
发布时间:2022年6月23日 分类:毕业设计 浏览量:2059

To adapt to the characteristics of daily activities of urban residents, formulating relevant management policies is important to improve the ability of urban management, and it is also an important part of improving the quality of citizens' daily public activities. This study uses the technical advantages of GPS for continuous behavior tracking/acquisition of accurate temporal and spatial information, and adopts the method of data statistics, taking Lingyun Road community in Xuhui District as an example, to carry out an empirical study on the differences of residents' daily dogwalking activity, and found that Spatiotemporal behavioral characteristics of residents' daily community dog walking activity. Residents’ dog walking routes are affected by the distribution of green space, river, society service points and shopping service points, and the residents’ activity range in Lingyun Street is divided into two parts, north and south, by the Central Elevated Road. Based on above analysis, it is deduced that the public activity experience of community residents can be improved to an better extent by redesigning the dead space under the Central Elevation with emphasis on pet-friendliness. After the design is completed, a Virtual Reality experimental platform based on Unreal Engine is built, and volunteers are invited to experience it.After analyze the obtained trajectory point data,it is concluded that the updated space is more dynamic, which is conducive to the development of social and public activities.
本作选址徐汇校区教工小区化工一四村,对于现在儿童友好过于平面设施化的设计进行改善,提出自发性游玩与全年龄段友好,选择多出特色节点与路段进行提升设计,以去设施化为亮点提供儿童友好型社区设计策略。This project is located in No. 14 Chemical Engineering Village, Teaching-work community, Xuhui Campus. To improve the current child-friendly design which is too flat, it proposes spontaneous play and all-age friendly design, selects more characteristic nodes and sections to enhance the design, and provides child-friendly community design strategies with the removal of facilities as highlights
 本设计通过对巨鹿路的现状分析,精细梳理街道基本情况,给出五个具体设计案例:大兴里立面品质提升、嘉怡进口食品商店门面改造、基于共享街道理念的慢行系统设计、巨鹿华山街角口袋公园改造及街道家具的布局及意向。Through the analysis of the current situation of Julu Road, this design carefully combs the basic situation of the street, and gives five specific design cases: the improvement of the facade quality of Daxing lane, the renovation of the facade of Jiayi imported food store, the design of the slow-moving system based on the concept of shared street, the renovation of the pocket park at the corner of JuluHuashan street and the layout and intention of street furniture.
本案从江南地域文化出发,撷取留园的设计精髓,吸收其“曲折通幽、欲扬先抑”的设计手法,将文化元素融入节点,材质与效果上寻找更符合现代环境的“新江南”景观风格,为年轻群体打造一处山水秘境中的茶室雅居。The case starts from the regional culture of Jiangnan, capturing the essence of the design of LiuGarden, absorbing its "twist and turn, want to raise first to suppress" design approach, integrating cultural elements into the nodes, materials and effects to find a "new Jiangnan" landscape style more in line with the modern environment, to create a tea room elegant residence in a secret landscape for the young group.
宠物专区在城市中的作用不仅仅是一个活动场地的开辟,更是社会多样化、包容度的体现,完善公共服务和设施来引导人们文明遛狗,通过科学的手段进行资源利用、能源转换,鼓励居民共同建设生态宜居、和谐清朗的社区环境。The establishment of pet zone is not only the opening of an activity site, but also the embodiment of social diversity and inclusiveness. Improve public services and facilities to guide people to walk their dogs in a civilized way, use resources and convert energy through scientific means, and encourage residents to jointly build an ecologically livable, harmonious and clear community environment.
民宿位于宁海岔路镇的下畈村,以道医文化为主题展开设计。大堂是“精”,考虑人群的舒适性、休闲体验感,营造开阔的氛围,室内景观布置得当。庭院是“气”把阴阳之气的“开”、“合”、“枢”的调节与和谐作为入手处,营造景观。客房是“神”,适当设置一些小景观以及提供僻静幽雅之处以静息养神。以“炼精化气、炼气化神、炼神还虚”作为空间动线。整体建筑风格参考徽派建筑。The homestay is located in Xiaba Vilageand is designed with the theme of Taoist medical culture. The lobby is "fine considering the comfort of the crowdthe sense of leisure experience,creating an open atmosphereand the indoorlandscape is properly arrangedThe courtyard is "qithat takes the regulation and harmony ofthe"opening"cosingand"pivot" of the yin and yang qi as the starting point to create a landscape.The guest rooms are "godswith some small landscapes appropriately set up and secluded and elegant places to rest and recuperate. Take "refining and refining qi refining gasifying gods,refining gods and returning voids"as the spatial moving line. The overall architectural style refers to Huipai architecture.
在老龄化社会背景下,以浙江省春晓镇的一处农村住宅为例,在适老化原则和潜伏设计原则的设计指导下,对场地建筑空间、室内空间、庭院空间三大方面进行设计改造,针对性的提出一套农村住宅适老化改造设计的理论体系。Under the background of aging society, taking a rural house in Chunxiao Town, Zhejiang Province as an example, under the design guidance of the aging principle and the latent design principle, this paper designs and transforms the site building space, indoor space and courtyard space, and puts forward a set of theoretical system for the aging transformation design of rural houses.
正如同《周易》中说:“在天地,则气化流行,生生不息。”在设计过程中,我借用了”流线“之绵延的意味以及”圆“的无限循环,永无尽头的概念,将“流线”、“异形圆”进行排列组合,构筑出一个流线型的绿化景观。这寓意着在更新后,能够为整个老龄社区注入生机与活力,同时也代表老龄化群体不应被忽视化,边缘化,更代表了一种循环,一种生命的延续。Just as "Zhouyi" said: "in heaven and earth, then gasification popular, endless." In the design process, I borrowed the continuous meaning of "streamline" and the concept of "circle" infinite cycle, never end, arrange and combine "streamline" and "special-shaped circle" to build a streamline green landscape. This implies that the renewal can inject vitality and vitalitynto the entire aging community, and also represents that the aging group should not be ignored, marginalized, but also represents a cycle, a continuation of life.
设计围绕解决社区服务项目不能满足服务需求这个核心,在有限的范围里尽可能地进行功能划分,以满足社区居民日益增长的物质文化生活的需求。同时在后疫情时代的背景下,要提高社区居民的参与性和积极性,建立良好的居民互动欢喜,共建和谐社区。The design of Repulse Bay Community Activity Center focuses on solving the problem that community service projects cannot meet the service needs, and divides the functions as far as possible within a limited scope, so as to meet the growing material and cultural needs of community residents.  At the same time, in the post-epidemic era, it is necessary to improve the participation and enthusiasm of community residents, establish good interaction and joy of residents, and build a harmonious community.
设计项目以下畈村文化综合楼作为民宿改造设计对象,结合当地传统地域文化和当地特色,通过对已有建筑进行改造和利用原场地闲置空地新建建筑,将空间重塑成为符合当代游客精神需求和审美需求且温馨舒适的住宿环境。The design project takes the cultural complex of Ha Fan Village as the object of the B&B renovation design, combining the traditional local regional culture and local characteristics, through the renovation of existing buildings and the use of the original site of unused vacant land to build new buildings, reshaping the space into a warm and comfortable accommodation environment that meets the spiritual and aesthetic needs of contemporary tourists.
对比同样曾为工业聚集地的徐汇、杨浦滨江,老码头滨江带无人问津。本案以“自然”、“健康”和“社区”为原则,从适老性设计、无障碍设施、软质景观等方面,对其进行规划。以期打造一个具有人文关怀的公共空间,提升人们在城市生活的幸福感、归属感,并再次激发此地的活力。In comparison with Xuhui Riverside and Yangpu Riverside, which were also once industrial clusters, the Cool Docks Waterfront is not popular among the citizens. This case will take "Sense of Nature", "Sense of Health" and "Sense of Community" as the main principles and focus on the elderly-oriented design, barrier-free facilities and plant configuration. To create an urban public space with humanistic care, constantly improve people's happiness and sense of belonging in urban life, meet people's needs for a better life and then stimulate the vitality of this place again.
"移动疫苗接种公交车"的设计结合理论知识和实际情况的设计实践,在动线设计、功能设计、空间分区、安全设施上满足疫苗接种的工作需求,在色彩设计、信息传达设计、无障碍设计上弥补目前的疫苗接种移动空间的不足。The design of "mobile vaccination bus" combines theoretical knowledge and practical design practice to meet the needs of vaccination in moving line design, functional design, spatial partition and safety facilities, and to make up for the lack of mobile space for vaccination in color design, information transmission design and barrier-free design.
雅韵青果的设计范围是常州青果巷历史文化街区,是常州最古老的街巷之一。设计围绕街区内三个主要节点进行了微更新,分别是东入口大门、备巷内的空地打造成口袋公园、中间未开发的空地打造成中央广场。The design scope of YayunQingguo is the historical and cultural district of QingguoLane, one of the oldest streets in Changzhou. The design is based around the micro-renewal of three main nodes: the east entrance gate space, the pocket park, and the central square.
将城市街道建筑、交通环境与人结合,以一种整体综合的舞台布局思路进行街道改造设计。用综合结构概念来建造灰空间上的“舞台”,在街道更新改造中,将灰空间进行最大化最优化的运用,进而优化街道空间的整体功能。Combining urban street architecture, traffic environment and people, street transformation design is carried out with an overall and comprehensive stage layout idea. Using the concept of comprehensive structure to build the "stage" on the gray space, in the street renovation, the gray space will be used to maximize the optimal, and then optimize the overall function of the street space.
沉浸式商业空间设计           ——以威海国际海水浴场为例
商业空间需注重独特的空间氛围营造以及多元化的体验。研究课题从多方面阐释商业空间的沉浸式体验设计,重点分析威海市国际海水浴场商业空间改造,探索未来商业空间设计的可能性。Commercial space should pay attention to the creation of unique space atmosphere and diversified experience. The research topic explains the immersive experience design of commercial space from many aspects, focuses on the transformation of Weihai International bathing beach commercial space, and explores the possibility of future commercial space design.
本次课题在对淮海路进行研究分析后,从游戏体验与人文历史的角度切入设计了一款从周海婴先生青少年时期的视角出发的淮海路街道空间漫游游戏《何我》,以达到街道漫游体验的游戏化,街道历史风貌的再现化的目的。After the research and analysis of Huaihai Road, this paper designs a huaihai Road street space roaming game "He Me" from the perspective of Game experience and humanistic history from the perspective of Mr. Zhou Haiying's youth, in order to achieve the goal of gamification of street roaming experience and reappearance of street historical features.
临港社区服务中心更新改造是基于共享空间的设计理念,从空间的公共性、可达性出发,分析不同人群对空间的需求,聚焦于改善社区服务中心拥挤、老旧等现状问题,创造人与社会交织碰撞的空间场所,换发空间的活力。The renovation of Lingang Community Service Center is based on the design concept of shared space, starting from the publicity and accessibility of space, analyzing the needs of different groups of people for space, focusing on improving the current situation of crowding and aging of community service centers, creating a space place where people and society are intertwined and colliding, and changing the vitality of space.
以漫步穿越淮海路为主题,将穿越-复古-艺术贯穿于街道中,实现历史与现实、复古与时尚的对话。强化人们的记忆认知,塑造街道独特的复古时尚的意象,使得历史空间能够与城市动态发展相统一。Taking strolling through Huaihai Road as the theme, the old-fashion and art will run through the streets, realizing the dialogue between history and reality, retro and fashion.Through the active protection design to strengthen people's memory and cognition, shape the street's unique image of old-fashion, so that the historical space can be unified with the dynamic development of the city.
基于网格单元分析法的街道空间视觉感知研究                                   ——以淮海中路为例
运用街道空间视觉感知评估体系,得出街道空间中吸引人的视觉感知偏好点,将街道空间开放程度连续性峰值点和视觉感知偏好点进行曲线拟合,得出淮海中路街道空间矛盾点及其改造方向。Using the visual perception evaluation system of street space, the attractive visual perception preference points in the street space are obtained, and the peak point of the continuity of the street space and the visual perception preference point are fitted to the curve, and the contradiction point of the street space of Huaihai Middle Road and its transformation direction are obtained.
本作品在新中式风格的基础上,从建筑材料、室内色彩、绿化植被等方面入手,将新中式风格融入茶室设计中,使现代人能够在忙碌、快节奏的生活中感受城市茶室中的清幽静谧,感受心灵的净化洗礼。Based on the new Chinese style, this work integrates the new Chinese style into the design of teahouse from the aspects of building materials, interior colors and green vegetation, so that modern people can feel the quiet and quiet of urban teahouse in their busy and fast-paced life and feel the purification of their hearts.
核心概念为“农耕文化+音乐文化。为耀光12组中构建一种建立在原有场地文化+新文化元素的融合,以此为基础,打造稻野中的“桃花源”,展开美好生活的一种愿景。The core concept is "farming culture + music culture". For yaoguang group 12 to build a fusion of the original site culture + new cultural elements, on this basis, to create a "peach blossom garden" in the rice field, to launch a vision of a better life.
高架桥占据大量城市空间,要求我们重新思考共存关系。本项目试图探索剩余空间可以怎样干预和介入社会的各种关系中。并以引导大学利用桥下空间介入“社区自我管理”为框架,重新赋予桥下空间新的空间体验和社会意义。The viaduct takes up a lot of urban space and requires us to rethink coexistence. This project attempts to explore how surplus space can intervene and intervene in social relationships. Under the framework of guiding universities to use the space under the bridge to intervene in "community self-management", the space under the bridge is endowed with new spatial experience and social significance.
设计聚焦于苏州河上30座桥梁,通过对环境的调研和分析找出痛点,基于功能耦合的策略,打造生态、交通、人文三位一体的桥梁空间。提出3种在桥梁空间改造的可能性,最终将1种改造模式在新闸桥进行实践。即N-3-1。The design focuses on 30 bridges on the Suzhou River, finds pain points through environmental research and analysis, and creates a bridge space integrating ecology, transportation and humanities based on the strategy of functional coupling. Three possibilities of reconstruction in the bridge space are proposed, and one reconstruction mode is finally put into practice in the new gate bridge. That is N-3-1.
基于在数字赋能的视域下,分析其自然地理、景观资源等基本情况,结合专业性以空间角度来进行景观设计,实现数字赋能与景观设计的结合,打造数字乡村,因地制宜形成符合自身实际的乡村治理模式。From the perspective of digital empowerment, this paper analyzes the basic situation of its natural geography, landscape resources, etc., and carries out landscape design from the perspective of space in combination with professionalism, so as to realize the combination of digital empowerment and landscape design, create a digital village, and form a rural governance mode in line with its own reality according to local conditions.
本次毕业设计参与了长三角艺术振兴乡村高校毕业设计联合行动,是为国家发展乡村振兴战略;为浙江省建设共同富裕示范区做出行动。随着我国步入社会主义新时期,乡村旅游成为国家实施“乡村振兴战略”的重点和突破口。本次项目的选址,就是坐落在浙江省宁波市宁海县岔路镇湖头村的一处民宅——三夸麦饼坊。本次设计通过对民宅空间和装饰的更新改造,改变现有的经营模式,提高空间利用率和商业价值。将原本的一层庭院舍弃,加盖二层露台区域,让空间利用率更高。拥挤的农村联排房给人一种压抑感,二层露台区域适当敞开,加以小景观做修饰,巧妙地掩盖联排楼房带来的沉闷之感。一层大厅区域,集餐厅与咖啡馆于一体,保留了“三夸”麦饼的品牌作坊职能,同时提升其作为商业空间的功能性。室内部分,将原本拥挤的房间进行适当解构重组,居住空间更惬意。This graduation project participated in the joint action of art revitalization of rural colleges and universities in the Yangtze River Delta, which is a strategy for the national development of Rural Revitalization; Make actions for the construction of a demonstration area of common prosperity in Zhejiang Province. As China enters the new socialist period, rural tourism has become the focus and breakthrough of the national implementation of the "Rural Revitalization Strategy". The site of this project is the sankua wheat cake workshop, a residential house located in Hutou village, Chalu Town, Ninghai County, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province. This design changes the existing business model and improves the space utilization and commercial value through the renovation of the residential space and decoration. The original courtyard on the first floor will be abandoned and the terrace area on the second floor will be built to improve the space utilization. The crowded rural townhouse gives people a sense of depression. The terrace area on the second floor is appropriately open and decorated with small landscapes, which cleverly covers the dull feeling brought by the townhouse. The hall area on the first floor integrates restaurants and cafes, retains the brand workshop function of "three Kwa" wheat cakes, and improves its functionality as a commercial space. In the interior part, the originally crowded rooms are properly deconstructed and reorganized to make the living space more comfortable.
这是在乡村振兴,促进美丽乡村建设背景之下,通过实地走访考察下畈村后,根据实际需求设计出的一处民宿综合体,意在为游客提供住宿、体验、休憩等不同的体验空间,并希望可以为旅客提供全天候的良好体验。This design is based on the background of "rural revitalization" and the "promotion of the beautiful countryside construction". Based on the visit of Xiafan village, a home stay complex is designed according to actual demand aims to provide tourists with different experience spaces such as accommodation, experience, rest and so on, and hopes to provide tourists with all-weather good experience.
以上海城市变迁为主要故事线,对上海市区内历史悠久的云南南路进行更新建构,融合上海历史与现代生活方式,并以此为基础,结合上海“2035”规划美好蓝图,探索出一套更现代,更文艺,可阅读的云南南路更新设计方案。Taking the urban change of Shanghai as the main story line, this paper updates and constructs the long-standing Yunnan South Road in the urban area of Shanghai, integrates Shanghai's history and modern lifestyle, and on this basis, combined with the beautiful blueprint of Shanghai's "2035" plan, explores a set of more modern, more artistic and readable Yunnan South Road renewal design scheme.
设计选择了朱家角镇旁的四民公馆作为设计场地。将整个区域的设计划分成春夏秋冬四个季节,作为对应区域的设计灵感来源。在整个空间内选用多种不同的植物景观,为游客提供在不同地点,不同时间的不同奇妙意境。The design chose the Sikmin Mansion,next to the town of Zhujiajiao as the design site. The design of the whole area is divided into four seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter, as the inspiration for the design of the corresponding area. A variety of different plant landscapes were chosen throughout the space to provide visitors with a different and wonderful mood at different locations and times of the year.
该设计以“海洋”为主题,考虑了不同年龄儿童的行为活动与内心需求,从空间、服务与制度三个层面构建了一个体系完整的儿童友好社区活动空间,并结合宁波当地的优秀传统文化,以展现大闸社区的独特韵味。The "ocean" themed designtakes into account the activitiesand inner needs of children in different ages, and constructs a children friendly community with a complete system whichisbuiltfrom three levels:space, service and system. Besides, it also combines the excellent traditional culture of Ningbo to show the unique charm of Dazha community.


