FuturArc Prize (FAP) 2023——亚洲绿色设计大赛
发布时间:2023年1月1日 分类:建筑环境大赛 浏览量:2786
Each team may comprise up to five members and may comprise different related disciplines. The composition of team members may include students and/or professionals. Teams are prohibited from swapping or removing any existing member of the team. Team members are only allowed to be on one team.
One member of the team must also be designated as leader and identified as such on the registration form. This member will be the team’s sole representative in all liaisons with the competition registrar. The team leader must have a background in architecture (i.e., is a student of, has graduated from or is practicing architecture).
All members of the team are regarded as co-authors of the project they submitted together and will be acknowledged as such in all announcements, displays, exhibitions and publications associated with the competition.
Individual entrants are regarded as the author of the project he/she submits and will be acknowledged as such in all announcements, displays, exhibitions and publications associated with the competition.
Each individual entrant is their own representative in all liaisons with the competition registrar.
Mid-October 2022: Registration & submission start
Mid-February 2023: Registration & submission end
End March to April 2023: Results & individual notification
May to June 2023: Awards*
*Awards ceremony dates are to be confirmed.
Entries are to be submitted by following the specified template (5 panels per entry; 4 for design proposal, 1 for citations/references).
Maximum file size of all 5 panels to be submitted is 15MB; in A2 size, PDF format. If you are selected as a winner/merit, you will need to provide high-resolution individual images of your panels.
Images should consist only of drawings, rendered images, photographs and thumbnails.
The total site area; actual images of the site; and geographical coordinates must be included.
Scales that are necessary to comprehend certain drawings (plans, sections, etc.) must be shown as graphic scales next to the drawing.
The contents of the panels should be sufficient to impart a clear understanding of the proposal and presented according to the stated evaluation criteria.
Any names, countries of residence and/or practice MUST NOT be displayed anywhere on the panels.
Panels should be submitted in English; entries submitted in other languages will be disqualified.
Second Place: Cash prize of SGD3,500 plus 1-year subscription to FuturArc digital magazine via FuturArc app
Third Place: Cash prize of SGD2,000 plus 1-year subscription to FuturArc digital magazine via FuturArc app
Merit (up to 12 places will be given): SGD500 each plus 1-year subscription to FuturArc digital magazine via FuturArc app
Each Winner/Winning team will receive:
Cash prize
One trophy (only 1 trophy will be awarded for each winner or winning team)
Complimentary subscription to FuturArc digital magazine via FuturArc app
Each Merit recipient/team will receive:
Cash prize
Complimentary subscription to FuturArc digital magazine via FuturArc app
Awards will be given based on quality of entry, regardless of the country of origin.
Awards given to team entrants will be presented to the team representative and are to be shared at the discretion of the team members.
All projects from winning entrants and merit recipients may be published on FuturArc website, social media and in FuturArc magazine.
The jury shall have full freedom to decide on the winners and merits. The jury decision shall be final and binding on all entrants.
The competition registrar reserves the right to not award any prize where the jurors agree that submissions are of insufficient quality.
Digital certificates of participation will be sent out to all registrants.
Provided that physical events are allowed to take place, awardees will be recognised at BCI Asia Awards (BCIAA)—a gala event that attracts key architecture, building and construction industry players in Indonesia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam respectively.
* Competition Organiser reserves the right to change the prizes.