Dr. Andrea Nanetti is a distinguished digital humanities scholar with awardsand recognitions. He is a researcher at the Venice Academy of Seiences(IVSLA) and an associate professor at Nanyang Technological University'sSchool of Art, Design, and Media. His interdiseiplinary education spans his-torical sciences, humanities, mathematics, physics, and computational sci-ence across ltaly, France, Germany, Greece, and the US. Dr. Nanetti's re-search on Venetian history has been internationally acclaimed, particularlyfor his digital and computational approaches.
He has organized significant projeets and conferences and served as aneditor and publisber in his field. After earning his Ph.D. in 2000, he furtherdeveloped his expertise in cultural heritage scienee, ereating the interdisei.plinary Engineering Historical Memory (EHM)project. EHM, involvingover 130 scholars and software engineers, has trained more than l60 stu-dents globally and explored the empowerment of computing technology inacademie research.
Dr. Nanetti's work has been honored with the "2024 Digital Humanities andMultimedia Researeh Award" from the Medieval College and the 2021GLAMi Award for "Resource Seholar and Researcher". He was also a finalistfor the "202l Annual Breakthrough in Social and Human $ciences" and re-ceived the "Outstanding Research Award for Venice Maritime Heritagefrom the University of Florence and IC0MOS UNESC0. In 2021. he becamethe Science Coordinator for international research and exhibition projeetsat the Venice Archives and National Library, and in 2024, he joined the Na-tional Committee commemorating the 700th anniversary of Marco Polo'sdeath.