发布时间:2024年11月4日 分类:视觉传达作品 浏览量:719
Chill Inn - wayfinding system for a student dormitory
- 參賽類別傳達設計類
- 參賽組別其他
- 申請公司Blank Studio Bartlomiej Witanski / 波蘭
- 廠商/業主BB Media / Revisit Home / 波蘭
- 設計公司Blank Studio / 波蘭
Chill Inn is a student dormitory for those who are looking for convenience in a beautiful setting. School life is associated with joy & carefree fun, so when developing a visual style for this place, we kept these values in mind. Our goal was to create project that would complement the area & inspire people. During the design process, we created a wayfinding system based on linear illustrations. It relates to the space in which it is placed, making the dormitory a welcoming & comfortable area.
Silesian Museum in Katowice - Wayfinding System for a Local Museum
- 參賽類別傳達設計類
- 參賽組別其他
- 申請公司Blank Studio Bartlomiej Witanski / 波蘭
- 廠商/業主Silesian Museum / 波蘭
- 設計公司Blank Studio / 波蘭
The Silesian Museum is one of the biggest contemporary museum investments in Poland. It is situated in the former Katowice coal mine. Its creation on such a site is a successful revitalization and a highlight of the region's mining heritage.The main part of the architectural complex of the Silesian Museum is a seven-story building, where 4 levels are underground. The entire wayfinding language is based on simple, minimalist signage that aims to effectively guide visitors through this space.
Franoe Rebranding
- 參賽類別傳達設計類
- 參賽組別企業/品牌識別
- 申請公司Believe Design Studio / 馬來西亞
- 廠商/業主Franoe's Essential Oil / 馬來西亞
- 設計公司Believe Design Studio, Cogito Visual / 馬來西亞
Client wants to rejuvenate their family essential oil business to appeal to younger customers. They aim to educate consumers on proper usage and dispel online misconceptions. Additionally, they prioritize eco-friendly packaging to ensure product safety and environmental consciousness. The client's goal is to create a product that promotes relaxation and inner peace, especially for those struggling with depression or stress after the pandemic.
Rebranding Beartai to BT Beartai
- 參賽類別傳達設計類
- 參賽組別企業/品牌識別
- 申請公司ARN Creative Studio / 泰國
- 廠商/業主Show No Limit Co.,Ltd. / 泰國
- 設計公司ARN Creative Studio / 泰國
The design focuses on rebranding Beartai, aiming for broader appeal beyond Thailand. The iconic "Beartai face" logo is modernized for universal recognition, and the "BT" abbreviation is introduced for memorability and easier pronunciation. The rebranding also includes an expansion of content beyond IT news, now encompassing lifestyle topics. The goal is to preserve Beartai's positive legacy while making it more competitive in international markets, particularly the CLMV region.
sankaku Volume 2: Ramen
- 參賽類別傳達設計類
- 參賽組別出版品
- 申請公司ANDERSSON Inc. / 日本
- 廠商/業主sankaku / 日本
- 設計公司sankaku / 日本
sankaku is a print publication from Japan that celebrates people and craft. As part of our second volume on ramen, we created a special Bradel-bound hardcover edition with vacuum-sealed instant noodles as part of the cover. We believe that the physical form of the book should not only reflect its content, but also spark joy. By repurposing the noodle brick in an unfamiliar context, the book becomes an art object and challenges our perceptions – pushing the boundaries of what a book can be.
- 參賽類別傳達設計類
- 參賽組別其他
- 申請公司869設計學校 / 中國
- 廠商/業主869設計學校 / 中國
- 設計公司869design / 中國
項目是爲平面設計大師 Niklaus Troxler 在中國的首次展覽及工作坊而創作的活動視覺設計。鏡子的寓意是向大師致敬。我們把貼着膠帶的鏡子帶到了戶外拍攝。 鏡子上的膠帶文字(西方表達)和背景(東方環境),以此表達對大師的歡迎。
- 參賽類別傳達設計類
- 參賽組別出版品
- 申請公司201STUDIO / 中國
- 廠商/業主見地沙龍 / 中國
- 設計公司201STUDIO / 中國
- 參賽類別傳達設計類
- 參賽組別包裝
- 申請公司你好強品牌設計 / 臺灣
- 廠商/業主RR57 / 臺灣
- 設計公司你好強品牌設計事務所 / 臺灣
Stupid Stay
- 參賽類別傳達設計類
- 參賽組別企業/品牌識別
- 申請公司Huakajai Co., Ltd. / 泰國
- 廠商/業主Stupid Stay / 泰國
- 設計公司The Head And The Heart Studio / 泰國
Stupid Stay, a vibrant hotel that celebrates creative stupidity. It's a community-driven space where creativity thrives, integrating The Head and The Hearts Studio for guest engagement with local art and culture. Our design embraces "stupidity" as a catalyst for creativity, reflected in our graphic identity and character design. We offer an Artist in Residence program for cultural exchange. Our unconventional logo and typography system evoke curiosity, inviting guests to explore.
- 參賽類別傳達設計類
- 參賽組別出版品
- 申請公司for&st / 香港
- 廠商/業主沈君怡 / 嘉圖現代藝術 / 香港
- 設計公司for&st / 香港
作品創作於對當下的抒發,以當代山水畫為創作媒介, 抒發世界和社會帶來的不安與壓迫帶來的內心掙扎。不同大小的書封以一撮紅線緊緊釘裝在一起,回應作者感嘆創作於紅線邊緣的當下,而紅線的另一方,以作者其中一幅畫作"願你們一切安好" 作為對大家的祝願
Wing Heong Dragon’s Delight
- 參賽類別傳達設計類
- 參賽組別包裝
- 申請公司Fictionist Studio / 馬來西亞
- 廠商/業主Wing Heong / 馬來西亞
- 設計公司Fictionist Studio / 馬來西亞
Wing Heong is one of Malaysia's foremost purveyors of bakkwa (肉干). For their Lunar New Year limited edition gift set, we designed a bespoke box packaging that is fitting for the illustrious year of the dragon. Featuring a paper dragon that measure almost a meter long, it has vacuum-packed bakkwa slotted into each ‘slice’ of it’s body. Inspired by bellows that fan flames, the paper dragon’s body is stretchable to reveal its majestic stature and animatic gesture.
Tales of Scales
- 參賽類別傳達設計類
- 參賽組別其他
- 申請公司Fictionist Studio / 馬來西亞
- 廠商/業主Fictionist Studio / 馬來西亞
- 設計公司Fictionist Studio / 馬來西亞
TALES OF SCALES is Fictionist Studio's self-promotional gift box to usher in the lunar new year of the dragon in 2024. Inspired by the age-old Chinese idiom 鲤跃龙门, literally translated to carp leaping over the dragon’s gate, we designed a set of interactive pop-up red packets that showcases this folklore. Glimmering with vibrant colours and golden scales, the humble carp on the red packet hides a surprise — pull its tail and the red packet transforms itself into a majestic dragon.
Other People Can Be Whoever The Fuck They Wanna Be And So Can You
- 參賽類別傳達設計類
- 參賽組別出版品
- 申請公司Fictionist Studio / 馬來西亞
- 廠商/業主Daniel Lim / 馬來西亞
- 設計公司Fictionist Studio / 馬來西亞
Other People Can Be Whoever The Fuck They Wanna Be And So Can You is a radically different self-help book from those that are available in the market. Written by Singaporean life and business coach, Daniel Lim, it is chock full of witty but solid tips on how to live a more joyful and purposeful life, free from the reins of external factors and perceptions. We transformed 99 pages of text in a word document into an interactive book where each chapter is different in layout and pop-up elements.
Identity System for Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA)
- 參賽類別傳達設計類
- 參賽組別企業/品牌識別
- 申請公司Farmgroup Company Limited / 泰國
- 廠商/業主Public Relation Office, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration / 泰國
- 設計公司Farmgroup Company Limited / 泰國
We worked with the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) to update Bangkok city’s identity system. A subtle upgrade with a requirement to keep the original emblem while making it more appealing, precise and consistent. These integrated elements will embody Bangkok's identity, blending its historical roots with a contemporary flair. Simultaneously, they offer the BMA team systematic and consistent brand assets for future development.
Architect Expo 2022 : CO-WITH CREATORS
- 參賽類別傳達設計類
- 參賽組別企業/品牌識別
- 申請公司Ductstore the design guru Co., Ltd / 泰國
- 設計公司Ductstore the design guru Co., Ltd / 泰國
The Key Visual for ASA Expo 2022, themed "CO-WITH CREATORS," blends graphic design with street art, illustrating collaborative architectural creation within urban living spaces. Designed around the character "LOOOK" by BENZILLA, it symbolizes the diverse professionals participating in the event. Reflecting urban lifestyles, the visual depicts various city elements, ensuring a cohesive experience for all attendees throughout the expo.
- 參賽類別傳達設計類
- 參賽組別企業/品牌識別
- 申請公司Ductstore the design guru Co., Ltd / 泰國
- 廠商/業主Creative Economy Agency / 泰國
- 設計公司Ductstore the design guru Co., Ltd / 泰國
The Key Visual design for Bangkok Design Week 2024, inspired by 'Livable Scape,' uses Graphitecture to blend architecture and graphics. It reinterprets street lines and district maps to depict Bangkok through Figure and Ground. By combining these maps with architectural elements, the design reflects the city's complexity and chaos. Different colors represent each district in the Sub Key Visuals, adaptable for communication, environmental graphics, and maps, supporting the event's theme.
- 參賽類別傳達設計類
- 參賽組別出版品
- 申請公司Ductstore the design guru Co., Ltd / 泰國
- 廠商/業主Ductstore the design guru Co., Ltd / 泰國
- 設計公司Ductstore the design guru Co., Ltd / 泰國
EVERYTHING is a content platform established with the aim of transforming the company's business model from being solely a design agency. With the advent of www.iameverything in both online platform and offline media (EVERYTHING Print Edition), the company has gained the capability to function as a media agency and publisher. This shift enables the business to provide a comprehensive total communication service, driving the company's growth exponentially.
- 參賽類別傳達設計類
- 參賽組別企業/品牌識別
- 申請公司C97 / 中國
- 廠商/業主中國美術學院 / 中國
- 設計公司C97 / 中國
Fountain 新活水雜誌|2023形象動畫
- 參賽類別傳達設計類
- 參賽組別動畫
- 申請公司JP SPACE / 臺灣
- 廠商/業主新活水雜誌 / 臺灣
- 設計公司JP SPACE / 臺灣
2017年復刊以來《Fountain 新活水》已出刊33期雜誌,動態強化紙張給人的溫度,從開頭水滴注入紙質的年代開始打開這段旅程,透過動態強化每期雜誌本身給予的視覺風格,把玩不同排版、設計、過程的技術性,使雜誌本身跟著復活與活躍於眾人眼前。
- 參賽類別傳達設計類
- 參賽組別出版品
- 申請公司JIASUI STUDIO / 臺灣
- 廠商/業主教育部 / 臺灣
- 設計公司JIASUI STUDIO、美感細胞 / 臺灣
Humana 彩色花園
- 參賽類別傳達設計類
- 參賽組別出版品
- 申請公司Humana Studio / 馬來西亞
- 廠商/業主Humana Studio / 馬來西亞
- 設計公司Humana Studio / 馬來西亞
2023 北海岸藝術季 伴手禮
- 參賽類別傳達設計類
- 參賽組別包裝
- 申請公司HMC design / 臺灣
- 廠商/業主朱銘美術館、北海岸及觀音山國家風景區管理處 / 臺灣
- 設計公司HMC design / 臺灣
- 參賽類別傳達設計類
- 參賽組別其他
- 申請公司Gwangjun.com / 中國
- 廠商/業主chi K11 美術館(上海) / 中國
- 設計公司Gwangjun.com / 中國
- 參賽類別傳達設計類
- 參賽組別包裝
- 申請公司GRAFY DESIGN LLC. / 南韓
- 廠商/業主NBLK CO.,LTD / 南韓
- 設計公司GRAFY DESIGN LLC. / 南韓
This is a package design for a new cosmetics brand, Jysandal. In line with the brand concept, we designed a package and set box that reflects the emotion of the moon.
- 參賽類別傳達設計類
- 參賽組別企業/品牌識別
- 申請公司for&st / 香港
- 廠商/業主香港藝術發展局 / 香港
- 設計公司for&st / 香港
- 參賽類別傳達設計類
- 參賽組別企業/品牌識別
- 申請公司for&st / 香港
- 廠商/業主沈君怡 / 嘉圖現代藝術 / 香港
- 設計公司for&st / 香港
- 參賽類別傳達設計類
- 參賽組別企業/品牌識別
- 申請公司for&st / 香港
- 廠商/業主香港視覺藝術中心 / 香港
- 設計公司for&st / 香港