发布时间:2022年7月18日 分类:视觉传达作品 浏览量:5464
在我们庆祝成立10周年和牙买加独立 60 周年之际,IRPC 比赛旨在表彰雷鬼音乐和所有其他牙买加流行音乐流派中的女性。我们强调女性在牙买加音乐行业中的许多角色,例如词曲作者、歌手、DJ、制作人、艺术家经理、巡回演出经理、预订代理、公关人员和娱乐记者。这些女性的杰出事业对牙买加最伟大的文化出口的发展和扩张至关重要。
我们还向那些在牙买加音乐中记录在社会中作为自由斗士、文化活动家和养育者的重要角色的女性致敬。前 100 名获奖者创作了与今年主题相呼应的创意视觉表达,展示了女性在牙买加雷鬼音乐文化中的活力和氛围。
我们收到了来自 53 个国家的 653 位艺术家提交的 1180 幅海报。TOP100件获奖作品中有61件来自中国大陆设计师,2件来自中国香港,1件来自中国台湾。
评审过程由三个小组分三个阶段进行。第一个由巴拉圭的国际设计师 Celeste Prieto 组成;Claudia Tello 墨西哥;Costantinos Pissourios aka versioncos14 塞浦路斯;Donnette Cooper 牙买加;Eric Boelts 美国;苏慧敏 中国;穆罕默德·阿夫沙尔 伊朗;Naandeyé García Villegas 墨西哥;尼古拉斯·达席尔瓦 美国;Onur Aşkin 土耳其;Seyyedmehdi Mousavi 伊朗;Tomasz Bartz 波兰;王志军 中国。
第二个小组由牙买加的国际设计师安德烈·哈钦森 Andre Hutchinson 组成;Byoungil-Sun 韩国;Charis Tsevis 希腊;Chaz Maviyane-Davies 津巴布韦;克里斯托弗·斯科特 厄瓜多尔;CIPRIAN N. ISAC 罗马尼亚;Arafat Al-Naim 阿拉伯联合酋长国;Mehdi Saeedi 伊朗;米尔科·伊利奇 波斯尼亚;Niklaus Troxler 瑞士,Rikke Hansen 丹麦;Susana Machicao 玻利维亚。
1 | Vasilis Grivas | Queen of the Maroons | Greece |
2 | Mahmut Soyer | Woman’s Power | Turkey |
3 | Mina Nasliyani | Inner Peace | Iran |
4 | Sun lijiang | Because of love | China |
5 | Junhui Cai | Breeding Reggae Music | China |
6 | YuSheng Wang | Reggae mermaid | China |
7 | Dora Murin | Reggae is our Peace | Hungary |
8 | Christoph Stettler | Women in reggae | Switzerland |
9 | Junhui Cai | Women in Reggae Music | China |
10 | Mahmut Soyer | Woman’s Power | Turkey |
11 | Qiuyu Zeng | Blooming wildness | China |
12 | 陈博文 | 女性如花 | China |
13 | Yajie Wang | Reggae music in women | China |
14 | Luis Daniel Pérez Molina | Body and Soul | Mexico |
15 | Zhang Yidan | Carnival night | China |
16 | Xiyue Wei | Women in Reggae Music | China |
17 | Xvling Lai | The other side of reggae | China |
18 | Yajie Wang | Women in Reggae Music | China |
19 | Han Yukun | Reggae music in women | China |
20 | Xing He | Reggae music in women | China |
21 | YuSheng Wang | Women in reggae music are beautiful | China |
22 | Rosalio Rodriguez | The Queens | Mexico |
23 | Juan Arredondo | Wumana | Guatemala |
24 | DAN JIN | Tanya_Stephens | China |
25 | Vladimiros Psomadopoulos | No Women, No Reggae | Greece |
26 | Ahmed and Elsalam Ebrahim | light from the dark | Egypt |
27 | Omar Ignacio | Mary Seacole | Mexico |
28 | Binrui Chen | A woman who plays jazz | China |
29 | Chen LangQing | Reggae female beauty | China |
30 | Zhiwei Lyu | Women in Reggae Music | China |
31 | CHIA HSIANG LEE | Dance | Taiwan |
32 | Zhou Tianrui | The Queen of Gay Discos | China |
33 | Fanghong Huang | Music freedom | China |
34 | Yan L i | Female | China |
35 | Xuwei Zhang | Diana King | China |
36 | Emran Abtahi | Be Happy | Iran |
37 | Han Wei, Qi Huiting, Xue Jiashan | Tribute to Queen Ifrica | China |
38 | Wei Han, Deng Xue Li, Lai HaiCai | women in reggae music | China |
39 | Yan L i | women in music | China |
40 | Meiqi Song | the sound of dreadlocks and flowers | China |
41 | Rafael Homor | Reggae Star | Brazil |
42 | Yanchao Song | women in reggae music | China |
43 | YANGYANG REN | The power of women | China |
44 | Andrea Chin | Queens, Raise Your Voices to the Skies | United States |
45 | Zuo Biao Peng | reggae music and peace | Hong Kong |
46 | WEN XIANG YANG | Women in reggae music | China |
48 | Dai Chuanyi | Singing Song | China |
49 | Mao Chenghan | Let’s rock with the music | China |
50 | Alejandro Adrian Ribote | Judy Mowatt | Spain |
51 | Elina Plemeniuk | Woman. Dance. Reggae. | Russia |
52 | Kai Xu | Etana | China |
53 | Ay. Bayer | Reggae Spirit | Turkey |
54 | HaiCai Lai, Deng XueLi, Han Wei | women in reggae music | China |
55 | Yichen Zhang | Women in ReggaeMusic | China |
56 | Xuwei Zhang | MILLIE SMALL | China |
57 | Hanhan tong | reggae music of women | China |
58 | Ryaxin ren | Play the beauty of women | China |
59 | Yaxin Ren | Play the beauty of women | China |
60 | Yilu Huang, Zhang Jiangchuan | Women in Reggae Fest | China |
61 | Rashid Rahnama | Women Power | Iran |
62 | Lingfei Tao, Qiuyu Zeng | Melody | China |
63 | Mario Rivera | Tribute to Hiroko Okuda | Spain |
64 | Jessica Delgado | Chronicles of a Woman with Reggae | Mexico |
65 | Marcelo Furuuchi | Typo Dancing | Brazil |
66 | Maria Pallecaros-theoclitou | creative vibes | Cyprus |
67 | Xin Feng | Shouting | China |
68 | ZHANG SIJIA | Happy guitar girl | China |
69 | Flavus Regis | Original Toast Koffee | Brazil |
70 | Saman Nikpour | feeling of freedom | Iran |
71 | Liao Fengyan | REGGAE MUSIC | China |
72 | Mauricio Sirias Mayorga | Reggae’s Madda Land Tribute | Costa Rica |
73 | Yongqing Yeyongqing | Listen | China |
74 | peter eliáš | Marcia – Legend | Slovakia |
75 | Meghdad Shirali | woman in reggae music | Iran |
76 | Yang Runzi | Reggae | China |
77 | Maria Eugenia Rojas Quinteros | Peace Chant | Bolivia |
78 | Lin Jiayi | women in reggae music | China |
79 | Zhang Yidan | Women in reggae music | China |
80 | Hao Yuan Chai | women of reggae music | China |
81 | Manny S u | Reggae and Roses | China |
82 | Nadia Mandujano | Power | Mexico |
83 | Wan Jialing | women in reggae | China |
84 | Meghdad Shirali | woman in reggae music | Iran |
85 | Lewei Wu | The Power of Music | China |
86 | Diana Chernaya | woman shapes reggae | Ukraine |
87 | Zuo Biao Peng | Women in reggae music | Hong Kong |
88 | Yicheng Zhou | Reggae women | China |
89 | Chuan Xing | Woman Behind Hat | China |
90 | XianTian Wang | Among Us | China |
91 | Elvan yıldız | woman and rhythm | Turkey |
92 | Jorge González Morales | Woman and Peace and Love | Mexico |
93 | Jiaqi Song | women in reggae music | China |
94 | Shuting Wang | music going round and round | China |
95 | DUPING XU. | Music for Women | China |
96 | Normal Gergely | Women with Lions | Hungary |
97 | Lenna Winterton | Women of Reggae | France |
98 | Xiaoming Zhang | queen | China |
99 | Jianfei Lu | Harmonious and wonderful music | China |
100 | Yan Xin Zhu | Special records | China |
TOP10 获奖作品
01/ Vasilis Grivas / Queen of the Maroons / Greece 希腊
02 / Mahmut Soyer / Woman’s Power / Turkey 土耳其
03 / Mina Nasliyani / Inner Peace / Iran 伊朗
04 / Sun lijiang / Because of love / China 中国
05 / Junhui Cai / Breeding Reggae Music / China 中国
06 / YuSheng Wang / Reggae mermaid / China 中国
07 / Dora Murin / Reggae is our Peace / Hungary 匈牙利
08 / Christoph Stettler / Women in reggae / Switzerland 瑞士
09 / Junhui Cai / Women in Reggae Music / China 中国
10 / Mahmut Soyer / Woman’s Power / Turkey土耳其