和工业之后的第三大碳排放源。随着信息和智能技术的发展,未来载运工具与系统,也必将向着提高绿色环保效力的可持续目标发展。我们该如何创建在整体上优化载运结构?主观上倡导低碳出行,客观上推行多式联运的新兴系统?
Humans as creatures cannot be separated from the perspective of thinking for themselves and cannot think in terms of nature to be truly sustainable, so we propose de-anthropocentrism. In the future, a third-party actor is needed to connect humans and nature —— a slime bacterium that has been biotechnologically transformed into a bio-computer. It spreads throughout nature, collecting information about nature and human movement, and taking the perspective of the whole system to calculate, plan and make decisions instead of humans.When a human travels, the translational organs in contact with the ground communicate travel needs to the slime network and receive feedback; the human rides in a vehicle made of biomaterials, powered by slime and driven by the vehicle.
2021年,我们沉浸在高科技的未来图景之中,闭眼幻想着那个高度合理,高度可持续的 “美丽新世界”。2121年,我们享受高效,每一次出行都被精准预演,那因我而生的载具,感受着擦肩而过的人来自何处,又将去向何方。2021年,我们睁眼看向眺望未来的窗口。那不确定的未来究竟是黑是白?在那个以科技为骨架,以信息为血肉,以共用思维网络为大脑的世界中,人还是否是人?当你的出行如同演员在不折不扣地完成剧本,你是否还是你?2121年,在这个可持续的世界,我们像精准的秒针,走过一格又一格。
In 2021, we will be immersed in the high-tech vision of the future, closing our eyes and dreaming about that highly reasonable and highly sustainable “brilliant new world”.In 2121, we enjoyed high efficiency. Every trip was accurately rehearsed. The vehicle born because of me felt where the people passing by came from and where they were going.In 2021, we open our eyes and look to the window into the future. Is the uncertain future black or white? In a world where technology is the skeleton, information is the flesh and blood, and the shared thinking network is the brain, are people still human? When you travel as if an actor is completing the script without compromise, are you still you?In 2121, in this sustainable world, we are like a precise second hand, passing through one grid after another.
After all, are human beings not ready yet?
Or is this kind of human being the best?
In the context of the national energy Internet strategy, combined with a variety of bio-power generation technology trends, we have proposed "ENERGIANISM"-a future sustainable lifestyle that everyone contributes.We try to break the inherent perspective of people as the service objects of the energy system, reverse people’s attitudes towards nature, using wearable microgrid technology to transform people from energy consumers to energy producers, to form a "human-based energy Internet" .As the smallest unit in the energy system, humans serve as the production end, transmission end and use end at the same time. This energy flow has become a new interconnection channel. People work closely together on the "earth spaceship" and relay generations to achieve a more distant future.
可持续是一个集体促进的过程,可持续是一种持续“生长”的过程。"+∞生长计划"通过浓缩,视觉化可持续出行和生活方式,拉近人与可持续的距离。"+∞生长计划"将可持续材料循环生活化、 具象化,让我们都能成为推动可持续载具" 生长"的参与者,每个步骤都于此相连,回到原点。将终点化为起点,以过去塑造未来。
Sustainability is a process that every individual participates.It is a process that flourishes.The Process project visualised the heart of sustainable mobility and lifestyle, intends to narrow the distance between mankind and sustainability.
广汽研究院上海前瞻设计工作室Sandy Hartone 设计总监张棋 内饰资深设计师刘亭丽 运营经理
陈奎文 前瞻设计专业总师
肖凌之 校企合作负责人
Alexandre Dreyer 负责人
张静怡 经理
Helena LABX566空间主理人
King TX品牌IP中心负责人
Luna TX网络新媒体中心负责人
刘文竹 体验与创新副总监
傅菂 创新总监
杨一峰 主任
联合主办方:同济大学设计创意学院 & 广汽研究院承办方:同济大学设计创意学院 · 载运工具与系统创新设计实验室