2022 JIA(日本插画家协会)日本插画大奖获奖作品(中国首展)
发布时间:2022年8月9日 分类:视觉传达作品

本届审查员是居住在比利时的插画家Steven Van Hasten,居住在伊朗的平面设计师兼插画家Amir Alaei,居住在立陶宛的平面设计师兼插画家Laimutė Varkalaitė先生,越南出生,美国居住的插画家兼美术家的Tran Nguyen先生,日本插画家协会会长蟹江隆广先生共计5名构成。
以本届获奖作品在中国举办展览会为契机,At Design Co., Ltd CEO兼创意总监李特担任本届比赛评委,以发掘全世界优秀的插画家,帮助插画家有更好的发展为目的,本年度首次设定特别奖(SPECIAL AWARD),并授予奖金10万日元。
JIA(日本插画家协会)成立于1999年,每年举办JIA Illustration Award,旨在发掘与鼓励全球杰出插画师。每年有包括大奖,金奖,银奖,铜奖等50余位来自不同国家的插画师获奖。
日本插画大奖只接受 「未经商业合作或发表」的纯粹创作,严谨的作品审查与交件流程,让日本插画大奖在创作者心目中有着非常高的公信力。在参赛资格与风格上,大会则是展现高度的包容度,得奖作品在技法、风格上所展现的多元性,让人每次纵览获奖者创作,总有惊喜感。
2022年获奖作品由来自38个国家近千幅作品数中选出大奖,金奖,SPECIAL奖,银奖,铜奖。获奖作品将在JIA日本插画大奖获奖作品展(中国首展)展出。并以中国首展为契机,首次颁发SPECIAL AWARD和出版展览画册,书籍将登载本年度全部获奖作品和往年大奖,金奖作品。
Water colors and colored pencils
1.In the praise of walking
3.The master and margarita
1.Adventures in Wordland01
2.Adventures in Wordland02
3.Adventures in Wordland03
4.Adventures in Wordland04
5.Adventures in Wordland05
6.Adventures in Wordland06
03.The reality and the dream
04.The dream of Akutagawa Ryūnosuke
Handzeichnung, Tusche, Edding
2.Colosseum feat. Moby Dick
3.In Memory of Hartmut Rueger (Kopf aus dem Sinai)
Digital Paint with photoshop
Mixed Media, Digital Art.
1.Lust-Lilith the Night Witch
2.Greed-Medea the Princess
6.Gluttony-Yang, the Imperial Consort
1.Are you tired of swiping?
4.Let’s build up a “perfect” dating profile
5.Get ready for the date night
6.Must-haves for the first and last dates
Pencil, Black ink, White acrylic color, Copic multiliner pen
2. land of the giant serpents
watercolor, Watercolor pencils
Digital Illustration:Photoshop & Procreate
1.I no longer have to worry about being stabbed by the light.
2.No more tears will break my cheek.
3.I would not see the stars shining in the dark.
4.I promised him I would never look back on the past time.
5.I guess I won't be afraid of being alone.
Watercolor, pencil and digital media
1.In the whole wide world...
Color pencils, Color needle pens, Pastel
Digital painting in Procreate
1. Figure of Western Queen Mother 西王母图
1) Leader of the Mountain Leung
3) The Twin Dragons Mountain
No regrets in life and death
charcoal pencil In Wendy's Bedroom
2. In Wendy's Bedroom (Peter Pan)
Mixed media with colored pencil and procreate
1. How to deal with pests - Bloom magazine
2. Sharping joints - PTA women magazine
4. Convict Lake CA - be aware and care
5. Seething power - protect what you love
1.Whispers from the stars
3.When The child of star was twinkling
4.The stars and trees and us
Photoshop,Procreate,Texture Photos
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop
3. Welcome to my coffee shop
5. My town with hot air balloon
Procreate/Adobe Photoshop
watercolor on paper, photoshop
1.Keeping secrets as a vase
2.Nutrition for Growing minds
4.To be footloose and fancy-free
插画:Steven Van Hasten(比利时)
版权方:Japan Illustrators' Association
主办:爱特设计株式会社, 北京文胤文化发展有限公司, 798桥艺术空间
联合主办:中华文化促进会创投中心, Together插画与绘本
At Group位于日本东京,中国上海,北京,深圳。创意企划部At Design位于日本东京。坚信设计能够创造价值,并与日本各领域、近百位设计师合作,力行实践,运用设计赋能商业, 通过教育培养设计力量。