发布时间:2023年4月2日 分类:视觉传达大赛 浏览量:5309
The development of silk culture was not only limited to China, it also connected China with the rest of the world in ancient times. During the Han Dynasty, Zhang Qian made a mission to the West, thus creating the "Silk Road", which linked the Western Han Dynasty with many countries in Central Asia, promoting economic and cultural exchanges between them. In the Wei, Jin and North and South Dynasties, China and foreign exchanges in silk and sericulture technology more closely, and the formation of the Maritime Silk Road, promoting the cultural exchanges and development of the East and West. During the Sui and Tang dynasties, China's silk industry gradually shifted to the Yangtze River valley, and the Tang dynasty was the heyday of silk production, regardless of output, quality and variety reached unprecedented levels.
往届回顾/Previous Review
2022 "Silk Spit fragrance" the first international poster design exhibition of silkworm culture, from 45 different countries and regions of the well-known designers involved in the creation, received 566 pieces of domestic designers, 198 pieces of foreign designers, the organizing committee through a rigorous selection, a total of 379 pieces of works selected for exhibition, and in Tongxiang, Zhejiang The organizing committee selected 379 works through strict selection and exhibited them at the Silkworm Garden in Tongxiang, Zhejiang Province.
海外联合主办/Overseas Co-Hosts
China Europe International Design Culture Association
Swiss New Poster Gallery
Japan Peace-loving Innovators of Nations
李志明(中国)/Zhiming Li
徐伟(中国)/Wei Xu
Adria Nabekle(瑞士)
策展统筹/Curatorial Coordinator
赵宗强/Zongqiang Zhao
CDS中国设计师沙龙 \ 澳門國際當代藝術會 \ 吉林省平面设计协会 \ 宁夏平面设计师沙龙 \ 安徽省平面设计协会 \ X-PLUS新疆设计力量沙龙 \ 广西壮志设计联盟 \ TDS天津设计师沙龙 \ 黑龙江观外设计联盟 \ 内蒙古设计师沙龙 \ 湖北省包装联合会设计委员会 \ WDS中国女设计师沙龙 \ 亚洲中韩设计协会 \ 广州平面设计师联盟 \ 南京平面设计师联盟 \ 苏州平面设计师协会 \ 青岛设计师FM联盟 \ 广州创意产业协会 \ 西安市平面设计协会 \ 佛山设计师俱乐部 \ 奉天设计师沙龙 \ 郑州市平面艺术设计协会 \ 郑州市美术家协会设计艺委会 \ 郑州市美术家协会文创艺委会 \ 大连平面设计协会 \ 许昌市平面艺术设计协会 \ 新乡市设计师协会 \ 廊坊设计师俱乐部 \ 株洲市平面设计协会 \ 郴州设计师沙龙 \ 张家口设计师沙龙 \ 南通美术家协会 \ 河南省包装技术协会设计委员会 \ 山西省平面设计学会 \ 武汉设计师沙龙 \ 湖北省文化创意产业协会 \ 长江经济带创新设计产业联盟 \ 墨研社\606 Studio\中国航海博物馆项天平品牌设计创新工作室\大连蓝鲸众创\树一插画\苏事文化
学术支持单位/Academic Supporters
字库支持/Font Support
媒体支持/Media Support
征集方式/Collection Method
1、Invite about 150 famous graphic designers from home and abroad, the invited famous designers will receive an invitation letter issued by the organizing committee, and the designers whose works are included in the exhibition will receive a special invitation certificate issued by the organizing committee.
2. 50 pieces of works will be collected worldwide, and the designers who are selected will receive a certificate of selection issued by the organizing committee.
设计要求/Design Requirements
1. The scope of creation: illustrations, fonts, graphics and all graphic design in the form of posters;
2. The creation should give full consideration to recognition, cultural and artistic;
3. The creation should consider the wide range of audiences, advocating elegant and popular, science and art integration of the work.
4.Specifications of the work: 70*100cm (vertical), 300dpi, CMYK, JPEG format, file no larger than 10mb;
5.Works submission: works, portrait photo of the author, works registration form. Please use RAR or ZIP archive, file name: city + author + work name (such as: Hangzhou + Zhang San + silk culture)
Submission requirements:
Call for Papers Dates:April 1 - May 5, 2023
Submission method:(Foreign designers)
展览计划/Exhibition Plan
The copyright of all participating works belongs to the filer, and the organizer has the right to use them for exhibition, publication and propaganda, and they will not be returned.
1. All exhibited works should be guaranteed as original works. If the exhibited works violate copyright, trademark, patent and other related laws and regulations or infringe on the rights and interests of third parties, the authors shall bear the legal responsibility;
2.The exhibition organizing committee has the right to display, publish and other forms of promotion, publicity, exhibition and reproduction of the selected works;
3.Once the exhibited works are found to have plagiarism or other infringements, the organizer will disqualify them from the exhibition and withdraw the selected certificates, and any legal disputes arising from them will be borne by the authors;
4.The exhibition involves the right to interpret the content of the Organizing Committee.
2023第二届丝绸文化国际海报设计展 组委会
2023 The 2nd International Silk Culture Poster Design
Exhibition Organizing Committee