来源:广州市商务局商贸处 <
疫情并没有阻挡学生们对于建筑设计的热情,2020 IVA(International VELUX Award)国际威卢克斯建筑学生设计大赛,共收到来自60个国家,250所大学的579件作品参赛。 9月14日,大赛组委会宣布来自亚洲大洋洲区、西...
About STA 100 Each year, the STA 100 seeks to award the best 100 examples of communication design from around the world that utilize innovative typography. 作品图片版权归STA ABOUT THE STA Since...
About STA 100 Each year, the STA 100 seeks to award the best 100 examples of communication design from around the world that utilize innovative typography. ABOUT THE STA Since it was founded in Chi...