2024 DIA 第九届中国设计智造大奖 TOP39选手名单及获奖作品
发布时间:2024年11月30日 分类:工业产品作品

Digital Central Axis Series: Microcosm
参赛单位 腾讯科技(深圳)有限公司答辩人 颜亮 腾讯新文创研究院高级研究员
Digital Central Axis Series: Microcosm is an important part of the Beijing Central Axis digital exhibition system, and it is also the first time in the world to apply game technology to the world Heritage application.
参赛单位 上海锣钹信息科技有限公司答辩人 张剑鸣 设计合伙人
Clarii mini is a new form of wind instrument. With its intuitive design, audio technology, and realistic sounds, Clarii makes performing music easier than ever.
Data Bugs - Al is a Mirror
参赛单位 Dotdotdot(意大利)答辩人 Alessandro Masserdotti Dotdotdot联合创始人
"Data Bugs - AI is a Mirror" reflects our responsibilities in providing data, reducing biases, and training technologies that revolutionize our lives to ensure equity. The project is an immersive installation that makes the working mechanism of a neural network tangible and experiential, demystifying the omnipotence attributed to AI.
Deformation under Pressure
参赛单位 Studio ololoo答辩人 卞震 创意总监
"Deformation Under Pressure" is a series of adjustable inflatable lamps whi made from recyclable TPU by integrating circuit boards and adjustable structures.
参赛单位 Designreserve(奥地利)答辩人 Georg Milde Designreserve联合创始人
“Schlaf Gut”,由奥地利布雷根茨森林的知名工匠设计,融合传统与现代元素。采用松木、马毛、棉和羊毛等优质材料,提供安全、舒适的摇摆睡眠环境,强调耐用性与环保美学。
The "Schlaf Gut" cradle, designed by renowned craftsmen from Bregenzerwald, Austria, seamlessly integrates tradition with contemporary elements. Constructed with high-quality materials such as pine, horsehair, cotton, and wool, it provides a safe and comfortable rocking sleep environment, emphasizing durability and eco-aesthetics.
ldeas+Art+Technology--Beijing Winter Olympics
参赛单位 中国美术学院AI中心答辩人 赵世彤 北京冬奥会开幕式美术设计师
The work focuses on the concept of 'Simplicity at its Best,' combining 'Artistic Intelligence' with 'Technological Intelligence' to embody 'Simplicity, Safety, and Excellence'' Together for a Shared Future.'
参赛单位 杨明洁设计顾问(上海)有限公司答辩人 杨明洁 YANG DESIGN创始人,收藏家
M Collection是模块化的产品体系,部件均为独立的模块单元,通过标准化的组合,可以自由排列,适应不同使用场景。
M Collection is a modular product system. All components are independent modular units. Through standardized combinations, they can be arranged freely to adapt to different usage scenarios.
参赛单位 华为终端服务有限公司答辩人 廖人晖 华为终端工业设计部 / 折叠创新首席设计师
世界首款商用三折叠智能机。华为顶级折叠旗舰, 超大屏, 超轻薄体验,超高端外观设计与工艺完美结合。
World's first tri-fold smartphone. Huawei foldable Flagship with ultra-thin & 10.2 " big screen ultimate high-tech experience. A masterpiece of High-end design combined with excellent craftsmanship.
SHARP Plasmacluster Drape Flow Dryer IB-WX901
参赛单位 夏普科技(上海)有限公司答辩人 唐经纬 健康环境商品事业处商品企划部部长
A hair dryer that dries hair quickly, effortlessly, and beautifully. Resolving the problems not only of women, but also of the elderly and those raising children. The newly developed unique four-point airflow structure achieves quick drying without relying on heat, and the body is compact and easy to handle.
参赛单位 杭州灵伴科技有限公司答辩人 阮宇烨 Rokid工业设计师
Rokid AR Lite 是一款通过OST(光学透视)技术提供增强现实体验的便携AR眼镜套装套装。
Rokid AR Lite is a portable AR glasses kit that provides augmented reality experiences through OST (Optical See-Through) technology.
Yuwell HM100 Home Multiple Vital Signs Monitor
参赛单位 鱼跃医疗答辩人 席宇翔 鱼跃医疗高级工业设计师
The multi-functional integrated home multiple vital signs monitor prioritizes a lightweight, user-friendly, and intelligent design, with the goal of enabling users to monitor their health from the comfort of their homes.
参赛单位 VENTETE Ltd.(英国)答辩人 Colin Herperger CEO & 联合创始人
Ventete aH-1是一款可充气、微折叠自行车头盔,旨在与城市中日益增长的微出行方式相协调并激发其使用。其专利的气动结构系统可以放气至厚度小于3.5厘米——比笔记本电脑还小——并且可以隐蔽地携带。
The Ventete aH-1 is an inflatable, micro-collapsible cycle helmet built to align with and inspire the growing spontaneous use of micro-mobility in cities. Its patented pneumatic structural system deflates to less than 3.5cm in thickness - smaller than a laptop - and can be carried discreetly.
参赛单位 Storck Bike-tech(德国)答辩人 Markus Storck Storck Bike-tech创始人
The Aerfast.5, with a power requirement of just 195 watts and an ultra-light frame weighing only 890 grams, is the world's fastest racing bicycle, thanks to its optimized aerodynamic design and high-quality carbon fiber materials.
THETA-种植牙手术机器人系统THETA-Robotic System for Dental Implant Surgery
参赛单位 杭州键嘉医疗科技股份有限公司答辩人 蔡翀 工业设计师
THETA, with its dual-mode, multi-configuration all-in-one design, enables efficient and precise dental implant procedures in hospital and clinic settings, while its moderate pricing contributes to the democratization of oral healthcare.
有鹿AI130商用巡扫机器人Al130 patrol sweeper robot
参赛单位 有鹿科技答辩人 谷祖林 有鹿机器人联合创始人
AI130 is a commercial patrol robot that uses the LPLM-10b embodied intelligent brain to solve the problems of labor shortage, low efficiency and lack of standards in the cleaning industry.
参赛单位 上海傅利叶智能科技有限公司答辩人 黎福森 傅利叶设计总监、产品经理
GR-1 is an independently developed humanoid robot that can be commercialized and mass-produced.
参赛单位 华为终端服务有限公司答辩人 王笠舟 华为终端BG工业设计部智慧出行高级设计师,设计策略平台主设计师,问界M9外饰设计概念原创设计师
AITO M9 represents the pinnacle of a new generation of family design. It embodies a design philosophy that blends technological intelligence with a humanistic touch.
参赛单位 极氪汽车答辩人 王瑛 极氪上海造型中心首席策略设计师
ZEEKR MIX is a unique product never seen in the market before, and it’s born from ZEEKR's deep thought on the "future family travel needs."
Passenger-carrying unmanned electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft designed for short-to-medium-range air mobility.
豆包MarsCode:新一代由AI驱动的云端智能开发工具MarsCode: the Next-Gen Cloud IDE driven by Al
参赛单位 字节跳动答辩人 鲍壹方 字节跳动公司开发者体验团队,豆包MarsCode的产品设计师
Doubao MarsCode is an AI-driven cloud intelligent development product from ByteDance. It assists in implementing ideas, helps technology democratization, and promotes the development of the digital economy.
参赛单位 阿里巴巴国际数字商业集团答辩人 黄冠勋 Pic Copilot产品负责人
Pic Copilot是由阿里国际AIGC团队开发的AI电商设计工具,致力于通过AI提供一站式服务,全面覆盖电商设计流程。
Pic Copilot is an AI-powered e-commerce design tool developed by Alibaba's International AIGC team. It aims to provide a comprehensive one-stop service that fully covers the e-commerce design process through artificial intelligence.
次世代-数字座舱信息交互系统Next-generation digital cockpit in-vehicle system
参赛单位 亿咖通科技有限公司答辩人 魏建平 亿咖通科技产品设计中心高级总监
Through a self-developed computing platform and the support of high-performance chips, we create an exclusive "third mobile space" to meet the multi-dimensional needs of travel, business, and entertainment.
美团无人机城市低空物流网络系统Keeta Drone urban low-altitude logistics network system
参赛单位 深圳美团低空物流科技有限公司答辩人 吴昊天 美团高级总监,无人机硬件研发负责
Keeta has developed a city low-altitude logistics solution that serves multiple scenarios and weather conditions through the development of aircraft, automated airports, and intelligent dispatch systems.
参赛单位 百度在线网络技术(北京)有限公司答辩人 樊中恺 百度主任架构师,文小言APP技术负责人
Wenxin Yiyuan, Baidu's new generation of AI-native application powered by the state-of-the-art language model, is the latest member of the Wenxin large model family.
参赛单位 Google(美国)答辩人 潘志鹏 Google交互设计师
Circle to Search is a breakthrough feature enabling users to seamlessly search any content on their Android smartphones using natural gestures like circling, highlighting, or scribbling, all without leaving their current app. This innovation empowers users with instant access to relevant information while enhancing usability and interaction flow.
参赛单位 MWM Design (德国)答辩人 Maria Wolff Metternich MWM Design 独立设计师
The Smooth Void is a lounger and daybed that aims to transform the role of textiles from embellishment to a piece of furniture. Its innovative use and application of knitted fabric tubes offers different ways of getting comfortable.
“色彩云”- 智慧化色彩系统建构工具"Color Cloud" - tool for Intelligent Color System
参赛单位 中国美术学院答辩人 宋鹏 Peng Song
"Color Cloud" is an innovative design tool that constructs a customized color system through artificial intelligence and solves the problems of color selection and matching in design work.
"Infinity Block" is a wooden puzzle toy that stimulates creativity and brain vitality across all age groups through the assembly of diverse patterns.
参赛单位 SeoulID(韩国)答辩人 Haechan Ryu 设计师
Cor! is a home assistant robot that, like humans, distinguishes between work and rest time, seamlessly blending into the user's living environment.
参赛单位 合肥联宝信息技术有限公司答辩人 胡恺琪 联宝工业设计工程师 安徽省工业设计专业中级工程师
Whisper is a smartwatch product that solves electronic payment and object recognition difficulties for visually impaired individuals through AI voice interaction.
氢能智行-新能源轻轨车Hydrogen wisdom-New energy light rail train
A new type of light rail vehicle with hydrogen energy as the main power, which is digital, intelligent, green, humanistic and sightseeing, is a new type of light rail vehicle to solve the last kilometer.
参赛单位 上海汽车集团股份有限公司答辩人 邵景峰 上汽创新研究开发总院总设计师、上汽英国技术中心总经理
2024年MG品牌迎来一百周年,MG全新电动超跑EXE181,致敬人类20世纪“地表极速”的创造者——“咆哮雨滴”MG EX181。
In 2024, the MG brand celebrates its 100th anniversary with the all-new electric supercar EXE181, paying tribute to the creator of "surface speed" in the 20th century - the roaring raindrop MG EX181.
smart磁动力概念赛车smart magnet sport concept
“smart magnet sport”是一辆在未来能让所有怀有赛车梦的广大群众都能够参与到竞速赛事中的“民用级概念赛车”。
"smart magnet sport" is a "civilian concept race car" that will enable all the masses with racing dreams to participate in racing events in the future.
“运转”腹腔镜单人手术智能辅助系统Laparoscopic operation auxiliary system
A medical product that solves miscommunication and inefficiency in laparoscopic surgery.
参赛单位 Imperial College London(英国)答辩人 葛宇堃 博士
OriPill is an origami-inspired capsule endoscope that detects early-stage bowel cancer through tactile perception.
参赛单位 Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia(意大利)答辩人 Antonio Bicchi、Anna Pace、Emanuele Sessa、Giorgio Grioli、Manuel Barbarossa、Manuel Giuseppe、Catalano Matteo Crotti
SoftFoot Pro是一种下肢假肢,旨在帮助人们自然而直观地行走。同时,这项技术也是未来仿人机器人行走的使能因素。
The SoftFoot Pro is a lower limb prosthesis designed to help people walk naturally and intuitively. At the same time, this technology is an enabling factor for future humanoid robots to walk.
触形 - 虚实融合的3D智能创作套件TouchDiffusion
TouchDiffusion is a suite for rapid 3D content AIGC creation that utilizes a modular tangible user interface and generative artificial intelligence.
参赛单位 东伦敦大学(英国)答辩人 Dr Hasan Baig 可持续能源工程高级讲师
LUMEID fuses 3D printing with solar technology, offering stylish, eco-friendly apparel that powers your devices on the go.
VirtX-虚拟触觉体感服VirtX-Virtual Tactile Suit
VirtX is a garment that uses electrotactile rendering technology to deliver a virtual tactile experience across the entire body.
©来源: DIA组委会