东方意象时尚盛典(中国)系列活动 2025“国玉无疆-中国元素世界表达” 全球珠宝设计邀请赛
Competition Rules
Purpose of the Competition
In today’s globalized era, to further promote in-depth communication and integration of Eastern and Western jewelry design cultures, and to showcase China's excellent traditional culture on the world stage in a more international and modern way, the "Boundless Jade- Chinese Elements Global Expression" Global Jewelry Design Invitation Competition is being held. We sincerely invite students from over 38 design and jewelry schools worldwide, as well as professional jewelry designers, Jade Carver,to participate.
This competition carries multiple missions. On one hand, it aims to discover and nurture outstanding talent in the jewelry design field, providing a high-quality platform for emerging designers to quickly translate their commercial value and help them stand out in the jewelry design industry. On the other hand, it actively promotes cross-national and cross-regional cooperation between international and domestic designers and jewelry companies, breaking geographical limitations, integrating resources, helping brands overcome product homogenization, and breaking free from the vicious cycle of price wars, while focusing on strengthening the brand's "product power."
Through the unique art form of jewelry design, the competition aims to vividly showcase the profound heritage of Chinese culture and its forward-looking spirit, driving the innovative application of Chinese elements in global jewelry design. We hope to bring together global design elites on this platform, sparking creative ideas and inspiring endless inspiration, while promoting cultural exchange and mutual learning. Together, we will explore new directions for the future development of the jewelry design industry.
The competition will always adhere to the principles of fairness, justice, and openness, providing each participant with a level playing field to fully showcase their talents and creativity. We firmly believe that this competition will not only significantly enhance the international influence of Chinese jewelry design, but also inject continuous vitality and innovative thinking into the global jewelry design industry.
Here, we sincerely invite students from over 38 design and jewelry schools (the list of schools is provided in Attachment 1) and professional jewelry designers ,Jade Carver to actively participate and witness the perfect fusion of Chinese elements and world jewelry design. Together, we will write a new chapter in the field of jewelry design.
• 承办单位:深圳市黄金珠宝文化研究会-中华玉文化推广中心
The competition is open to:
Competition Requirements
1. 作品主题Theme of the Entries :
2. 作品形式Forms of Jewelry:
3. 作品材质 Materials:
• 金属:可选用黄金、K金、钛金等优质金属材料。
• 主石选择一:采用中国昆仑山出产的和田玉(辅石可选品类:钻石、红宝、蓝宝、祖母绿、珍珠宝、半宝石)。
• 主石选择二:可选用钻石、红宝、蓝宝、祖母绿、半宝石、翡翠、珍珠(辅石自选)。
- Metal: High-quality metal materials such as gold, K-gold, titanium, and others may be used.
- Primary Stone Option 1: Use Hetian jade produced from China's Kunlun Mountains (optional secondary stones: diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, pearls, semi-precious stones).
- Primary Stone Option 2: Diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, semi-precious stones, jade, or pearls may be used (secondary stones can be selected freely).
4.作品数量Number of Submissions:
5. 作品提交Submission Requirements:
• 参赛者需提交作品的设计效果图,形式可以是手绘稿或电绘稿,格式限定为JPG或PDF,且分辨率不得低于300dpi,以确保作品的清晰展示。
• 必须附上设计说明(中英文对照,字数控制在500字以内)。设计说明应详细阐述作品的设计理念、灵感来源、所蕴含的文化内涵以及设计的独特之处等内容,以便评委更好地理解作品。
6.原创声明Originality Declaration:
-Submitted designs must be original creations and must have been produced from June 1, 2024, to the present, without having participated in any other competitions.
- If any plagiarism, copying, or other violations are discovered, the participant's qualification will be immediately revoked, and legal responsibility will be pursued accordingly.
Judging Criteria
- Evaluates whether the design demonstrates originality and a unique creative concept.
- Assesses the ability of the design to stand out among numerous entries, showcasing distinctive design thinking and innovation.
- Examines how well the design incorporates and interprets traditional Chinese cultural elements.
- Assesses whether these elements are creatively expressed to give traditional culture a fresh and modern presence in jewelry design.
- Evaluates the artistic and aesthetic quality of the design.
-Considers aspects such as form, color coordination, craftsmanship, and overall artistic appeal.
- Determines whether the design is technically feasible for production.
- Assesses whether the manufacturing process is practical, the level of technical difficulty is reasonable, and if the design is realistically executable.
- Analyzes the design’s potential market and commercial value.
- Evaluates whether the design aligns with market trends and consumer preferences, and whether it holds potential for commercial promotion and sales.
Awards & Prizes
Gold Award: 1 winner – RMB 10,000, trophy & certificate
Silver Award: 2 winners –RMB 5,000, trophy & certificate
Bronze Award: 3 winners –RMB 3,000, trophy & certificate
Gold Award: 1 winner – RMB 10,000, trophy & certificate
Silver Award: 2 winners –RMB 5,000, trophy & certificate
Bronze Award: 3 winners –RMB 3,000, trophy & certificate
Competition Announcement: March 16, 2025
Submission Period: June 1 – July 15, 2025
Judging Period: July 20 – July 25, 2025
Winners Announcement: July 30, 2025
Award Ceremony: Shenzhen (exact location TBD), September 13, 2025 (2:30PM-8:00PM)
中文:+86 13825201176
中国时间:周一至周五 14:30-17:30
英文:+86 15185012891
中国时间:周一至周五 11:30-20:00
1. Participants must register and submit their works via the official competition website:
- English:
- Chinese:
2. Email: 2108832269@qq.com
3. Inquiries:
- Chinese Support: +86 13825201176
(China Time: Monday to Friday 14:00-17:00)
- English Support: +86 15185012891
(China Time: Monday to Friday 11:30-20:00)
十、 其他事项
Additional Information
1. 本次大赛不收取任何参赛费用。
2. 所有参赛作品的著作权归主办方所有,主办方享有对参赛作品的展览、出版、宣传、商业化(作品如能实现商业化,则主办方将合理分利给作者)等权利。
3. 本次大赛的最终解释权归主办方所有
Appendix 1: List of 38+ Global Design Institutions
附件二:“国玉无疆 - 中国元素世界表达”主题确定的文化依据.pdf
Appendix 2: The Chinese cultural basis for the determination of the theme "Boundless National Jade - The Worldly Expression of Chinese Elements" is mainly reflected in the following aspects