发布时间:2024年11月7日 分类:竞赛资讯
本届大赛以“新质·生产力 新生·设计力”为主题,设立智慧与体验、服务与系统、文化与社会、时尚与生活、健康与环保五大参赛类别。通过“以赛促学、以赛促教”的方式,大赛旨在引导新生代设计力量为新质生产力的发展提供重要的文化支撑和创新路径,同时聚焦民生热点,关注社会议题,探索产业趋势,并结合文化传统与科学技术,激发创造潜能。参赛者在此过程中培养了创新思维、协作意识、实践能力与社会责任感,与产业携手共创新的突破与攀升。本次展览全面展示了我国高校工业设计的人才培养质量和创新成果,筑起工业设计教育与社会的交流平台,为推动多学科交叉融合、催生艺术设计的学科新形态注入更多活力与潜力,为“四新”经济高质量发展提供新质设计力的智力支撑。
At its third plenary session, the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) adopted a Resolution on Further Deepening Reform Comprehensively to Advance Chinese Modernization. This Resolution outlines a strategy to improve “the institutions and mechanisms for fostering new quality productive forces in line with local conditions,” underscoring the crucial role of new quality productive forces in its efforts to comprehensively deepen reform. As a crucial step in the process of fostering new quality productive forces, industrial design is acting as a bridge between disciplines, driving the emergence of new industries, models, and momentum, and sparking new avenues of development.
China Universities Industrial Design Competition 2024 was sponsored by the National Collaborative Innovation Platform for the Construction of First-class Specialty in Industrial Design and Guangdong Industrial Design Teaching Steering Committee of Undergraduate Colleges and Universities and organized by Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (chief organizer) and Guangdong Industrial Design Association (co-organizer) under the guidance of the Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education. This biennial national competition is open to undergraduate students from universities across China. This competition follows the guidelines set out in key policy documents such as Opinions on Deepening the Reform of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Education in Higher Education Institutions, Opinions on Elevating Undergraduate Education and Comprehensively Improving Talent Training, and Opinions on Deepening Undergraduate Education Reform and Comprehensively Improving the Quality of Talent Training. The objectives of the competition are: (i) to promote training model of industrial design talent; (ii) to showcase the progress of industrial design education; and (iii) to provide a platform for demonstrating achievements and sharing experience in industrial design education.
This year’s competition, themed “New Quality Productive Forces and New Vision,” comprised five categories: Intelligence and Experience, Service and System, Culture and Society, Fashion and Lifestyle, and Health and Environment. In addition to fostering student learning, the competition aimed to inspire the next generation of designers to contribute to the development of new quality productive forces. It encouraged them to explore new innovation pathways, engage more deeply with social issues, and keep abreast of industry trends. By blending tradition with technology, it sought to spark creativity. The competition gave contestants a platform to develop innovative thinking, team working, and other practical skills, while learning to be socially responsible. By working alongside industry experts, participants were given an opportunity to pioneer groundbreaking solutions. This exhibition provides a platform for aspiring designers to demonstrate their talents, for Chinese universities to showcase their achievements in industrial design innovation, and for fostering dialog between industrial design education and other sectors of society. It aims to foster cross-disciplinary collaboration and inspire new forms of artistic expression, while providing intellectual support for the development of new quality productive forces and driving high-quality development of emerging technologies, industries, business types, and business models.
Organizing Committee of China Universities Industrial Design Competition 2024