发布时间:2023年12月21日 分类:建筑环境大赛 浏览量:19879
健 康 · 城 市
Health · City
Sports Create Vibrant Communities
In the trend of globalized urban development, what we pursue is not only design for city physical space , but more about thinking of urban life, culture, ecology, health and future. In the rapidly developing cities, people expect a healthy lifestyle -- dynamic cities, which closely intergrated health, sports and community to inject new vitality into urban life.
Nowadays, parks, green-trail and sports fields become new favorites in cities. The layout of green ecology and sports facilities plays an important role in the process of urbanization, They provide residents with a good environment for exercise..Promotes interaction and communication between communities on the basis of providing a place for urban residents to exercises.
However, public facilities unable to satisfy people's constant changing motivations and behaviors. Is it possible that sport can be a place for personal fulfillment and social conhesion? When the city becomes a sport equipment, in a given space, what kind of sports will people define for themselves? At present, the integration of virtual sports elements provides more abundant forms. In this circumstances, will the sport become more individual, or bring more opportunities for gathering? How can we create a holistic dynamic city that meets the health needs of people at all ages and classes at different times?
Participants need to base on the city characteristics, related with citizen needs of leisure, sports and communication. fully utilize urban public space, select public urban places that can activate public events and create a vibrant center that meets the needs of modern people for healthy life. It is required to consider the following aspects: multi-functional design, open public space, eco-friendly concept, intelligent technology, artistic and cultural elements, community participation, convenient transportation, flexible spatial planning, natural lighting and ventilation, and humanized design. Associated with urban public facilities, the participants should provide urban public space with new vitality and meaning, and create a sports place for all ages and all regions.
Participants are expected to propose a specific design scheme, including spatial/urban block layout, facility configuration, infrastructure circulation, and event programming to enhance the utility and attractiveness of public space or the connections between urban blocks. Meanwhile, participants need to integrate architectural thinking, not only to break the boundaries of public spaces in the city, but also to truly integrate sports facilities into the life of dynamic communities.
Taking "Health · City" as the theme, the competition focuses on health, leisure, social bonds and urban environment, and exploring the integration of sports in future community life. Redefining sports space through space design, facility configuration, device interaction, activity planning, etc., injecting new vitality and significance into urban public spaces, and envisioning different scenes of future urban life.
1. Participants are encouraged to explore the relationship between health and city based on own understanding of “Health · City”, and to express cutting-edge, unique and clear creative ideas with appropriate architectural language.
2. Participants should redefine the form of traditional sports space, accurately discover and grasp the prominent problems in the current health city life with keen insight, and put forward creative solutions combining the leisure, sports, social and spiritual needs of citizens of all ages.
3. The participants are encouraged to apply new urban science, urban perception technology, data science, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, augmented reality and other techniques to the design, and build scenarios of future “Health · City” life.
4. The design is encouraged to pay attention to the ecological environmen and using reasonable techniques, and focus on energy saving.
2. All participants can participate alone or as a team of no more than four people.
3. 竞赛组织方拥有参赛作品署名权以外的其它版权权利,包括但不限于发行权,展览权,信息网络传播权,出版权等,参赛者具有署名权;
5. 各小组提交一组参赛作品,严禁出现重复提交现象。如若发现同一作品出现重复提交情况,组委会有权选择其中一组进行评审;
1. Registration deadline: April 30, 2024
Scan the QR code or click to read the original text to complete the registration.
Submission deadline: July 15, 2024
Please refer to the subsequent notice for the specific submission method and address of the entries.

Contact person: Leng Liang
Phone: 010-88082223
Email: lengliang@chinaasc.org
Website: http://zlb.chinaasc.org.cn
Contact person: Shen Xiang/Wang Jingyi
Phone: 0571-88151958/87379460
Fax: 0571-88138062
Post: cucup@chinacuc.com
Address: Human Resources Department, No. 1060 Bin'an Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou City
Postal Code: 310052
Website: http://www.chinacuc.com/