UIA-霍普杯2023 国际大学生建筑设计竞赛
发布时间:2023年4月17日 分类:建筑环境大赛 浏览量:18826
杯 2023 编者按:
万众期待的UIA-霍普杯2023 国际大学生建筑设计竞赛题目新鲜出炉啦!UNStudio建筑事务所联合创始人卡罗琳·博斯(Caroline Bos)担任本次竞赛主席并拟定题目。
卡罗琳·博斯 UNStudio联合创始人、主持城市规划师 墨尔本大学建筑与规划学院名誉教授、耶鲁大学建筑学院诺曼·福斯特建筑设计访问教授
至美而生——在高密度城市蔓延中为心理健康而设计 Living Your Best Life: Designing for Mental Health In High Density Sprawl
城市现状 The urban situation 中国的城乡转型发生得非常迅速。城市人口在 40 年的时间里增加了近两倍。全球30多个人口超过1000万的特大城市中,将近一半都位于中国。 China’s rural-urban transformation has happened very fast. The population living in cities has more or less tripled in the space of 40 years. Of the 30+megacities of over 10 million residents in the world, almost half are located in China.
中国快速城市化的一个特定的结果是,出现了投机性建设以及发展相对缓慢的地区,这些地区有时又被称为“鬼城”。应该指出的是,从城市规划的角度来看,这种现象是不成熟的,也是失败的。不能排除这些地方永远不会在今后某个时期迎来繁荣的一刻。事实上,已经有一些都市新区和分支区域开始蓬勃发展。 One particular outcome of China’s rapid urbanization is the occurrence of speculatively constructed and relatively slow to be occupied areas that are sometimes called ‘ghost towns’. It should be noted that from the point of view of urban planning this qualification is premature, as well as defeatist. There is nothing to say that in time these places will not come into their own; in fact, there are already examples of metropolitan new districts and subdivisions that have begun to flourish and thrive.
我们想在没有先入为主的判断的情况下将这种发展描述为“高密度蔓延”。这些新区的非凡之处在于,与美国和澳大利亚等地的低层郊区蔓延不同,这些中国的新开发项目是高密度的高层社区。从生态的角度来看,城市高层建筑往往被认为是首选,因为它占用的土地面积更小,留下更多开放的自然空间。 We would like to describe such developments without preconceived judgement as ‘high-density sprawl’. What is remarkable about the new districts is that, unlike the low-rise suburban sprawl that is prominent in for example the US and Australia, these Chinese new developments are high-rise neighborhoods with high density levels. From an ecological perspective, the choice for urban high-rise is often argued to be the preferred one as it occupies a smaller footprint, leaving more area open nature.
快速崛起的高层街区与世界其它地方的低层郊区的共同点是,它们通常远离中心城区,主要或全部由住宅单元组成。本届竞赛,我们想鼓励年轻的设计师和学生去研究这些地区,而类似地区在中国有很多。高密度蔓延是当代中国的日常现实——我们如何才能以积极的方式继续和更新这些地方正在进行的城市转型进程? What the fast sprung high-rise districts share with low-rise suburbs elsewhere in the world is that they are typically at some remove from the central urban area and consist mainly or solely of residential units. For this competition, we would like to encourage young designers and students to examine these areas, of which there are many all over China. High-density sprawl is an everyday reality of contemporary China – how can we continue and renew the ongoing process of urban transformation in these places in positive ways?
心理健康 Mental health 对于高密度城市蔓延的未来,我们建议大家从健康的角度来关注这个问题。 The angle we would like to propose to focus on when it comes to the future of high-density sprawl is healthiness.
在不急于就因果关系得出任何结论的情况下,可以肯定地说,城市增长与各种人类健康相关问题的增长之间存在相关性。对于人类个体和群众而言,尽可能长时间地保持健康和预防疾病是抵消日益增加的医疗保健负担的最有效方法。在身心健康方面,并非世界上所有地区都面临同样的问题。但可以说,我们所有人都希望尽可能保持健康。 Without jumping to any conclusions about cause and effect, it is safe to say that there is a correlation between urban growth and the growth of various human health-related problems. For humans as individuals and for the population at large, maintaining health and preventing illness for as long as possible are the most effective ways to counteract the increasing burden of health care. Not all regions in the world face the same problems when it comes to physical and mental health. But we can assume that all of us would like to feel as healthy as we can.
生长突增自然是痛苦的。在世界范围内,心理健康问题在各种障碍和疾病中占据很大比例。适应新的城市生活对地球、国家、社区和个人都具有挑战性。与此同时,健康科学正以惊人的速度取得进步。作为设计师,这个领域可能会为我们提供大量新的见解和设计解决方案。因此,我们希望你作为本次竞赛的参赛选手,当你在问自己以下这些问题时,可以将上面提到的内容也考虑进去: ·我们如何增进人和城市的韧性,并让他们以健康的方式发展? ·在高密度城市蔓延的情况下,作为建筑师、城市和景观设计师,在改善健康,尤其是心理健康方面,你能想象并做些什么? Growth spurts are naturally experienced as painful. Worldwide, mental health problems occupy a large slice on the spectrum of disorders and diseases. The adaptation to a new urban life is challenging for the planet, its nations, communities and individuals alike. At the same time, the health sciences are making progress at an amazing rate. As designers, this field can potentially offer a wealth of new insights and design solutions to us. Therefore this is what we would like you, as participants in this competition, to take along with you when you ask yourselves the following questions: How can we help people and cities to achieve resilience, and grow in healthy ways? What can you, as architects, urban and landscape designers, imagine and do when it comes to improving health, in particular mental health, in high-density sprawl situations? 本题目解析由Caroline Bos女士提供
汇报形式: 三张A1展板。展板格式不限。方案最好醒目突出、新颖有趣、振奋人心、引人注目。 Format for presentation: three A1 boards. There is no limit to the format of the boards. Make your projects arresting, refreshing, intriguing and engaging. 如有需要,可使用平立剖面图和效果图。 Plans, sections, elevations and renderings can be used when needed.
一段时长不超过2分钟的视频。 · 视频禁止展示个人身份信息。 · 需要加入轴测图、平面图、剖面图和效果图。 ·禁止使用AI处理图像和生成图纸。 · 强烈建议加入使用的现实背景的引用数据。 · 提交作品须配有英文字幕。 A video no longer than 2:00 minutes. · The video is not allowed to show personally identifiable information. · Axonometric drawings, plans, sections, and renderings are expected. · The use of AI to process images and generate drawings is prohibited. · Cited data on the existing context is strongly encouraged. · Your submission must be subtitled in English.
竞赛说明: 本竞赛采取国内外高校学生自由报名、公开竞赛的方式。经教育部认证的建筑及相关专业学生【含全日制本科生、硕士研究生(全日制及含 2020 年之后的非全日制研究生)、全日制博士研究生及 2022 年毕业的学生】以个人或小组形式参赛, 每组成员不超过 4 人;参赛选手所属高校不得超过两所,且作品来源为该报名院校;指导教师须为高校在职教师,且不超过 2 名。 This is a fair competition open to all architecture and relevant major students around the globe. Full-time on-campus architecture students from accredited institutions (including master and PhD candidates and graduate students of 2022) can participate alone or as a team with team members of no more than four people who shall not be from more than 2 different universities or colleges and the source of the project must be the registered university. In addition, the advisors—who must be univeristy or college teachers—of no more than two. 如不符合以上规则,获奖后将取消竞赛成绩及相应奖项。 If the above rules are not followed, the results of the competition and the corresponding prizes will be cancelled after winning.
国际主办 国际建筑师协会(UIA)
主办单位 天津大学建筑学院; 《城市 环境 设计》(UED)杂志社
联合主办机构 南京大学建筑与城市规划学院
指导机构 全国高等学校建筑学专业教育评估委员会;
独家冠名 上海霍普建筑设计事务所股份有限公司
协办单位 清华大学建筑学院; 同济大学建筑与城市规划学院; 东南大学建筑学院; 华南理工大学建筑学院; 西安建筑科技大学建筑学院; 重庆大学建筑城规学院; 哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院
International Supporter Union International des Architectes (UIA)
Hosting Organizations School of Architecture, Tianjin University Urban Environment Design (UED) Magazine
Co-hosting Organization School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University
Advising Institutions Chinese National Evaluation Committee of Higher Architecture Education, Architecture Art Committee of China Artists Association
Exclusive Naming Sponsor Shanghai HYP-ARCH Architectural Design Consultant Co. Ltd.
Co-organizers School of Architecture, Tsinghua University College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University School of Architecture, Southeast University School of Architecture, South China University of Technology School of Architecture, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University School of Architecture,Harbin Institute of Technology
一等奖1组, 获奖证书+奖金10万元人民币(含税); 二等奖3组, 获奖证书+奖金各3万元人民币(含税); 三等奖8组, 获奖证书+奖金各1万元人民币(含税); 优秀奖若干名,颁发获奖证书; 优秀指导教师奖若干名,颁发获奖证书。 1st Prize (1 team) : Certificate and 100,000 RMB (before tax); 2nd Prize (3 teams) : Certificate and 30,000 RMB (before tax); 3rd Prize (8 teams) : Certificate and 10,000 RMB (before tax); Honorable Mentions (several teams): Certificate; Advisors of prize-winning projects will also be awarded with certificates.
评委会主席 卡罗琳·博斯
评委会执行主席 崔愷
报名截止时间 2023年9月20日24:00(北京时间)
作品提交截止时间 2023年10月10日24:00(北京时间)
竞赛提交邮箱 UEDmedia@163.com
报名方式 点击本文左下方的“阅读原文”报名; 或登录霍普杯官方网站注册报名: HTTP://HYPCUP.UEDMAGAZINE.NET 官方网站将于北京时间4月20日正式发布
Jury Chairman Caroline Bos
Executive Jury Chairman Cui Kai
Registration Deadline 24:00(GMT+8) September 20th, 2023
Submission Deadline 24:00(GMT+8) October 10th, 2023
Submission Email Address UEDmedia@163.com
Register Now! Click "Read more" at the bottom of this article to register; Or scan QR code to log in to the official website of UIA-HYP Cup: HTTP://HYPCUP.UEDMAGAZINE.NET The official website will be launched on April 20th (GMT+8)
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