发布时间:2022年11月16日 分类:视觉传达大赛
In order to change the impression that Chinese characters are difficult to learn and arouse the interest of global youth to learn about China and its culture, the International Society for Chinese Language Teaching and Beijing International Chinese College jointly launched the “Chinese Character in My Heart” Creative Design Works Exhibition, aiming to explore and practice innovative ways of spreading the culture of Chinese characters in the context of globalization. The theme of the 2022 works exhibition is "Character of My Hometown". Young people around the world are invited to tell stories about their hometown using Chinese characters or the innovative design of Chinese characters.
1 征稿对象Call for contributors
有兴趣了解中国文化、了解中国的国际青少年。International youth who are interested in learning about China and Chinese culture
2 作品内容要求Content requirements
(一)作品须为作者原创,不得抄袭或复制他人作品;(a) The work must be original to the author and must not be plagiarized or copied from the work of others;(二)作品应切合“字说家乡”主题,展示出家乡的特色风貌和文化内涵;
(b) The work should be relevant to the theme of "Characters of my hometown", showing the characteristics and cultural connotations of the designers’ hometown;
(c) The work should conform to the international discourse/cultural system, demonstrating international consensus and reflecting exchanges between cultures;
(d) The work should reflect the characteristics of Chinese characters and be easily recognizable;
(e) The work should focus on aesthetic unity and convey complete design intention.
3 作品格式要求Format requirements
(一)作品电子文件规格:JPG图片格式,分辨率不低于300dpi,不低于2M(最长边不小于3000像素),不超过10M;(a) Specifications of the electronic file of the work: JPG image format, resolution is not less than 300 dpi, not less than 2M (the longest side no less than 3000 pixels), and no more than 10M;(二)作品须和《参赛报名表》(附件)一起发送至邮箱:ILCCC2021@163.com。报名邮件以“汉字创意设计作品展+作者姓名+国籍”形式命名。
(b) Works must be sent together with the Application Form (see attachment) to ILCCC2021@163.com. The title of the email should be in the form of "Award Exhibition of Creative Design with Chinese Characters" + Name of Author + Nationality".
4 征稿截止时间Submission deadline
2023年1月15日,北京时间23:59。23:59 Beijing Time, 15 January 2023