
发布时间:2023年3月4日 分类:视觉传达大赛 浏览量:1365


征集背景 Background

建设成眉高新技术产业带,通过以带聚人、以带筑城、以带兴产,实现创新赋能、产业集聚,是贯彻落实成渝地区双城经济圈建设等国家战略部署的重要举措,是推动成德眉资同城化暨成都都市圈建设的关键一招。为提升成眉高新技术产业带对外招引辨识度,打造具有标志性的产业IP,现将以竞赛方式开展“成眉高新技术产业带标识体系设计全球征集”活动,面向全球设计师征集地标牌装置设计方案和LOGO图标设计方案。最终确定的设计方案将被使用于产业带内各大产业园区等实地场景、成眉高新技术产业带各大媒体传播平台及部分相关工作场域。The construction of the Chengdu-Meishan High-tech Industrial Belt, through gathering people, building cities, and promoting industries,  is an important measure to achieve innovation empowerment and industrial aggregation, and to implement national strategic deployment such as the construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle, and a key move to promote the integration of Chengdu, Deyang, Meishan, and Ziyang, as well as the construction of the Chengdu Metropolitan Circle. In order to enhance the recognition of the Chengdu-Meishan High-tech Industrial Belt and create a symbol of industrial IP, the "Global Call for Entries for Chengdu-Meishan High-tech Industrial Belt Signage Design" will be launched through a competition. The competition is open to designers around the world to submit designs for landmark sign installations and logo designs. The final selected design will be used in various industrial parks within the industrial belt, as well as in major media platforms and some relevant workplaces.

征集内容 Contents

本次设计竞赛主题为“成眉高新、创享未来”,立足于成渝双城地区经济圈建设城市形象设计与展示,主要针对成眉高新技术产业带标识体系进行设计方案征集,包括成眉高新技术产业带地标牌装置设计类竞赛和成眉高新技术产业带LOGO图标设计类竞赛。为保持同一识别度,鼓励参赛者同时参与两类竞赛,将地标牌装置设计转化为LOGO图标设计。The theme of this design competition is "Chengdu-Meishan High-tech, Creating Future". Based on the design and display of urban image for the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle, the competition mainly focuses on the design of the identification system for the Chengdu-Meishan High-tech Industrial Belt, including competitions for landmark installations and logo designs. In order to maintain consistency and encourage participation, contestants are encouraged to participate in both competitions, and to transform the 3D built landmark sign installations design into a 2D logo design.

组织机构 Organizational Structure

指导单位 Guiding Groups:
四川省推进成德眉资同城化发展领导小组办公室Office of the Leading Group for Promoting the Integration of Chengdu, Deyang, Meishan and Ziyang in Sichuan Province

主办单位 Host Groups:
四川天府新区推动成渝地区双城经济圈建设领导小组办公室Office of the Leading Group for Promoting the Construction of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle in Sichuan Tianfu New Area

协办单位 Co-organizers:
成眉高新技术产业带各区县(四川天府新区成都直管区、成都市高新区、成都市双流区、成都市新津区、眉山天府新区、眉山市东坡区、眉山市彭山区、眉山市仁寿县)Various districts and counties of the Chengdu-Meishan High-tech Industrial Belt (Chengdu Tianfu New Area, Chengdu High-tech Zone, Chengdu Shuangliu District, Chengdu Xinjin District, Meishan Tianfu New Area, Meishan Dongpo District, Meishan Pengshan District, and Meishan Renshou County)

设计内容 Design Content

Design of Landmark Signage Installation
天府大道中轴南延线以四川成都天府新区标志牌和眉山天府新区标志牌两端为界,场地位于天府大道中央长约210米、宽约8米的绿化带内。The site is located in the central green belt of Tianfu Avenue, approximately 210 meters long and 8 meters wide, between the signage of Chengdu Tianfu New Area and Meishan Tianfu New Area at the two ends of the south extension of the central axis of Tianfu Avenue.

对地标牌装置的外观及结构等进行方案设计,参考后续建筑建设总费用150万以内预算进行设计,包括平面图、立面图、效果图、初步结构图,并对概预算、材料使用以及设计寓意等予以说明,需体现“成眉高新技术产业带”和“天府大道科创大走廊”寓意或字样。(报名后详见资料包任务书)Design the appearance and structure of the landmark signage, referring to a total construction cost budget of no more than 1.5 million yuan, including floor plans, elevations, renderings, preliminary structural drawings, and explanations of the conceptual budget, material usage, and design symbolism. It should include and reflect the meaning or wording of “成眉高新技术产业带”and“天府大道科创大走廊”("Chengdu-Meishan High-tech Industrial Belt" and "Tianfu Avenue Sci-tech Innovation Corridor.")   (See task instructions in the information package after registration.)

Design of Landmark Signage Installation
应用于成眉高新技术产业带七区一县21个重点产业园区相关宣传及产品使用。Applied to 21 key industrial parks in seven districts and one county of the Chengdu-Meishan High-tech Industrial Belt for related promotion and product use.


Design the LOGO graphics and explain the design symbolism, including the meaning or wording of "Chengdu-Meishan High-tech Industrial Belt" and may include application scenarios and renderings. (See task instructions in the information package after registration.)

奖项设置 Awards

Landmark Signage Installation Design Category
● 第一名,设计费15万元。● 第二名,设计费10万元

● 第三名,设计费5万元

● 创意奖5名,设计费各1万元

● 入围奖30名以上,获奖者将被纳入“成眉高新技术产业带设计师库”名单。

● First Prize: 150,000 RMB

● Second Prize: 100,000 RMB

● Third Prize: 50,000 RMB

● 5 Creative Awards: 10,000 RMB each

● More than 30 entries will receive Honorable Mentions and those teams will be included in the "Chengdu-Meishan High-tech Industry Belt Talented Designer Pool".

Logo Design Category
● 第一名,设计费3万元。● 第二名,设计费2万元

● 第三名,设计费1万元

● 入围奖10名,获奖者将被纳入“成眉高新技术产业带设计师库”名单。

● First Prize: 30,000 RMB

● Second Prize: 20,000 RMB

● Third Prize: 10,000 RMB

●10 entries will receive Honorable Mentions and be included in the "Chengdu-Meishan High-tech Industry Belt Designer Pool".


*All winners and their participating individuals will receive a certificate and a souvenir. The competition organizers will prioritize inviting designers and companies from the talented designer pool to collaborate on future design and project work for the Chengmei High-tech Industry Belt.


征集流程 Timeline 3.1—4.30

竞赛报名 3.26前
Competition Registration by March 26th
本次竞赛活动在成眉高新技术产业带公众号报名。报名不设资格限制,参赛机构或个人请于2023年3月26日18:00之前进入成眉高新技术产业带微信公众号,点击页面右下方“设计竞赛”并选择相应赛道进行报名,报名不设资质限制,需提交团队信息及主要联系人联系方式。(地标牌装置设计竞赛报名牵头单位需签署并提交保密协议,保密协议见文后下载链接,企业、社会组织等团体参赛需盖公章)报名成功后报名编号设计资料包将发送至联系人邮箱。This competition is open to all, and registration is available through the Chengdu-Meishan High-tech Industrial Belt WeChat official account. Participants, whether individuals or organizations, should enter the account and click on the "Design Competition" button at the bottom right of the page to register for the corresponding category before 6:00 pm on March 26th, 2023. There are no qualification restrictions for registration, but team information and contact details of the primary contact person must be submitted. (For the landmark installation design competition, leading registrant need to sign and submit a confidentiality agreement, which can be downloaded from the link provided below. Companies, social organizations and other groups participating in the competition need to affix their official seals). Upon successful registration, the registration number and design data package will be sent to the contact person's email.


*Individual or joint registration is allowed. The leading registrant must be a domestic organization or a domestic individual designer, and up to three units (including individuals) may jointly register. The maximum number of design team members is 12 (including up to three lead designers).

资质材料提交 3.26前
Submission of Qualification Materials by March 26th

To encourage more excellent design units and designers to participate, participants must submit proof of their qualifications and achievements when registering.

At the time of registration or after successful registration, participants must also submit proof of their qualifications and achievements (applicants must consolidate all materials into one PDF or compressed package) by 6:00 pm on March 26th, 2023. The qualification and achievement proof materials include, but are not limited to, valid business licenses or commercial registration certificates, enterprise qualification certificates, award certificates, and project achievements.


After successful registration, participants can receive the design data package and begin their design plans. Before the deadline, they can log in to the registration link at any time to modify and upload relevant files.

Q&A Session
请在成眉高新技术产业带公众号右下角“标识大赛”“答疑征集”中填写问题。具体答疑安排详见公众号通知。Please fill out your questions in the "Marking Competition" "Q&A Collection" section in the lower right corner of the Chengdu-Meishan High-tech Industrial Belt public account. Please see the notice in the public account for specific Q&A arrangements.

资质审评 3.27—3.31
Qualification Review from
March 27th to March 31st  2023
由主办方组织成眉高新技术产业带工作人员及专家团队对参赛方提交的资质业绩材料进行审核评分。资质优业绩佳可获得最高20分附加分。The organizing committee and expert team of Chengdu-Meishan High-tech Industrial Belt will review and score the qualification and performance materials submitted by the participants. The highest additional score of 20 points will be given to those with excellent qualifications and outstanding performance.

方案设计 4.9前
Design submitted before April 9th 2023
请在成眉高新技术产业带公众号右下角“标识大赛”“答疑征集”中填写问题。具体答疑安排详见公众号通知。Please fill out your questions in the "Marking Competition" "Q&A Collection" section in the lower right corner of the Chengdu-Meishan High-tech Industrial Belt public account. Please see the notice in the public account for specific Q&A arrangements.

方案评审 4.10—4.14
Design Submission Evaluation
from April 10th  to April 14th 2023
由主办方组织专家评审委员对设计方案进行评审打分。地标牌装置设计类寓意性占比30%、创意性占比30%、落地性占比40%。LOGO图标设计类寓意性占比40%、创意性占比60%。The organizing committee will organize a panel of experts to evaluate and score the design plans. For landmark signage installation design, the symbolic and spiritual meaning accounts for 30%, creativity accounts for 30%, and practicality accounts for 40%. For logo design, symbolic and spiritual meaning accounts for 40% and creativity accounts for 60%.

Announcement of Results
评选结果请关注“成眉高新技术产业带”微信公众号后续推文。Please follow the "Chengmei High-tech Industry Belt" WeChat public account for the announcement of the results.

后续优化 5.1起
Follow-up Optimization: Starting from May 1
鼓励获奖单位按照参赛报名组队情况和招投标规定或相关要求,参与后续拟进行地标牌装置落地工作的优化设计,允许落地方案在适当位置标注设计建设单位名字和主创设计师名字。Winning teams and units are encouraged to participate in subsequent optimization designs and on-site installations of the landmark signage installations, based on the team composition and bidding requirements or related regulations. The design and construction unit name and the name of the chief designer can be marked in an appropriate position on the installation.

成果提交 Submission of Results
设计成果需在2023年4月9日18:00之前以电子邮件附件形式提交至邮箱:The design results must be submitted in the form of an email attachment before 6:00 pm on April 9th, 2023, to the following email address:



(For details on the submission format, please refer to the design brief in the material package.)

版权与法律 Copyright and Legal






1. All design works submitted to this competition are owned by the design institutions or their designers. The top three winners of the landmark sign installation design competition, the top five winners of the creative award, and the top three winners of the logo design category are required to agree that the guiding units and groups, organizers, and co-organizers have the right to use all design works for free, including publishing the evaluation results after the evaluation, and introducing, displaying, and evaluating the design works through media, professional magazines, professional publications or other forms. All design works submitted to this competition will not be returned to the design institutions after the evaluation.

2. The design institutions shall guarantee that all the contents in the design works are original and do not contain any materials that infringe upon the intellectual property rights of any third party. If any infringement occurs, the design institution concerned shall bear all legal consequences on its own and be disqualified from participating in this competition.

3. All materials (text, drawings, electronic data, etc.) provided by the organizers are protected by copyright. No organization or individual may copy, adapt, distribute, publish, lend or transfer the content without authorization. Otherwise, the corresponding legal responsibility will be investigated and the disqualification of participating in this competition will be processed.

4. Applicable laws. The rules of this competition are subject to the jurisdiction of the laws of the People's Republic of China, and the competition work and all documents are subject to Chinese laws. If a dispute arises, the two parties agree to submit it to the arbitration commission for arbitration if they cannot reach an agreement through consultation. The arbitration is a final decision and is binding on both parties.

5. Confidentiality. Before the end of the competition, the design institutions or their designers shall not disclose, publicize, or display the design works in any way without the permission of the organizers, co-organizers, and planning units. Otherwise, the corresponding legal responsibility will be investigated and the disqualification of participating in this competition will be processed.

6. The design works submitted to this competition shall not contain any design content that violates Chinese laws and regulations or public order and good customs. Otherwise, the corresponding legal responsibility will be investigated and the disqualification of participating in this competition will be processed.

联系竞赛组委会请添加竞赛小助手微信:Contact information of the competition organizing committee:



